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Sun May 19 7:55 am  #4991

Re: Good Morning

Good morning it is a lovely day here. We had a lovely cream tea at the Ivy yesterday , there were nine of us no men just the females in the family , my mother loved every minute of it, I said to her that her birthday is now officially over after a whole week of all sorts things happening I am quite glad to be able to relax today.
I think I might cut the grass this morning and then I need to go through all the birthday photos and get them printed so I can put them in an album for my mother, I use snap fish they are so quick and very cheap so if I do them today they should be sent by Wednesday.
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday .


Sun May 19 8:45 am  #4992

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a very pleasant day here.

I really need to do some housework

Paul and Lola came over yesterday and we spent the day In the garden. I'd already started some more leaf clearing down the side and they both did a few more odd jobs around the garden too,

xx Diane 

Mon May 20 8:42 am  #4993

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Another lovely day here.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon. 

xx Diane 

Mon May 20 5:32 pm  #4994

Re: Good Morning

Lovely summers day here just a shame my mother had an appointment for her eye injections so the afternoon was spent in a waiting room and they were running very late which  is very unusual for that department they are so good normally.


Tue May 21 7:47 pm  #4995

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

I was wondering whether to go to Trago today to get out but as I woke early I decided I'd head for Plymouth. It was a lovely day although rain was possible, so took a light jacket and umbrella.  Got to the bus stop and checked the app to find no trace of the bus - but realised a No 11 was hanging around on the stop halfway up the hill where they change drivers and I thought perhaps it had gone through early.  So I rushed up the hill to find the profanity bus gone but two bus drivers waiting for a change of buses, so a bus was imminent.  Dabbing my brow and managed to find a bit of shade as it was dry hot in the sun I waited and waited!!! Should I go home or ??  35 minutes later the bus pulled up and they changed drivers and on I got.  The next stop on a lady I know got on with her friend, gnashing her teeth as they were wanting to catch a train to Truro.  So I'm sitting on the bus thinking perhaps I should change my plans and go to Trago instead .... or Liskeard ... and a while later was going over the bridge to Devon ... so Plymouth it was.  It was very hot walking round. I had quite a list and managed to get most things on there with the bag getting heavier and heavier ... ending up in TK Maxx and another bag was needed!! Coming out I had 40 minutes to the bus home or a two hour wait -- so rushed to the loo and Savers to pick up another couple of items and a large bottle of water (I hadn't stopped for lunch or a drink) and headed for the bus. Luckily there was a seat which I sank into and waited ... then beep beep beep a double decker was reversing back to our stop. Not my bus as its always single decker I was idly looking round to see where it was when I noticed the number - profanity hell it was a No 11 .... had I not looked I would have let it go as I've never been on a double decker on that route. As it was a double decker I had to go upstairs loaded down - I could have done without that - but I couldn't miss the chance of a journey upstairs.  It was a lovely journey home with such a good view. It started raining halfway home and listening to a phone conversation someone said it was chucking it down and thundering where they were. Checked the app and it was lightning on Dartmoor and the sky was black.  When the rain started we'd obviously missed the worst as the roads were saturated and flooded and I was thinking I'm going to get soaked going home.   But another good way on the rain stopped and it was dry and warm here. Always a story and a half travelling round here. But it was nice to get out of the house and go somewhere different. 

xx Diane 

Wed May 22 6:37 am  #4996

Re: Good Morning

Goodness Diane what a carry on but  it is always nice to have a change of scenery. Our buses are quite good but there is only one way in and one way out of our village so  until we get  in to  Chichester we cant go on to anywhere else. I used to catch the bus a lot but now days I drive as it is quicker .

Looking out of the window you would think it is January , very windy and raining a really horrid day.

Today is the last day Paul will drive the village mini bus, he started 7 years ago and most of the time enjoys helping  the people that use it which is  all elderly woman ,he did have a couple of men but they are long gone. I think he will feel quite sad  today  the end of an era .

Pippa should be here later we are  going to phone the consultant and ask for an MRI scan , this has been mentioned  over the years and as the pain is getting worse not better it is time they did one, she has other scans for her heart so that  is fine but for  the Endometriosis  an MRI scan would be very useful , if they says no we will go privately , we saw a different consultant in January and she was the one who was very surprised  they had not done one and was supposed to be arranging one .


Last edited by starry (Wed May 22 12:43 pm)


Wed May 22 7:55 am  #4997

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a very cloudy damp sort of day here.

I'm off to Knit and Natter, Chair Yoga and WI Craft Club tonight.

