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Wed Aug 7 7:35 am  #5191

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its been raining here and its cloudy.

I'm off to Knit and Natter

Sorry to hear about Pippa Starry.  Glad it all settled. Good job you were around

xx Diane 

Wed Aug 7 3:45 pm  #5192

Re: Good Morning

afternoon all. Sorry to hear about Pippa Starry but what a good thing you were there. 

Well the replacement freezer arrived at 9am, it's a lot smaller than the other one but will do as a spare. I have just listed the white freezer on Facebook Marketplace as it's surplus to requirements. It's only 3 or 4 yrs old and has stood empty for more than a year with the lid propped open a bit. The new freezer doesnt take up as much room in the hall so that's one good thing. I've also listed the 4wheel rollator I had when my balance was bad for £30. Not sure if it'll sell, but from looking at what most people are asking for them second hand it should be snapped up pretty quickly as others are asking £50 plus and as high as £80. Ridiculous.  I've kept the smaller 3 wheel one just incase I ever need it. 

Bob the builder's been round lunchtime as the surveyor emailed me last night to say the 'new' porch is over the permitted size to be built without planning permission, about 6cms, talk about a jobsworth. So Bob's changed the dimensions on the plan and I've taken a snap of it and sent that off to the surveyor. So now it's within the 2.2sqM size. pffft. Bob said they're just being picky as they never come round to check on anything and I'd only a porch, but I said well the planning dept at the council say it can be 4m out from the property and a lot wider but that's for extensions and conservatories/garden rooms. We should have put it down as a garden room. pfffft It's all changed now it was going to be cedar or oak featheredge planking but now it's going to be white upvc shiplap cladding outside and white upvc tongue and groove cladding on the inside, still insulated all around. So it'l be a bit more expensive, but will save loads of work as I'll just need to hose it down once or twice a year. So no painting or anything. 
Hope everyone's having a good day today. It's been dry here but we had a little rain overnight. I must have slept through the storm Diane and I didn't get to sleep til gone 2am unless it was after then. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Aug 8 8:45 am  #5193

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's very wet outside today.  

I'm off food shopping and a charity is collecting some bags of clothes and that's me for today.

xx Diane 

Thu Aug 8 12:08 pm  #5194

Re: Good Morning

Wet miserable day here.  Went up and had me hair cut at 10.30, looks ok. Pixie cut again. 

I see now the police are scouring social media platforms and contacting anyone reposting someone's post relating to the unrest. Then arresting them under the hate speech rules. This country is now under a dictatorship. So glad Elon Musk isn't complying with the madness and it's the only relatively safe place you can go to speak your mind but wouldn't say it's 100% secure and you still wouldn't get arrested. The muslim defence league are now 'defending' their cities and towns with gangs of heavily armed muslim brothers trawling through the streets looking for patriots, yet the police do nothing and have given them full permission to do this. Yes someone waving a Union Jack or England flag would be arrested under terrorism rules.  And today someone put a video on Twitter/X of a muslim councillor addressing a huge crowd up north tell them that the muslim defence league will protect them and the 'right wing white' patriots should have their throats cut. Amnesty International attending the meeting and joined in cheering with them and shouting Allah akhbar and then from the river to the sea.  What the F is wrong with this country?  Anyone normal like us will have to be very very careful or we could end up being arrested as right wing trouble makers when we're just discussing the state this country is in and the 2 tier policing and government. 

Anyway, I won't go on cos it raises my blood pressure! Thank God I'm over 70 and won't have long to live under this dictatorship. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Aug 9 8:17 am  #5195

Re: Good Morning

good morning everyone.

Its dry here but cloudy.

A quiet day on the cards. Jefferson will be arriving later 

xx Diane 

Fri Aug 9 12:55 pm  #5196

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon , it is very hot here today. It was Pippa's birthday on Wednesday , she had a lovely day but was really tired , she phoned on Thursday and asked me to go to her house, her heart was so fast she could barely talk, we called an ambulance , we live 10 miles from the hospital and they got to us in just over ten minutes which was amazing, they tried to stabilise her heart but it didn't work so they took her in all wired up, she saw a heart consultant within 5 minutes  of getting to the hospital who decided they would change the heart pills , they put her on a drip with  a drug that slowed everything down and by 10 pm she was back home, the Dr said he would as soon as her bloods were back  he would phone her and he kept his word and phoned at 11pm and said she could stay at home and they would phone her today. Pippa uses the NHS more than your average person and apart from the odd grumpy nurse she has always been treated so well , we are very lucky .


Fri Aug 9 8:09 pm  #5197

Re: Good Morning

Sorry to hear about Pippa Starry. It must be a constant worry for you.  I'm so pleased she is getting such good treatment from the NHS.

xx Diane 

Sat Aug 10 8:00 am  #5198

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here at the moment but very cloudy, so rain is around soon.

I'll take Jefferson for a walk if it stays dry or its a crochet day otherwise.  I've used all my recordings up and watching films at the moment.  Jefferson had a little whine last night but soon snuggled up with me. I've got into the habit of giving him a bath when he arrives so I know he's clean enough.  You can almost see his eye roll when I run the water!!

xx Diane 

Sat Aug 10 9:52 pm  #5199

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Been a dampish day today.  Took my reading glasses into Boots in St Austell to get adjusted, they took ages to get them right, they had been far too tight and didn't even touch the bridge of my nose, so anyway sorted now. Then met Jackie and Chloe at The Range cafe with Chloe's son Andrew. Had a bacon bap and a cappuccino. The coffee was tasteless but the bacon bap was ok. They then left and I stayed as I wanted a new swing bin for my used cat litter. They didn't have much of a selection but got one similar to the old one I had. A lot more money than the bullet shape one I use for kitchen waste, non recyclable stuff,  I got from ASDA last year, which was half the price. 

Waited in all afternoon for the gardener to turn up but he didn't. Maybe he'll arrive tomorrow. Not too sure if he'll be any good, as he's one of those jack of all trades types. But trying to get anyone to come out to see what I want doing is a challenge. If he doesnt turn up there's one more to try in the village magazine then I'll give up.  People just don't want to work these days.

Hopefully might hear from the housing assoc next week about the porch, it's a bit early but you never know they may get their fingers out. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sun Aug 11 7:56 am  #5200

Re: Good Morning

Good  morning it is already very hot.  I am looking forward to this week we should have a kitchen floor by tomorrow night , I have almost forgotten  what the new one looks like.  Pippa felt so much better yesterday so fingers crossed new medication is working. 

We are going to have a quiet day today , I will sit in the shade and read and make the most of this lovely weather, I can see lots of people on the beach already. 


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