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Tue Jun 18 9:21 am  #5071

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its sunny here.

I'm having a quiet day - much needed!

xx Diane 

Tue Jun 18 12:01 pm  #5072

Re: Good Morning

We actually have a  warm sunny day , I am just going to go and do some weeding. Pippa's pulse is creeping up so we are keeping a close eye on it.
I think we have chosen the new flooring for the kitchen, it looks a bit like wood from a shipwreck  hard to describe but good for a kitchen near the sea, we have  not told anyone which one we have chosen and so far when we have asked which one they would choose it is the one we want which is reassuring as it is a lot of floor so we cant make a mistake.



Tue Jun 18 8:16 pm  #5073

Re: Good Morning

I like your kitchen, Starry. Plenty of worktops. and cupboards and space.. My kitchen is on the small size.


Wed Jun 19 8:54 am  #5074

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry but cloudy here.

Its Knit and Natter but by friend with the lift is away so I'll walk up, Then its chair yoga and this evening the WI are having an educational visit to a local museum which I haven't been in, so looking forward to that.

xx Diane 

Wed Jun 19 12:55 pm  #5075

Re: Good Morning

Just about to take my mother in to  the eye clinic for another injection. Pippa came round this morning I was surprised how breathless she was  I am not sure if she is going to be able to go back to work for ages if at all, one of the nurses she saw said she should claim for PIP and also apply for a blue badge, she is really not keen on doing either and got quite upset when I suggested it, I will have to google PIP as I have no idea what it is then I will have a talk with her .  


Wed Jun 19 10:14 pm  #5076

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. 
Starry I'm so sorry to hear Pippa has had another health ordeal but so pleased she's home again and they have discovered what it was (and glad it wasn't a heart attack), and have it under control. What a worry for you all. 

How was your trip to the museum Diane? 
Carol it's good to see you back on here, you were missed. 

I've had a scare with little Dora. I thought I was going to lose her last w/end and after blood tests, Xrays and an ultra sound she's gradually picked up this week and is back to her normal self.  No idea what it was, the vet thought at first pancreatitis but the tests showed nothing obvious, then came to the opinion it was either a form of bloat or a blockage. Veering on the side of a blockage.  I had to pay the bill on my credit card, and then claim on the insurance, my excess is £250 but the whole bill was £883. It should have been £1,100 but as I joined their health care scheme I got over £200 discount thank God.  I've now got to wait about a month or so before I hear what the insurance are going to pay out. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Jun 20 7:44 am  #5077

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a pleasant day here.

I'm off to weigh in then food shopping.  

The trip to the museum was fascinating. It's very small but I will be going back to have a more leisurely trip.

Those vets bills are extortionate Hazel 

xx Diane 

Thu Jun 20 8:00 am  #5078

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, Muddles I am glad Dore is better and I hope the insurance don't muck you about. Have you decided who is going to build your porch? 
Housework morning and then I am going to see a friend , it is a windy day and feels a bit cooler not warm enough to sit outside .


Thu Jun 20 12:21 pm  #5079

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon everyone. 

Yes Diane the vet bills are steep but thank God I'd changed to a different vet's practice. They are a lot cheaper than my previous practice, if I'd taken Dora there it would have cost double as they're now taken over by a big international vet group. Plus with the new practice I get 20% discount off everything as I joined their Beaconeer Pet Health Club.  They also have a branch in Newquay, if your son doesn't already go there I'd recommend them because it's so much cheaper. 

How did the trip to the museum go? Was it the one on the Folly or the one up by the Bodmin Railway?

Starry I've not decided yet. I'm waiting on the insurance paying out for Dora's vet bill before sorting the porch out. Plus I need to get a big lawn cordless mower for the back lawn because when the grass is too long for the robot due to it being too wet and the grass growing so fast it's too long for him to cut. But they're pretty pricey to buy pffft.  Peter the neighbour is pretty useless I did ask him weeks ago but he's forgotten, and when I peered thru the fence his lawn is like elephant grass now. You could get lost in that! lol

I'm still looking for a gardener too, because the garden is very overgrown now after me not being able to do the weeding for a while. Diane the lady you have was good but she was too expensive. It cost me £45 for a 2ft and 12ft border. I'd be bankrupt within a few months if I had her to do the garden for me.

I received my reglazed glasses today, so much for guaranteed delivery by 1pm, they've arrived a day late! Royal Mail had sent them to the wrong sorting office. I'm really pleased with the glasses though, £94 to have 2 pairs reglazed is amazing.  I'm now going through all the other pairs to send to them, they said they'd see which ones needed reglazing and which ones were near enough the same prescription that didn't really need reglazing. They're a brilliant family company. No wonder they have glowing reviews on Trustpilot. 

I picked up my new glasses from Boots on Tuesday, the computer ones were dreadful, they weren't able to adjust the frames so gave me a refund, then took the distance ones back Wednesday because when I put them on the actual frames were too big and I couldn't see properly out of them. It was a different woman on yesterday and she was brilliant. She apologised for the other 3 that I saw Tuesday, she'd been working there since the early 90's and she was so knowledgable  Anyway she cancelled the distance order and then adjusted the order to the new frames which fit perfectly and I also had a pair of reading glasses instead of computer glasses as I already have computer glasses at home.  They're quite pretty frames. And I ended up getting a refund of £27.50! So good result! lol 

Chloe's had a letter from the hospital, a copy of one they sent her GP stating she has blood/bone cancer or something. So she's got an appointment to see a consultant about that. Actually this would explain the spontaneous fractures she gets. So she's worried about it as anyone would be. The word 'cancer' is enough to give us all the eeby jeebies. 

Thats about all my news, I'll get back to my laundry now and have some lunch too. 

Enjoy the sun everyone! xxx

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Jun 21 7:37 am  #5080

Re: Good Morning

Good morning I have got a summer dress on for the first time this year!    Nothing much on today , I will do some dead heading then  take Pippa's husbands birthday presents  round to their house ready for tomorrow , I have not had the chance to have a proper talk to Pippa about her heart as Freddie has been with us or my mother so I am hoping today I can find out how she is really feeling.


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