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Fri Aug 16 12:06 pm  #5211

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, it is very hot today  so any plans of gardening will have to wait.  

Fingers crossed this builder will not let you down Muddles, Bob the builder was a great favourite of my older grandchildren and he never let anyone down! lets hope yours is the same .

My great Nephew is getting married tomorrow so as I cant do any gardening today I will give myself a manicure , I did try to book one but the place I go to it fully booked until September so I will save some money and do them myself.  They are having a church wedding in Selsey,   we are going to have to allow plenty of time as it is very hard to park there in the winter so a hot sunny Saturday  in August is going to be a nightmare. It is always nice to have a catch up with nieces and nephews  etc  so it should be a lovely day.



Sat Aug 17 9:48 am  #5212

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone

 dry at the moment but looking cloudy

 Jefferson went home yesterday and I cleaned the house and I’ve got visitors popping in this morning. Sainsbury’s delivered so that’s so that’s all put  away. Just got to wash my clothes then I’ve got the afternoon to myself. My sky install went well but the landline wasn’t connecting but it is now. So just got to get to grips with a new set up

xx Diane 

Sat Aug 17 10:33 am  #5213

Re: Good Morning

Morning all, bit overcast here but very muggy. 
My gardener chap rang this morning to confirm he'll be out Wednesday to move the pond and clear the area of garden in front of the old porch ready for the builder to start the following week. So all systems go now. 

Starry Bob seems a very genuine chap, so hopefully he is and he'll do a good job. You have to have some trust in them but after the last fiasco I still have a niggling worry, I suppose after such a long drawn out ordeal last time that's natural to feel that way.

Diane how are you getting on with Sky Stream? I'm surprised you didn't go for FreeSat, it's better than Sky Stream and it's totally free. But if you don't have a dish the other alternative would be Amazon TV with a TV Stick. I have a stick in my dumb bedroom tv and one in the new smart tv too as there's some things I can use on that like my subscriptions although I could watch them on the new TV.  The Amazon tv sticks are brilliant, and you only pay a one off of about £40 for the stick, then it's all free.  I cancelled Sky years ago, they're a big rip off. My brother was paying almost £100 a month when my sister in law was still alive, all she did was watch tv, so as soon as she died he cancelled Sky altogether and gave the box away and changed to FreeSat. Bought himself a Humax receiver/records and never looked back.  When you add up how much you'll be paying Sky over the year it's amazing how much it comes to. 

How's Carol doing? You've been quite for a little while again. Have you been out on your scooter yet? And if so did Jimmy go with you? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sun Aug 18 11:26 am  #5214

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, the wedding yesterday was lovely and it all went very smoothly. My mother was exhausted by the time we go home  and said although she loved having all her family around her she won't go to anything like that again it was all a bit much, considering she is 95 she did really well .
I have just shampooed the lounge carpets , now the kitchen flooring is all done no more dust etc is being walked in, it has cleaned beautifully  looks like new.


Sun Aug 18 4:56 pm  #5215

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone. Your mother is amazing Starry for her age but it's understandable it's all a bit overwhelming at her age. 

I had lunch with Jackie and Chloe at my local pub, a carvery followed by apple and pear crumble and clotted cream. They gave me a lovely doggy box for Dora, it was full of roast beef so she had half for her dinner tonight and the rest she can have tomorrow. So she was well pleased.  They came back to mine for coffee and an hour's chat then went home. 

I checked my emails and have sold my chest freezer so I'm pleased with that but it was on Ebay and they took over £11 in fees!!! Pity it didn't sell on Freeads or Facebook marketplace where there's no fees but never mind. At least I got £73 for it. I didn't realise Ebay have put their fees up again so that'll be the last thing I sell on there. Apart from clothes which are free to sell if used. 

Just got to do something light for tea and a cuppa and relax for the rest of the evening now. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Mon Aug 19 10:38 am  #5216

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a gloomy day here. Not actually raining at the moment but can't imagine why it isn't.