They keep reporting that less people use public transport - but there is such a limited choice - or none - for too many people.  

xx Diane 

Thu May 23 7:37 am  #4998

Re: Good Morning

Morning everyone , its a lovely day so I hope to get out in the garden after I have been to see a friend , she was coming here but has just had her garden landscaped and wants me to have a look at it .
 Pippa tried to get through to the consultant but just got the secretary's answer phone so we have written a letter and posted yesterday , I doubt we will hear anything for a week especially as it is a bank holiday  but as there was no e mail address we thought a letter was the way to go.



Thu May 23 8:55 am  #4999

Re: Good Morning

Good  morning everyone 

Its a dull chilly day here but not raining at the moment.

I'm skipping weighing again and managed to get an online shopping delivery this afternoon so haven't got to go out at all. Just a chill day. 

xx Diane 

Thu May 23 4:30 pm  #5000

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone. 
What a week I've had so far. Well last week as well. I had a surprise visit on Thursday just as I was going out from the head of Sanctuary Repairs and Construction Manager with 2 workmen wanting to assess the garden (again), took no notice of me whatsoever and decided to dig a trench around the lawn and one soakaway. Trench cutting through 40ft trees so would kill them and make them dangerous in windy weather. So I texted the head honcho Simon Parker and told him I'm not prepared to have my garden massacred and a trench where there is no water problem so not addressing the problem at all and that I wouldn't bother. And besides that there was no way they'd get a digger in the front garden and out through the side gate into the back garden without trampling my plants and taking down 2 gates and a fence.

Had a text back after about 5 hours to say would I like him to come back next week (tomorrow) to discuss it and that he was sure what he suggested would solve the problem. So I replied and said yes ok but told him he's wrong about his idea solving the problem and that I've lived with this problem for 10yrs this year so know far better than anyone where the ruddy water is coming from and how to stop it. 

Then Monday had the head of the ground work company drop by and showed him the video of where the water source is and what Sanctuary wanted them to do and what I wanted them to do and he agreed with me. So then had a text from Simon Parker to say we'd all have a meeting here tomorrow at 2pm to discuss and decide to my satisfaction.

Then Tuesday I was woken up early by talking outside the front, looked out the window and there were 2 workmen stood there talking. So I threw on some clothes and went out. They had a digger! Evidently they'd been working over the other side of the estate and had finished early as the next resident's work had already been done by the resident as he got fed up with waiting so they ordered the digger and thought they'd come to me next.  

Anyway they had a micro digger with them so with great care they got it through the front garden and the side and front gates without removing them and left it outside the bathroom window. I explained that there was to be a meeting on Friday at 2pm and that what they were told to do was now on hold as it wouldn't solve the water problem.  Then a bit later after they'd had their elevenses in their truck they came back with some big boards and moved the digger over to the corner of the garden out of the way and disappeared. 

Today a skip arrived. I had no idea it was coming so that was a surprise. I had to move my car to the next door but one's drive. She's an old lady who doesnt have a car but could well have visitors this weekend as it's Bank Holiday but there's nowhere else I can park. Then had to signal to the truck driver so he could manoeuvre into my very tight drive to offload the skip. Which is now stuck in the middle of my drive. God knows how the recycling and garden waste people will reach my bins tomorrow, but I'm past caring to be honest. 

So waiting to see what happens after tomorrow's meeting. 

Other news lol 

Chloe had her surgery yesterday and they have put a long plate right up her femur and bolted through from the other side of the femur to hold the bones together and also redone her knee replacement which had disintegrated (she only had the knee done last year).  This morning when I rang they'd got her up and out of bed and walking on it. Which was great news because before the surgery they weren't sure what to do about the injuries and told her she'd never walk again and could even lose the leg. So she's over the moon!  But I don't think she'll be able to stay in her house as it's just not suitable for her now. Although she will be able to walk it won't be like we walk and she's not sure the knee will bend as it's fixed in one position now. Plus she keeps getting spontaneous pelvic fractures as well that they're not too happy about and not sure why she's getting them. So the poor woman is really going through the mill lately.

I won't be going down to visit her in Truro as I don't want to catch anything, there's norovirus down there and covid and being on my own I can't afford to be out of action as there's no-one to look after me or the animals. Jackie our other friend is also the same so we are staying away which only leaves Suzanne but she's not keen on driving to Truro.  What a palaver. So anyway we're all phoning Chloe instead, and she's getting lots of visits from physio, consultants, doctors etc, and family.  Her son's back from up country staying at her house to look after the dogs and will stay there when she gets out of hospital whenever that's going to be, so that's good. 

Weird weather today, rain this morning then dry and overcast all day but muggy. I just hope it doesnt get rainy when the men want to start on my garden lol 

It was good to read all. your news. Diane what a carry on with the buses! 

Starry how was Paul after his last day with the mini bus? He'll miss the people won't he. Has he got any idea what he will do to fill the gap now? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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