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Mon Jun 3 8:57 am  #5031

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry but very cloudy here.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

xx Diane 

Mon Jun 3 9:00 am  #5032

Re: Good Morning

Morning all. 

Lunch was lovely yesterday but not as good as it is at my local in Roche and twice as expensive so won't be going there again. After lunch we descended on Chloe who looked great but her poor leg was encased in a huge black foam covered iron frame from hip to ankle. She's managing to hobble around and not doing as she's told, taking it off to go up and down stairs as she can't use the stair lift while it's on her leg. But you cant tell her anything, she knows it all. 

My amazon order of topsoil, lawn dressing and seed and the protective net arrives today sometime. I"m glad of the rest to be honest, I've had to level it off where the ruts are and lift the original turf and put it down again after removing too much soil underneath it. Then water it twice a day which is no mean task as it's a 200sqM lawn. 

I was going through my emails from Sanctuary last night as I remember they had awarded me £175 compensation for taking so long to get this sorted and I hadn't done anything about it, and thankfully it's still within the time period to accept it so I emailed them this morning. That money will go toward the grass seed and lawn dressing etc I've had to buy and towards my water bill which will be horrendous with all the water I'm using to keep the recycled turf alive. 

What a change in the weather today, cloudy but hot. I had to contact Simon Parkman at Sanctuary first thing this morning as the digger is still on my drive so he's going to chase that up and get it collected asap. It's a wonder it's not been stolen when I've had to go out in the car. It would fit easily on a pickup truck. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Tue Jun 4 7:46 am  #5033

Re: Good Morning

Good morning a bit overcast today , Muddles  you would think they need the Digger for another job!  when we were having our extension built  the builder ordered a huge skip they filled it in a day and he phoned to say it needed taking away  TEN days later they took it, he phoned them every day because they needed another  skip , the builder said they told him they would deliver the new skip when they took the old skip away, Guess what they took the full skip but forgot to bring an empty one!  

I spent the day with both my girls yesterday ,  Alfie is teething and was really unhappy so we took it in turns to cuddle him , he will be one at the end of June but he is so heavy I have aching muscles all over , I just spoke to my DIL  and they had a really bad night with him .


Tue Jun 4 9:10 am  #5034

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very cloudy here.

No plans.

xx Diane 

Tue Jun 4 8:24 pm  #5035

Re: Good Morning

Starry you couldn't make it up about your skip experience could you LOL People don't seem to have any common sense, or even sense these days do they.

The digger is hired, so all the time it's on my drive Sanctuary are paying the hire fee. It's still here, no-one's shown up today to take it away. The key is under the seat so when I'm not home anyone could take it. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Wed Jun 5 9:01 am  #5036

Re: Good Morning

Good morning , I am out with some friends this morning then home by  early afternoon as a parcel is being delivered and has to be signed for. 
I cut the grass yesterday and I swear it has already grown again !


Thu Jun 6 8:21 am  #5037

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

A bright but chilly day here.

I'm off to weigh in then food shopping 

xx Diane 

Thu Jun 6 9:03 am  #5038

Re: Good Morning

Good morning today is the start of a busy few days, it my birthday so we are going out for lunch then seeing my girls when they finish work, tomorrow is my sons birthday so we are going to see him tomorrow afternoon Saturday is my nephews birthday and Sunday Freddie will be four so we are having a BBQ at their house for everyone and then in a couple of weeks they are taking Freddie to Peppa Pig world at Paultons Park for his birthday treat. We then have Pauls grandsons birthday and my son in laws birthday and his sons birthday so it is all go !!


Thu Jun 6 12:59 pm  #5039

Re: Good Morning

Happy birthday Starry

xx Diane 

Fri Jun 7 9:04 am  #5040

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Still dry here but feeling nippy,

I'm houseworking / washing today

xx Diane 

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