Bowls this afternoon for me. A busy day yesterday getting a picnic and going to the beach with Paul and Hannah. Lola joined us too. I was going to opt out and have a rest, but when Lola was going I thought I would join them.  Fish and chips on the way home too.

That's a big fee Hazel percentage wise 

xx Diane 

Mon Aug 19 9:53 pm  #5217

Re: Good Morning

Thought I'd posted on here this morning but obviously hadn't pffft

Yes it is a big fee Diane isn't it. They've put their fees up recently, I shan't put anything else on there unless it's second hand clothes because they're free to list and no fees. They've done that because Vinted has taken all the clothes sellers and making up for the loss by upping their fees, crafty so and so's. 

Two lovely Orthodox Jewish young men came this evening for the freezer, in all their black and white gear with those long curly wurly dangly bits of hair in front of their ears, can't remember what they're called. So the hall now looks enormous with that big white lump out of the way lol

I went made today pruning, cut back half the hydrangeas, a purple prickly thing, bamboo, most of the bramble and a lot of nettles, the brown garden wheelie is chocka block now, and its not due to be emptied til a week next Friday. 

I've got to catch the fish in the small pond and put them in the big pond tomorrow ready for the garden chap to empty the little one ready to move it. That'll be fun. Not!

Just checked out my first Morrison's delivery for tomorrow morning.  Hopefully there won't be any substitutes. Wonder what the delivery driver will be like, the ASDA one's are really nice, there's only one grump thank goodness.

I saw on the telly the energy prices are going up next month or end of this one. I took out a fixed rate package for a year after Christmas I think it was, and when the prices went down I dipped out, but now I'll be smiling when everyone else pays through the nose. 

Oh well off to bed early ready for another day of work in the garden if it's dry enough, and have to put Dora out for her last pee of the day. 

Hopefully you all had a lovely day! xxx. Nite nite all, sleep well and sweet dreams. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Aug 20 10:01 am  #5218

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry, sunny and windy here.

I overslept again so missed my Age UK meeting but have the hairdresser calling lunchtime.

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 20 11:12 am  #5219

Re: Good Morning

Good morning/afternoon everyone. Blustery day here today after a rainy night, but dry now thank goodness. I've got to catch my fish in the little pond today and put them in something ready for the man coming tomorrow to empty the pond and move it and put the new path in. So hopefully it'll stay dry today and tomorrow. 

Morrisons delivered and they're worse than ASDA. I ended up having to drive to Bodmin to ASDA to get what Morrison's hadn't sent. I won't use them again. Not sure I'll try out Tesco, they're quite a lot more expensive which only leaves Sainsbury's. I do go in Sainsbury's sometimes when I'm down that way but not very often and they are more expensive than Tesco's so looks like I'm stuck with ASDA. I was chatting to the ASDA store manager in Bodmin today and he reckons it all depends when you book your delivery for, mines always between 9am and 10am so he explained when St Austell get their fresh deliveries and bread etc and advised to pick a time around 11am to 1pm. So next week I'll try 11-12pm  It's like planning a military operation now just to get a grocery home delivery lol

Got my letter from the bank today explaining what to do online to release the loan funds which should then go into my current account within 2 working days. I had no problems applying or going through the procedure and it was approved within an hour. Very simple.

I use AgeUK a lot Diane, I have their friendship call every Tuesday at 4.30 when a lovely lady from Tonbridge Wells calls me for an hour's natter. We just put the world to rights and exchange what's happened in our lives over the previous week. We're not allowed to give our personal details to each other which seems stupid, because I'd like to show her some pics of the garden as she's a self employed gardener and so is her hubby and she would love to see some of my craft work but it's not allowed. pffft.  I suppose it's to safeguard the elderly but the people they have as volunteers have all been vetted so I don't see the problem to be honest. 

Oh well time to get off me bum and get 'fishing' lol  Enjoy your day everyone xxx

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Aug 20 1:14 pm  #5220

Re: Good Morning

I don’t like Morrisons online delivery or Iceland or Asda. I use Sainsbury’s when I do. Not tried Tesco although the van is always around

xx Diane 

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