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Sun Jun 16 8:44 am  #5061

Re: Good Morning

Starry, any news on Pippa? She's having a rough time, poor girl and so are you. I hope you get some positive news soon.x


Sun Jun 16 9:21 am  #5062

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but cloudy.

I'm having a chill out day and going down to take some pain killers 

OK  .... not such a chil out day                       ... Just received a message from Paul saying do I want to go out for the day somewhere with them

xx Diane 

Sun Jun 16 10:17 am  #5063

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, the good news they are pretty sure it was not a heart attack but the not so good news is there is an area in her heart which is not working properly and goes over 166 beats a minute , even when she is given medication it takes at least an hour to slow down enough so she can talk and her breathing is easier , so she is being referred to someone who will probably put some sort of electrical current into her  heart and hope this does the job, a bit along the lines of a pacemaker but different, it is all very confusing ,  she is having an MRI today which has been planned for a few weeks to see what the pains are in her pelvis  and then she will be coming home . I am not sure if she will be allowed to work for a while no one thought to ask so they have e mailed the cardiologist and asked him. 
I am cooking a Roast Lamb lunch and will plate up a plate for Pippa and her husband ready for when she gets home and then we can all relax for a while.


Sun Jun 16 11:35 am  #5064

Re: Good Morning

Oh bless Starry.  It’s very worrying for you. Hope they can sort Pippa out and not send her home without doing anything

xx Diane 

Sun Jun 16 8:17 pm  #5065

Re: Good Morning

Pippa is home, she has got Junctional tachycardia with retrograde P waves !   they will try a different Beta blocker and something else ( I can't remember the name) to see how she gets on if not they will put an electrical  current via her pelvis into  part of her heart and stop the muscles that are causing the problem and this should make a difference but they would rather try the medication first. She looks fine and was  planning to go to work until  we all said no way, so she has agreed to stay at home this week. The MRI was a no go they could not find any veins to put the dye in so she will have to go back again.


Sun Jun 16 8:31 pm  #5066

Re: Good Morning

Glad Pippa is home and they've found out what is wrong Starry. Hope Pippa gets sorted with her medication 

xx Diane 

Mon Jun 17 8:23 am  #5067

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but cloudy.

I'll be off to bowls this afternoon.

xx Diane 

Mon Jun 17 8:40 am  #5068

Re: Good Morning

Good morning it is warm and sunny and no wind, I am going with Pippa to collect some of her scan photos, you are allowed to buy copies which is so useful as it means we always have a copy of every scan  so if a Dr  can't access them , which has happened in the past we have our copy they can look at.

I hope  we will be back about lunchtime , I really want to tidy up the front garden after the strong winds it is very messy.


Mon Jun 17 9:10 am  #5069

Re: Good Morning

That's good news, Starry I hope the medication works. Pippa needs a break from ill health problems.


Mon Jun 17 10:33 am  #5070

Re: Good Morning

I'm sure I changed the time when the clocks changed but the time appears to have changed - so changed it again and just checking its right now - if it isn't it will stay wrong !! 11.33

xx Diane 

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