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Fri Jun 7 9:52 am  #5041

Re: Good Morning

Good morning , it is nippy here Diane , I just walked into the village and felt quite  cold by the time I got home. I am going to see my son a bit later  , Paul was just leaving for his walk when I realised I could not lift Tom's birthday present into the car, he wanted some weights and I can't  even move them an inch let alone lift them into the car boot , lucky I caught Paul before he had gone too far.
My youngest grandson is nearly one and has got Tonsillitis he is very unhappy ,this is the second time he has had it poor little boy. 

Last edited by starry (Sat Jun 8 3:27 pm)


Sat Jun 8 3:33 pm  #5042

Re: Good Morning

I have done a lot of weeding in the back garden, it was not very warm and kept spitting with rain , I cut the grass  as it looked like the rain would get worse then I packed everything away came inside and  the sun came out!
I am just going to make some potato salad and coleslaw to help towards the family BBQ tomorrow for Freddie's birthday ,  Freddie is getting very excited , I have a feeling getting him to bed this evening might take Pippa longer than usual  and he will probably wake up really early . Hard to believe he will be four .


Sun Jun 9 8:20 am  #5043

Re: Good Morning

Good morning all. It's a lovely sunny day here but rather chilly. I'm going to pot on my new houseplants, which have outgrown their small starter pots. The rest of the day is mine to put my feet up and read my new book. Have a good day all.


Sun Jun 9 8:53 am  #5044

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Bright but still a bit nippy here.  A chill out day today.

Yesterday I went to the Royal Cornwall Show and traipsed around looking at stalls there.  So many and difficult to know what was where.  Glad I went though.  The weather was kind and we only had one brief shower. 

xx Diane 

Sun Jun 9 8:28 pm  #5045

Re: Good Morning

We have been to Freddie's birthday BBQ , it was lovely and the weather was good not too hot and not too cold . We both came exhausted and all we did was sit  chat and eat!  my ex husband was there so had a catch up with him which was nice . Tomorrow we are going to go and choose the new kitchen flooring and also a new floor for one of the bathrooms.


Mon Jun 10 3:36 pm  #5046

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone. 

Its dry and windy here.

I've just surfaced.  Kept rolling over and going back to sleep - so cancelled bowls in a roll over time and have just had breakfast.  

I have been successful in glueing one drawer base which had pinged out of the groove and just glued the second and worst one  Was going to wait for Paul and knowing his speed thought I'd give it a try !!

xx Diane 

Mon Jun 10 10:40 pm  #5047

Re: Good Morning

Evening all.
The garden's finished, or the trench and soak away rather. Total mess and the lawns wrecked but I'm gradually levelling it out. I painted my metal peacocks last week as they were a bit tatty and rusty, so gave them a facelift and I think they look better than they did when new, more realistic now. They should last another couple of years I think. I do like them. 

Had lunch Sunday at the garden centre with Jackie, Suzanne and Chloe. She shouldn't have gone as she's not supposed to be walking on that leg, but she's so pig headed no-one can tell her anything. It was all too much for her so Suzanne had to take her home. I went to see Jackie's lovely new apartment in St Austell, it's what we used to call a maisonette I suppose, although she's got someone under her. Beautiful views across St Austell bay. Suzanne then arrived after having taken Chloe home and we sat and chatted for a couple of hours. It was a lovely afternoon. 

Just sat up to finish my Asda order, which I'd forgotten about. So that'll be here in the morning. I've had the heating on this afternoon and evening as it's really chilly. Weird weather. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Jun 11 8:08 am  #5048

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Another bright but chilly day here today.

xx Diane 

Tue Jun 11 12:08 pm  #5049

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, we are still  undecided about the kitchen floor it is a large room so can't afford to make a mistake but there are so many  to choose from we know we want the vinyl planks  but  so many colours to choose from.
It is very chilly here today I am quite cold , we going out soon so I think I will have to go and put something warmer on.
Muddles it must be so frustrating having to get your garden back to how you want it, hopefully it will all back to normal  soon.
I am looking forward to tomorrow my children have given me a voucher for a lovely garden centre and the girls and I are going tomorrow to have a look around it is a considerable amount so I will have a lot of fun buying what I want. 


Wed Jun 12 7:39 am  #5050

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Dry and reasonable here today.  Sun is hiding at the moment though.

I'm off to Knit and Natter then its WI tonight.  

xx Diane 

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