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Thu Sep 5 6:42 pm  #5261

Re: Good Morning

Good evening, it has rained non stop, I had my hair done this morning, luckily she comes to the house , I used to go to her salon but the rent went up so much she decided to go mobile which suits me especially on a wet day like today.
The teacher Freddie will have when he  goes to school came round to visit him today to see  him in his own home, they do this with all the new children , it gave Pippa a chance to say she is often admitted to hospital so different people may occasionally drop him and pick him up and Freddie can be a bit upset.
 Muddles I used the nematodes a couple of years ago and they worked really well, I forgot last year but this year I saw a few daddy long legs which reminded me, I also use them for slugs and they worked really well not a slug to be seen and I have always had a bit problem with them .


Fri Sep 6 7:56 am  #5262

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here.

I'll do a bit of washing but I'm waiting for the last episode of the crochet along. It's the border being released today and I've managed to keep up with it this time. Not sure how. But I've set the day aside for crocheting. I'll be glad when its over.

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 7 6:09 pm  #5263

Re: Good Morning

We have had  family here for the day , it was nice to have a catch up, the weather has been awful it has rained all day so no chance of a walk .


Sat Sep 7 8:43 pm  #5264

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. It's been a dire day here weather wise 
Rain most of the day. I've not done much apart from the XPets graphics and quiz questions etc, I'd forgotten it was tomorrow, the months go so fast. It's only the second sunday of every month but it doesnt seem like it was a month ago since we last had a quiz night. 

I should have gone to Hayle Travelodge today with Chloe but one of her little dog's isn't well and she didn't want to leave it because her grandson's now got a girlfriend and is staying over at the gf/s place more so Chloe was worried he'd leave the little dogs on their own.  I'm not that disappointed although Hayle has some beautiful beaches it's not really suitable for anyone with mobility problems which Chloe has. I tried to change it for a travelodge at Okehampton on a later date but they wouldn't change it miserable gits.  It didn't cost me anything so I'm not out of pocket. 

I'm out to lunch tomorrow with Chloe and Suzanne to a different garden centre, Chloe and I went there in the week and they have a super little bistro cafe. I had a platter of cooked meats, different cheeses, grapes, biscuits, chutney, warm Italian bread, olives, a few mixed salad leaves thrown here and there, and a savoury scone, plus 4 pats of butter and a pot of earl grey.  It was too much really but I did eat it all LOL So I'm going to have the same tomorrow as it was so tasty. They dont do roasts but we don't want a roast anyway, we can have that at home. 

What is it your making Diane? 

Starry I don't think walks will be on the agenda for the next few days, this wet weather's here to stay for a bit. 

Hope Carol's ok. She's been very quiet lately.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Sun Sep 8 9:31 am  #5265

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a horrible wet day here.

​It's a blanket I'm making Hazel. 

xx Diane 

Sun Sep 8 10:44 am  #5266

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, all. I should never make plans, as something always crops up. I was getting ready to go out on my scooter when I heard a rumble of thunder and it started to rain. I checked the weather forecast and yes, it's heavy rain and a thunderstorm which will go on to bedtime.  Wonderful!  I did three days washing up, yesterday and left it to drain. I went back to wipe up a large fly was walking all over it. I've now got to do four days' worth and I've got to get rid of the fly before washing up!  I've got some new medication which is making me very sleepy. However, the pain is now bearable. I'll pop in whenever I'm awake.


Sun Sep 8 2:47 pm  #5267

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone!
It's good to hear from you Carol, glad you're ok. Good job you saw that pesky fly strolling across your clean dishes and great news the new meds are managing the pain reasonably well. 

I'm just back from lunch with Suzanne and Chloe. Chloe is driving everyone nuts with her moans and groans about the accident she had at christmas and finally the progress the no win no fee solicitors are making. She talks non stop. pfffft

Little Dora was pleased to see me home again, the garden centre is dog friendly but she's not so best leave her at home and there was a couple with a greyhound sat outside having some lunch so just as well Dora was at home or she'd be trying to have a go at that one for sure the little monkey.

Touch wood it's been drizzly today and thick fog up on the road across the top of the clay works but we've not had the dreadful storm that was forecast although the road across the clay works that always flooded is still flooding even though they have made a temporary new road there.  I'll be glad to see the back of the road works to be honest. What with the Roche bypass and the A30 improvements it's been hell to get anywhere.

It's XPets tonight so I'm having a quiet 5 minutes before that starts at 7pm., I hope you all had a lovely Sunday. xxx

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Mon Sep 9 8:24 am  #5268

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry but very cloudy and windy.  Soon be time to put the heating on (groan)

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

xx Diane 

Mon Sep 9 7:00 pm  #5269

Re: Good Morning

I am exhausted , Pippa and I were in a three hour meeting  sorting out  things re her health , it was a good meeting but so tiring  when we left  it felt like we had been there for days !

It is much colder here today and it is getting very windy I really want to sort the front garden out tomorrow weather permitting.


Tue Sep 10 9:10 am  #5270

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but still windy.

That was a very long meeting Starry. 

xx Diane 

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