Hello everyone. Its been mainly dry but one huge burst of rain while I had some washing out, soaking it . Been trying to catch up. Bt have decided to forgo the decorations this year. That will save aggravation getting them out, putting them up and doing the reverse. Next year ... maybe. Slowly feeling better I think. Just a few more days to survive December then a quieter January ... hopefully. That's the plan. Hubby was outside picking up the leaves and walking with a container round to the garden bin. I wondered why he hadn't wheeled the garden bin to the leaves ... but left him to it.
Good morning everyone. It a dry day here andI can see a bit of blue sky. I'm thinking about not going to short mat bowls and finishing off the house tidy. Then I can rest in peace
Evening all. Gordon and I have been sorting out my dinning room. Managed to get rid of 3 large boxes and have several things to list on freecycle or market place. I've started a box for the charity shop it's half full already. Also a large rubbish sack is almost full. Yet more progtress has been made. I can get to the window now my poor cacti haven't been watered for at least 10 months, some have died but some still seem to be alive. Not feeling too great the dinning room is a dust bowl, and I'm allergic to dust! Cough, cough, splutter, splutter. Also got a head ache as it's set my sinuses off. Was going to write my cards tonight but don't feel like it. I've got a load of washing to put away and another machine load to start off. Then I'm just going to read my book.
Hello everyone. I thought I popped in this morning, but obviously I hadn't. Its been a dry day here but chilly. I spent the morning wrapping Maya and Lola's presents, then a quick lunch then out to afternoon WI then back to finish off the present wrapping. That's all done now and another thing crossed off. I might get round to some cards tomorrow. They'll be arriving late but better late than never possibly and they'll never know how close they were to not having any. I've ordered a Christmas box of fruit and veg to be delivered so that will have a good selection. What's not there we'll go without. Seems like there could be a few stews.
Evening all. After yesterdays progress and I didn't get much done today. Started off well with washing up the overnight things and putting the dishwasher on. Then decided to order Gordon's Christmas present. Wish I hadn't . The company had changed the site and I had to re - register. It wasn't straight forward I almost gave up. It didn't like my address. Delivery should be before Christmas. Just got my cards to do and then I'm all ready. I lost my husband at Christmas so it's not a happy time for me.
Good morning everyone. Its dry but windy down here. I'm going to try and write some cards today and the cleaners are coming this afternoon. Then I wont see them for two weeks as Wednedays are bank holidays and they aren't squeezing in this year.
Good morning everyone. Its very grey and dismal here and lots more rain is expected. We are off to the Memory Cafe Christmas Lunch today so that will be pleasant and no cooking or washing up tonight.
Afternoon everyone!
phew! What a weekend and last few days. Been super busy getting orders off in the post, writing my xmas cards (only sent a few), sending off pressies to those that sent pressies to me, some overseas so not sure they'll get them in time for Christmas.
Got the rat man coming tomorrow, as I heard them in my loft, and they've come through from next doors loft. The Housing Assoc say they can't do anything about them next door as they can't break in, and she's still not living there, and the eviction process is underway. So The rat man will go up into my loft and lay bait up there. I bought 2 rat bait stations myself and put them around the pond where I saw a rat drinking and stealing the floating fish food sticks and since putting those down I haven't heard the rats since, so I think I've probably eliminated them. But better safe than sorry to get the loft baited up. I hate the thought of them dying in agony, as it upsets me, but they spread disease so there's not really any alternative apart from trapping and I couldnt get them out of the traps dead or alive. eeuuwwww.
Evening all. Had a busy couple of days sorted out one of my kitchen cupboards. Made some harsh decisions and now have a large box of bits, breadmaker, blender, large bag of silicon baking ware all unused. A computer monitor,and a pine computer desk. Feeling very pleased with myself. Today was the flats Christmas buffet lunch and raffle. The company was very good, food was excellent and I won three prizes and Gordon won two. Everyone came away with at least one prize. We ate so much that I just had a hot chocolate and a few biscuits this evening. Didn't want a meal. My ASDA delivery came no dishwasher tablets. The one thing I really needed!
Good morning everyone. Actually managed to get on here early for once.
Waiting on the vermin man to come at 10 to put some bait in my loft. The housing association have said they can't do anything about next door as she's not there and they don't have keys to the properties. You'd think in these circumstances they would break in because if rats are living in there and chew through the wiring it could cause a fire, and my bungalow would go up in flames too. I'm not happy. They said the eviction process is progressing and shouldn't be much longer before they can get her out, well she's lived in Poland the last year, but at least they can break in legally and get her stuff removed.
The weather has calmed down thank goodness, its all on the news about Hayle floods but there were floods equally as bad everywhere in Cornwall. Don't know why they've not mentioned the other areas affected.
Carol you can put 'substitute' on your Asda delivery so if what you want isn't available they put in a substitute brand.