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Wed Jun 12 5:04 pm  #5051

Re: Good Morning

My girls picked me up very early this morning and took me to the garden centre , I came out with 6 plants to fill in gaps where other plants died in the wet winter, we had a coffee and a lovely chat without any interruptions.  When I got home I tried to plant the new plants but even after all the rain the earth was like concrete so I left the hose running for a  a while then managed to dig the holes and pop them in.


Thu Jun 13 4:41 pm  #5052

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Its really wet and windy here today 

I woke up late and had to have a shower and get out to be picked up for weigh in, then dash round the shops and back to get out for a hospital physio visit about my hip.  In the end the weather was so bad that I got a taxi there .  The physio was very good and asked lots of questions and did various tests and confirmed that it is muscular, which the first physio thought.  She explained how she arrived at that decision so it made sense. So now I've got some exercises to follow to strengthen those muscles and go back in six weeks. So I'm relieved I'm not facing an op.  (Yet !! the physio said !!!)  When I got home I thought blow this for a lark and put the heating on for an hour)  Fancy having the heating on in the middle of June. Its mad. I'm thinking about searching out my hot water bottle for tonight or get that electric comforter out again


Last edited by Diane (Thu Jun 13 4:41 pm)

xx Diane 

Thu Jun 13 5:30 pm  #5053

Re: Good Morning

Diane we have got our heating on, ridiculous for this time of the year, good news about your hip.
I had a lovely day with my girls at the Garden centre , I came out with a trolley load of plants ones I have never grown  before so it will interesting to see if they survive.



Thu Jun 13 7:12 pm  #5054

Re: Good Morning

Evening both.

I've had my heating on for about 3 days now as it's so cold. And my heated mattress cover has been on all night on low every night too for about a week. 

Diane, great news you don't need a hip replacement. 

Starry what plants did you get?  The ground is still hard here too but weirdly some of the big milk thistles that seem to shoot up to 3ft overnight are easy to pull up. The Buttercups have gone mad though and taken over almost all the flower beds. I'm a bit hesitant about grabbing them to weed them out incase I accidentally grab hold of a giant stick insect but touch wood not seen any yet, but then I'd never seen one before untill last summer. They have such good camouflage though. 

I've got some minced beef out the freezer tonight to defrost in the fridge, I'm going to do a savoury mince or spaghetti bolognese for dinner tomorrow in the slow cooker. It feels more like beef stew weather to be honest.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Jun 14 7:34 am  #5055

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, we had gale force winds last night the garden looks like a disaster zone!  I am just hoping everything will ping back to like, I have been out and staked a lot of the taller plants , I think it looks worse than it is as there are so many leaves everywhere and the grass is a bit burnt but that will grow back.

Muddles I bought  a Sisyrinhium,  a Rhodanthemum ,Coreopsis and a few Scabious.


Fri Jun 14 9:00 am  #5056

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its  dry at the moment and the wind appears to have died down a little.

Housework and washing on the menu today.

xx Diane 

Sat Jun 15 8:59 am  #5057

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, Pippa is in hospital she was taken in last night, they are not sure what is going on but have not ruled out a heart attack which is very scary. I am not going in yet her sister is going to pop in and see her for a few minutes but there are so many Dr's in and out of her room and scans etc going on that Pippa said to wait to see what happens, she could only talk in a whisper as she is so tired .


Sat Jun 15 12:34 pm  #5058

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon all. What a mixture of weather we've had. It started wet, windy and cold, but now the sun has come out. I've enjoyed the morning goggle-watching and enjoyed the fly-past. It all went very well.The weather could have been better. Camilla looked very cold on the balcony.I  bet they were glad to get inside and have a stiff drink. It's not one of my best days I will be having a rest day. Have a good weekend all.


Sat Jun 15 7:40 pm  #5059

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Just back from a jolly to Plymouth.  

I went out at 9.45 today to catch the bus towards Plymouth, meeting up with a couple of friends and deciding on the bus whether to go by bus or train.  We decided train and all was well - the bus turned up the train turned up and we ended up in Plymouth, getting wet as we came out of the station, but luckily it soon dried up.  So we had a trawl round and some lunch and then headed back to the station.  Got on the wrong train (heading to Leeds) finding out in time to get off and get on the correct train.  Arrive back at the station to find there had been a serious accident just outside the station and the road was shut ... so no bus / taxi anything in or out.  So we caught the next train back to the next town and walked into town and caught the next bus home with a diversion.  Getting home eventually.   I was out of the house for 9.1/4 hours and my hips are screaming at me!!!v Over 13,000 walking hither and thither and we didn't really shop that much.  Always a blinking story to tell with our transport.  So today we would have been better plumping for the bus.

xx Diane 

Sat Jun 15 8:18 pm  #5060

Re: Good Morning

Hope you have some good news about Pippa very soon Starry. You must be very worried

xx Diane 

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