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Wed May 15 7:35 am  #4981

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another wet day here.

I'm off to Knit and Natter and Chair Yoga.

xx Diane 

Wed May 15 12:22 pm  #4982

Re: Good Morning

It has been one of those mornings, I woke up to a kitchen with Ants everywhere so spent ages killing them off, trying to find the ant powder then washing everything down, then I saw the ant powder was out of date by 10 years so Paul  has just bought a new lot. I was convinced it was Thursday today and got all dressed up as we are going out for lunch on Thursday and then my mother phoned and I realised it is Wednesday so I changed my clothes ,  I then read on FB that tomorrow the road we take to get to the restaurant is closed as they are felling trees and it will not be open until Friday so I have cancelled our table as it would take us 50 mins to get there instead of 15 and that is if there are no traffic jams.  The last straw was when Pippa phoned and said Freddie said he lost his pet slug when she asked him where he last had it he said it was in Grandma's playroom so I went into the playroom and sure enough there is a slug in the middle of the floor , still alive so I have put him safely in a box ready for Freddie to collect ! The very last straw was when my food shop arrived  with 6 packets of apples with 6 in each packet so I now had 36 apples , the driver had gone when I saw the apples all stacked up , he was a lovely driver and had helped me unpack so he had done the apples and all the other fruit and veg while I did the frozen stuff, my girls are coming to collect a pack each and my neighbour has had some , luckily I often have two apples a day so that will help. Roll on bedtime!   


Thu May 16 10:05 am  #4983

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here today and the gardener is here cutting the grass.

I'm off food shopping when I can stir.

Hope it's a better day for you today Starry. Had to laugh that Freddie had left his pet slug with you though !!!

xx Diane 

Thu May 16 4:44 pm  #4984

Re: Good Morning

Woke up to heavy rain, we decided to go to the Range to get a few things then to Hobby craft, we left early and were back home by 11.
The sun is now shining but everything is so wet so keeping fingers crossed tomorrow will be dry as I got a few plants from the range I need to plant .


Fri May 17 8:35 am  #4985

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a pleasant enough day here today.

I'm off to Crafternoon this afternoon - Iris Folding again.

xx Diane 

Fri May 17 12:42 pm  #4986

Re: Good Morning

Pippa Freddie and I have been swimming, he is getting on really well , trying to get him out of the pool is  difficult he would stay in all day but an hour and a half is more than enough for  Pippa and me.
When I got home I planted out a few plants I bought yesterday and apart from some ironing that is it for the day. 


Fri May 17 7:52 pm  #4987

Re: Good Morning

Evening everyone. I had a surprise yesterday, the head of Sanctuary repairs and 2 men from a groundworks company turned up to look at the back garden and they're coming back on Monday to start the work. Mini diggers involved and fences and gates coming down for access. They decided where to put the trench down the side and along the top end but it will miss the actual place where the water floods in completely. I did try to explain but they just don't listen. They said the 2 fruit trees are in the way so I said it's ok to remove them as they're full of canker anyway but the Sanctuary chap said no they could zig zag around them. I actually wanted them out as they're not healthy trees and I could then plant healthy ones if I want. I might have a word with the contractors on Monday.

I have to clear the area near the gates for the digger to get through, which involves 2 large plastic storage shed things and loads of other stuff. Plus a big storage shed the other side of my gate where my cordless mower and trimmer are. I explained I'm on my own and not in the the best of health hoping they'd say they would move the stuff, but no luck. That request fell on deaf ears. pffft

Lunch at the garden centre yesterday was lovely and we migrated from there to The Range afterwards, but Chloe has been on her leg too much and collapsed outside int the car park at The Range. It took me an hour to get her in her car then followed her home where she couldnt get out of her car. Another hour and a half to get her from her car to her kitchen chair with the aid of a 4 wheel collator not designed to carry anyone, but small enough to manoeuvre the porch and hallway. What a palaver. I left her with a fresh cup of coffee and left the dogs meals out on the worktop for when her grandson gets home. She was in agony.

When I rang this morning to see how she was, she'd slept in the chair as she can't put that leg to the ground or weight bear on it, her grandson went off to work and she couldnt do anything as she couldnt walk. So she rang 111 and an ambulance arrived and took her straight to Truro Hospital after checking her blood glucose which was high and also her BP which was also high. 

It's turned out that her knee replacement she had in 2022 on the same leg she broke her femur, has come apart. The pin has become loose and is floating around inside the knee. So she will be staying in hospital and they'll probably do the surgery on Monday. Thankfully her son came straight down for up country so he's at home to take care of the dogs and her when she finally gets home again. 

She's always been independent and the one in charge so it's not coming easy to be told what to do and not being able to do what she wants. She's also no keen on surgery because when they did her leg they used anaesthetic that she has a terrible reaction to, it made her hallucinate and she acted like she'd lost her mind, totally manic.  I told her to tell them to check thoroughly before giving her aneasthetic this time, but it's still a worry for her. 

Starry did you find Freddie's slug? 
Diane what's Iris folding? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri May 17 8:09 pm  #4988

Re: Good Morning

Muddles the slug is safe and sound in a house they made for him. I bought a new dress for a party we are going to it is  a very bright jazzy pattern, I asked Freddie if he liked it and he said I looked like an ambulance! 
Your poor friend does sound in a bad way, when I had my knee replacement I had a spinal block so I stayed awake I had the same when I had an operation on my bladder , I always ask if it is possible to avoid the general anaesthetic  and go for the spinal block .


Sat May 18 7:27 am  #4989

Re: Good Morning

Morning all

Starry that did make me laugh reading what Freddie said to you about your lovely new dress. They say hilarious things don't they. Glad to hear the slug is safe, does it have a name? 

I think she had a spinal block with the knee surgery, she had to have general for the leg surgery tho as the femur was split from top to bottom and then plated and pinned, it was the same leg she'd had the knee replacement the year before. I've not heard how she is today, but I will try and phone her after ward rounds (if they still do those these days) to find out what's happening. 

It's dull and overcast here. I sent Bubba out yesterday afternoon to cut the lawn which he finished about 7pm last night. I wasn't sure whether to cut it or not as it will have mini diggers all over it Monday but when the works done the grass that is left will be too long for him to cut. Dreading this work. The mess will be horrendous and. I dont want a zig zag gravel filled trench down one side where they go around the trees. I'd rather have a straight one and the trees out. It will look horrible.  More stress! pffft

The Anglian rep came yesterday afternoon and was here for hours finally got rid of him and he sent the quote last night. It is as much as I thought so they cn go whistle. A 7ft square mini conservatory/porch with.a solid roof £18,000 and the foundations would be 3ft deep. huh?    I almost choked on my coffee when I opened the email. I'd expect a full on full width of the bungalow conservatory for that money. It said credit was available with a £250 deposit and then £400 a month or 25% deposit and balance on completion.   Where do they get these figures from ?? LOL LOL LOL 
I mean £18k for a 7ft x 7ft for Gods sake. So needless to say I'm not going for that. 

Enjoy your day ladies. x

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sat May 18 8:37 am  #4990

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a reasonable day here. A bit of very hazy sun.

Not sure what the plans are for today  - haven't heard from Paul.  

At least you are sort of getting somewhere with your garden Hazel. I wonder why folks don't listen to people who are on the ground and know the problem better than visitors.

It's hard to describe iris folding. We have a design to start with and place bits of folded paper following the numbers and end up with a design with folded paper. There was some lovely work yesterday.  Its supposed to be like a lens in a camera apparently.

xx Diane 

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