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Sun Aug 11 8:16 am  #5201

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very cloudy but at least its dry now
Glad Pippa is feeling better. You won't know yourself with your floor completed Starry 

xx Diane 

Sun Aug 11 1:07 pm  #5202

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, it's lovely here, very hot in the garden but some shade from the trees thank goodness. Although my bird cherry has lost half it's leaves already, I sweep up a wheelbarrow full every morning. There is, as usual for Roche, a strong breeze so that's helping cool things down a bit. 

Will contact the last 2 gardeners today advertising in our monthly rag. I'm not holding my breath though. People just don't want to work these days. Fed up with it. 

Great to hear Pippa is feeling a bit better Starry. 

Are you having a relaxing day Diane?

Hope you're ok Carol, and not trying to get out and about on your scooter too much

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Mon Aug 12 6:40 am  #5203

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, an early start today as at long last the kitchen floor is  being done but because the village was cut of yesterday because of the traffic the floor fitters are hoping to get here before 8am  .

It was a hot night last night  took me ages to go to sleep and then we were both awake at 6 am.

I hope everyone can keep cool  today.


Mon Aug 12 8:24 am  #5204

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very cloudy here but its dry at the moment.

Its a bit cooler so will try and get out for a walk with Jefferson 

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 13 8:41 am  #5205

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry here at the moment but very cloudy. The local forecasters say rain is on the way  Maybe no walk today in proper rain 

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 13 1:31 pm  #5206

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, the kitchen floor is finished and was well worth the wait we are both very pleased.  Because they were doing the last of the flooring this morning  I couldn't do much around the house so I went on a long bike ride , it started to get very hot on the last few miles home apart from that it was really nice .  It is now very hot so at the moment I am indoors just about to do my food shop.



Wed Aug 14 4:03 pm  #5207

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon ladies, been hot here today so I went out and strimmed the lawn edges and then mowed over them to suck up the cuttings, did both front lawns and the big back one. The front is almost all week tho. 

Rain's forecast for tomorrow. I see there's a petition to get Starmer out, well 2 petitions, one to get him out through vote of no confidence and one to get him to resign voluntarily I can't see either happening. He's ruining this country and heard today he's put a stop on the money that the Tories were putting into our armed forces to modernise them, so it'll make it easier for us to be taken over I expect, as we all know where his loyalties lie. 

The surveyor's still picking holes in the plan for the new porch, saying it's 2cm's too big now, Bob the builder came over and changed the plan again yesterday and said if he finds anything else to moan about just tell him you won't bother with it now and keep the one you've got and just repair that as and when you can.  I've emailed the surveyor and said it's not technically a porch anyway it's a conservatory/garden room in which case it doesn't need planning permission up to 30sq metres. He's a right jobsworth. Bob said the windows will be ready end of next week so he's hoping to start work on it the week after. We'll go ahead whatever the surveyor says, we're both fed up with him being a jobsworths. 

Going up the pub Sunday for a carver with Jackie and Chloe, so just going to book a table for that and then do my dinner. I lead an exciting life. lol 

Hope you all had a lovely day and stayed cool, rain tomorrow! Glad to hear the floors done Starry, bet it looks nice. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Aug 15 8:47 am  #5208

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its drizzly here.

Jefferson was due to be collected today but just had a phone call to say could he be collected tomorrow. I was all set for a housework day after collection, but not now.

xx Diane 

Thu Aug 15 4:09 pm  #5209

Re: Good Morning

/Afternoon everyone. Been a weird day weatherise. Hot this morning and rainy this afternoon.
Sold my 4 wheel rollator to a lovely elderly couple who came all the way over from Plymouth for it. They were over the moon with it. 

Had an email from the Jobsworth surveyor with my permission letter and he's now calling the porch a 'summer room' so I suppose that's the same as a normal externsion/conseratory after I sent him all the gumpf from Cornwall Council Planning. So now there's no worries about size and we can legally make it any size we want. Sent a copy to Bob who rang and said he'd chase up the door and windows today to see how they're coming along.  

After all this Bob better not let me down and he better make a good job of the work or I'll go mental. 

Just going to feed my rabid pets and then find something to eat myself. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Aug 16 8:23 am  #5210

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone

It's  dry here but cloud although I can see a bit of blue sky

Waiting for sky to arrive to start the changeover. Broken a plate and found the bread had gone mouldy but dressed and had breakfast waiting.  Then Jefferson will be collected sometime and I’ve got to clean the house and wash. Julie is popping in tomorrow on her way home. It will be all go when I can start. 

Last edited by Diane (Fri Aug 16 8:24 am)

xx Diane 

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