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Sat Aug 24 9:05 pm  #5231

Re: Good Morning

Thanks Diane, I don't think I could go through another disaster after the cowboy builder. 

Sorry to hear Pippa had another blip Starry, the poor girl doesn't seem to go long before something starts again, bless her. 

The satellite/aerial chap came today, I'd forgotten that. He's changed the aerial in the loft for an up to date advanced one and although my TV didn't have freeview installed and Samsung TV's are now advertised as not having a receiving built in for Freeview, he said that's not really true. They do have a receiver, so now I have Freesat which I prefer and also Freeview as he retuned the TV to receive Freeview and I also have about 5,000 other free to view channels via the new aerial from all over the world. lol  So if or when my Freesat dies I won't bother replacing it as they're now about £300 or over, because I can get Freeview. 

I told him a lot of my friends online had stopped paying for a TV licence as they're fed up with the BBC being so politically biased and saying they won't get caught and he said they're in for a shock. They will know exactly what channels we watch and for how long because when we buy a tv the shop asks for our name and address and 'post code', when we tune in Freesat, Sky, Freeview or whatever platform we use we have to enter our 'post code' and they are beginning to manufacture tv's now with detectors inside to report back to the BBC licensing so they can easily check through batches of postcodes for anyone without a licence who is watching live tv. So they've got us all ways. Talk about Big Brother pffft. 

Spent all afternoon in the garden replanting the hundreds of bulbs that came out of the bed that was around the pond  and are now in the new bed. I was planning on getting the containers out of the shed and putting compost in them to plant my new tropical plants, banana and cannas etc. but the tv aerial man was here so long yapping that I didn't get long enough to do all my jobs so will hopefully finish off tomorrow if weather permits. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Sun Aug 25 7:41 am  #5232

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its been raining but its a pleasant day here.

There will be a walk later.

I was having a quiet breakfast yesterday wondering what was happening when the doorbell rang and there they all were. We went down to Sainsburys and collected my things from Argos and Jeffersons chicken wings and some dinner and came back and went out to the park.  Back again for lunch then dinner.  

xx Diane 

Sun Aug 25 2:51 pm  #5233

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, we had unexpected visitors so had to stretch the roast I was cooking , luckily there was enough for all of us, they have all gone on the beach now , I am putting my feet up for a bit.
 My eldest daughter and her partner have gone away for the week , they are both starting new jobs in a couple of weeks so I think they wanted a break . My daughter will still be teaching children who have  been abused  in various ways but they are older children who manage to go to mainstream school twice a week and will be with her the rest of the time , they have all been through such awful things in their young lives it is so sad. My future SIL is a plumber and is joining a well known company with a lot more money and responsibility than his present job so he is very excited , I am not sure when we will get to see them they are both so busy.


Sun Aug 25 7:18 pm  #5234

Re: Good Morning

Evening all *bends knees*

What a funny day weatherise. I had some jobs to do in the garden but it turned rainy so had to knock that on the head. I can't say I'm sorry, I've been overdoing it lately so was glad of the rest really. So I spent the time in the porch taking down some hooks I'd put in to hang hanging baskets and other things on. Packed up all the odds and sods in there in weatherproof boxes ready for the builder on Tuesday. The weather doesn't look good this week coming, typical. Not sure if it will hinder the building project, I suppose it depends on how much rain we get.  I'm a bit disappointed the weather forecast isn't good. I'm going on the forecast on Countryfile tonight which made no sense to me at all. The woman made it sound really complicated and the charts were switching back and forth from wet and stormy to hot and dry every few minutes. I hope she's not on it again next week. I'll go on the met office site later to see what the week ahead will be like. 

Tomorrow I'm off for lunch with Jackie, Suzanne, Chloe and someone I've not met before Viv. That'll be interesting. Chloe doesn't like Viv, neither does Suzanne but Jackie hadn't seen her for years since she went out with Viv's husband years ago and they fell out and then met up recently and somehow became friends again. 

TV is rubbish tonight, so may watch a movie on Prime or something I've recorded in the past. 
Hope you all had a good day.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Mon Aug 26 8:04 am  #5235

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here and I can see some blue sky.

We'll be out for a walk after breakfast then I'll be crocheting.  I've washed Jeffersons lead and harness so he'll look extra smart 

xx Diane 

Mon Aug 26 10:40 am  #5236

Re: Good Morning

Morning all. Lovely day here, really hot and sunny. 

I'm off out at 12.30 for lunch at the garden centre with the girls. lol They're all 10yrs older than me. 

Enjoy your day everyone!

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Mon Aug 26 12:26 pm  #5237

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, quite a nice day , I have been to see Pippa and Freddie , we put up some new lights in her garden. this afternoon I have got a pile of ironing to do then I am going to  start some Embroidery .


Tue Aug 27 7:59 am  #5238

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but looking very grey.

It will be a walk later. Royal Mail are supposed to be collecting BT equipment today. But it was organised earlier and they didn't turn up. Just sent me a text to say collection was attempted at the exact time I looked out of the door to find the road completely empty.

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 27 8:39 am  #5239

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone. 

Diane that's typical these days, they can't be bothered and pretend no-one was in or they couldn't find the address. Ridiculous isn't it. 

Bob the Builder was here at 8am and the old porch only has the roof, and 4 uprights left to remove. He's a fast worker!  The kitchen/lounge is a LOT brighter with the porch down. I wish now I'd ordered 2 more windows so it was glazed half height all the way round, but I had to go with what I could comfortably afford and if it was glazed all round it would have cost another £1,000 on top of what it's costing now. I'd have stretched myself a bit financially and with Labour in Gov now the future isn't guaranteed we've already lost our heating allowance, freedom of speech, retirement age is going up to 71yrs and tons of other things, not to mention Rayner putting all the illegal immigrants to the top of the housing lists over all of us while our working people have to fund that out of their wages. Talk about a bunch of commies.  So if anything else bad happens I know I can still manage financially.  

There's no rain forecast for the week which is good, only showers. I asked Alexa if rain would happen today and tomorrow and she said no and she's usually right. If rain is due she'll say "In Roche there is rain due at 11.22am or whatever time she thinks it'll arrive", and she's always right LOL   Amazing.  I curse her a lot for a multitude of blunders she makes but she is always spot on with the weather. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Wed Aug 28 8:46 am  #5240

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Very cloudy and gloomy here but I don't think its actually raining at the moment.

Jefferson and I are off to Knit and Natter. Then he is being collected later. I understand I am being collected too and taken for a walk on the beach then dinner!!

​I don't think of using Alexa for the weather Hazel. I'll have to give her a try 

xx Diane 

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