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Sun May 26 7:54 am  #5011

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, we had a lot of rain in the night but the sun is out now. Diane I had forgotten it is half term week , it was only when Pippa said she had got a busy week with her stepchildren that I remembered.

I am cooking a Sunday roast , my mother is joining us.



Sun May 26 8:22 am  #5012

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's been raining but the sun is out for the moment. How long ... who knows.

Just another chill out day today

xx Diane 

Mon May 27 8:33 am  #5013

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It looks like we've just had a light shower.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon

xx Diane 

Mon May 27 10:07 am  #5014

Re: Good Morning

Good morning it is quite a windy day and rain is on the way ,it is also quite chilly, I was going to go on the beach to watch my son and son in law wing foiling but  luckily the surf shop has a webcam on a house on the beach so I can see them without having to move!
Have absolutely  nothing to do today so I will find a couple of films to watch and be very lazy. 


Mon May 27 10:27 am  #5015

Re: Good Morning

I’ve never heard of wing foiling Starry. Had to Google. My son is up in these things but I don’t think I’ve heard him mention that

xx Diane 

Mon May 27 9:37 pm  #5016

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Funny old day weatherwise. Mainly dry most of the day and then coming in damp and icky around teatime. 

I did loads of washing today, slung it all in the drier. Bedding, clothes, dog and cat blankets. Done my ASDA order for delivery in the morning. Hope the van can park nearby, it's difficult with that ruddy great skip in my drive. Not sure if the men are coming or not to start work tomorrow. I seem to be the last one to be notified. 

I have to take Dora to the vet in the afternoon, there's nothing wrong with her, but I needed to order some flea/tick medication and wormer and as it's the new vet they won't dispense it until they've seen her. I've registered with their pet care scheme for her and the cat so it's all free. 

I enjoyed lunch yesterday with Suzanne up the pub here, the meal was fab, plenty of meat well plenty of everything really. Jackie couldn't make it and Chloe of course is still in hospital and not likely to be coming out anytime soon, bless her. 

I hope you all had a good day. x

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Tue May 28 7:27 am  #5017

Re: Good Morning

Pouring with rain and looks like flooded roads again.
Hope your workmen turn up Muddles I hate waiting in just in case someone might arrive .
Diane My son in law and son spent nearly 5 hours wing foiling yesterday my son in law has been foiling for along time but it is a new hobby for my son who is still finding it quite hard but it is at least a bit safer than some of past hobbies.


Tue May 28 7:54 am  #5018

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Very mizzly today.

I had a hair appointment booked which has (surprise surprise) been moved to tomorrow - although she contacted me at the weekend to ask when it was as she didn't have her new book to hand !!  I was half thinking of a quick nip to Trago but with the mizzle not sure now.

I messaged my son about the wing foiling and he said he has some kit - whatever that means!!! Have to have a chat with him.  At least it doesn't have the long leads of kite surfing  My son has said he's been dumped from the sky a few times kite surfing

xx Diane 

Tue May 28 12:39 pm  #5019

Re: Good Morning

Diane I hated watching them when they were kite surfing , my son in law had a near miss kite surfing and it put him right of so that is when he started the wing foiling and my son decided to do the same. My mother used to hate watching me water skiing  thank goodness she has never seen the boys kite surfing or wing foiling 


Wed May 29 7:56 am  #5020

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here I think, but very grey clouds hovering.

I'm off to Knit and Natter then walk down to the hairdresser.  True to form, my appointment yesterday was changed to today.

​I've never seen my Paul kite surfing live Starry. The crowd did videos many moons ago

xx Diane 

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