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Fri Sep 27 7:27 pm  #5311

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Had a very early start this morning --- out by 9 a.m.  Went to Truro with some Knit and Natter ladies and didn't arrive home until gone 5.30.   Managed to get a few items I wanted in Dunelm.  Their stores aren't stocked as well as they used to be. Lots of gaps. I had checked my plug adapter and they said click and collect in two hours so I thought they had plenty of stock.  I couldn't find it at all but when I asked at the till they managed to find one for me.  I wanted a rubber outside mat but they hadn't got any so bought that on eBay when I got home.  Got a few tension rods for the Christmas lights this year.  Saw a post last year or the previous one that tension rods were used for Christmas decorations   They used swags and baubles draped round the rod and that gave me the idea for hanging the lights in the windows.   

We stayed mainly dry through the day but it was blustery and some rain fell and some heavy rain at some point when we were in the shops. 

We came back on the main road and with the A30 upgrade complete we sailed through onto the A30 when it can be a nightmare - up to 45 mins in a queue to get onto the A30.  That was Friday home rush hour too, so we were well chuffed.

Had the most delicious Mac and Cheese for lunch.  Every mouthful had me going mmmmmm.  Never had one so good before. Better than I would do myself. 

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 28 8:27 am  #5312

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry and sunny here - but feeling cold.   I put an extra blanket over the duvet last night.

It looks like Paul & co are wanting a picnic out   

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 28 6:04 pm  #5313

Re: Good Morning

Eye clinic with my mother this morning which took forever!   A much colder day, I think I heard Paul say he was putting the heating on.
Had a takeaway tonight, sitting in the hospital always give me back ache so decided to give up on the cooking.


Sat Sep 28 6:39 pm  #5314

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Had a dry sunny day today but I felt really cold. I've had an extra duvet on the bed the last couple of weeks. I checked the thermostats in both zones in the bungalow and they were reading 20C but it didn't feel that warm, in fact I had to turn the heating on last night and set it at 22C. I've never had to have it that high before even in mid winter. I'm blaming the vaccine. I've never felt the cold in my life and never wore a coat or jumper in Cornwall since living here (over 50yrs) yet since having the vaccine my hands and feet are frozen most days and I'm needing to put the heating on more often. Weird.

Hope you all had a good day. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sun Sep 29 9:04 am  #5315

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry, cold and windy here. The rain hasn't arrived yet.

I really ought to do some housework and washing.

xx Diane 

Sun Sep 29 9:15 am  #5316

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, quite a cold day.

I am cooking a Sunday roast but I think I will be taking my mothers over to her as she has had a bad night , lucky she only lives over the road.

We have booked our flu and Covid jabs , our surgery do the flu jabs over several Saturdays, it is very efficient we are in and out in under 15 minutes. The Covid jabs are in one of the Chemists in the village which is not as organised and last time we sat and waited for an hour.


Sun Sep 29 9:27 pm  #5317

Re: Good Morning

Evening all.
I had a text the other day from the surgery asking me to book my covid/flu jab, they're mixing the 2 in the same syringe this year evidently. I'm not bothering with either this year. 

Been a terrible day today with wind and rain. One of my wood pigeons looks like he's been in an accident, the poor thing can't fly and looks like one of this wings is damaged. He was wandering around for 2 hours on the lawn at dusk looking for somewhere to roost as he can't fly up into the trees, eventually he managed to get into the magnolia which is nice and thick  but not very tall. At least he'll have shelter from this terrible weather tonight. He's far to quick to catch, otherwise I'd have caught him and taken him to the vet. 

I hope he makes it through the night bless him. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Mon Sep 30 8:06 am  #5318

Re: Good Morning

Muddles I have not heard of the two  jabs being done  as one!  I did think about not having the Covid  jab but I  am because Paul and my mother have   compromised immune systems so I don't want to put them at any more of a risk then they already are.
Blowing a gale here and pouring with rain , I need to go to the village at sometime but other than that there is nothing happening today .


Mon Sep 30 9:01 am  #5319

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's very grey and gloomy out there. Don't think it's actually raining at the moment and that wind has dropped.  

Off to bowls this afternoon.

I hadn't heard of the combined flu and Covid being given this year either. I saw they are in the pipeline

xx Diane 

Mon Sep 30 9:02 am  #5320

Re: Good Morning

I was thinking your wood pigeon was an ornament until I continued reading !!!

xx Diane 

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