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Wed Aug 28 7:05 pm  #5241

Re: Good Morning

Evening all *bends knees*

Been a lovely hot day here today what a change from yesterday. Bobs got on with the porch and there's just a little bit of trim left to do outside, inside tho he's got to put the wool insulation and the uPVC tongue and groove inside. Here's a link to the progress so far.  I'm over the moon with it, Bob's a really hard worker and a brill worker at that. What a difference between him and the cowboy!

I've been taking pics of the progress.  Will take some pics of it when it's finally finished tomorrow. 


Hope you all had a good day. x

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Thu Aug 29 7:41 am  #5242

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's very quiet this morning without Jefferson.  I'm in two minds whether to clean the house and crochet tomorrow or crochet today and clean tomorrow.  I'll have breakfast and decide. We've got a good day forecast but there is a darker sky over to the west looking ominous.

We went out for our beach walk yesterday and the pub was heaving so we didn't eat there. Then Googling on the way back everywhere was shut at 8 and it was 8 so we found our local fish and chip shop open and walked in to eat in and the restaurant was closed, so it came down to takeaway eaten in the car as we were all hungry by then.

Your builder has done very well Hazel. You'll soon be popping your pond back and settling back in

xx Diane 

Thu Aug 29 7:55 am  #5243

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone, another lovely day forecast.

Yes Diane he's done wonders, such a fast worker too. He has arrived already and making a start. He'll be finished on Friday just a few bits to do then and take all the old porch away to the tip.   The pond is staying where it is now Diane, as the summer room is bigger than the old porch was so there's no room for the pond and I quite like it where it is. 

Off to check out roller blinds now, want a 5ft and 2ft for out there for when the sun beats down on the glass. And need to get a slimline waterrbutt and some external poly filler for a hole out the front of the bungalow.

Enjoy your day everyone 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Thu Aug 29 12:59 pm  #5244

Re: Good Morning

Muddles  your summer room looks really good you must be so relieved after the saga of the last builder.  

It is a beautiful day here, I have blitzed the house and also cut the grass in the back garden.  The garden is full of colour it looks very pretty .Today is Freddie's last day at nursery , he is getting quite excited about starting big school  , he starts on the 11th so next week we are going to go  out for a couple of days before the big day. Pippa would happily keep him at nursery she is quite sad that he is going to be at Primary school the last four years have gone so quickly .
We might go and treat ourselves to a 99 ice cream later , last year we never got round to having one a I am determined this year we will no matter what  !


Fri Aug 30 9:13 am  #5245

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a pleasant day here.

I've got a Sainsburys delivery and wash my clothes and the rest of the day is crochet and chill out (in a clean house!!!!) 

xx Diane 

Fri Aug 30 11:49 am  #5246

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, it is another lovely day, my girls and grandchildren have gone on a ferry around Chichester harbour , it is a tiny boat only has 10 seats and there are 10 of them going so it will be all family which will be fun, I was going but had so many bits to do for my mother I would have made them late so I told them to take my niece in my place, it is a  shame , I love being out on the sea it is my favourite place to be .
I think we have got a quiet weekend and the the weather is going to be good so we are going to make the most of being in the garden before it all changes.

Last edited by starry (Fri Aug 30 11:50 am)


Sat Aug 31 8:41 am  #5247

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a lovely day here.

Paul, Maya and Lola are coming over for a picnic in the local woods.  I better scramble and get it done  

xx Diane 

Sat Aug 31 10:12 am  #5248

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, I got up early and was in the garden by 8am and nearly three hours of gardening, everywhere is very tidy, a lot of things are already dying back .   The forecast for next week is not good so I am pleased to have got the garden sorted.   

Muddles is your summer room all finished now?  

Diane , I have not had a picnic for years , I think it would be fun to take the little grandsons for one up at Goodwood , I will suggest it  to my girls when I see them.



Sun Sep 1 8:55 am  #5249

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry but cloudy here.

I'll be crocheting 

xx Diane 

Sun Sep 1 12:16 pm  #5250

Re: Good Morning

It is a very hot day here, I just walked over to my mothers and it  was horrible good thing she is not coming here today she would not be able to walk in that heat.
I  am going to  find some shade and sit in the garden and do my food shop and that is it for the day .


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