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Tue Jun 25 7:53 am  #5091

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's warm but cloudy here Stayed cloudy all day yesterday.  

I'm off visiting a friend who has recently had her second hip replaced.  

xx Diane 

Wed Jun 26 11:00 am  #5092

Re: Good Morning

Good morning all. Sorry not to have been around, my new meds are making me very tired. My pain is under control, but the side effects are giving me trouble. I'll pop in as and when I can.


Wed Jun 26 9:31 pm  #5093

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Just off to bed and realised I hadn't posted today.

Its been a very hot day but this evening the sun went in and it cooled down considerably.

I went to Knit and Natter, Chair Yoga and WI Craft Club which was air dry clay - so another angel has been made.  I also joined the Virtual Village Hall online Monday Clay class and did a pinch pot.  

xx Diane 

Thu Jun 27 8:13 am  #5094

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very cloudy here but warm still.

No weigh in today so I'll nip up shopping and that's me for the day.

xx Diane 

Fri Jun 28 3:57 pm  #5095

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon all. It's been a lovely sunny day. We did a dash to Sladesbridge Garden Centre today on the spur of the moment, myself, Jackie and Chloe. Chloe bought 2 dresses, Jackie bought a pair of trousers and a top and Chloe bought 2 dresses. The clothes area there is huge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I hadn't been there for years and years, I bought my greenhouse from there when it was just a few sheds and outdoor plants. 
We had a snack for l lunch then made our way back home. It was really nice and very unexpected. I was good I just had a small piece of quiche and a scone/cream and jam with a nice pot f earl grey tea. I didn't buy anything else. 

This afternoon I've put the top dressing on the lawn where the men had butchered it and had to order another bag as I've not got enough. It's lovely stuff, Westlans lawn and turf dressing. Once I've done all the bits that need doing I'll sow the lawn seed. It's quite a big area that needs doing. 

Starry I love my cordless mowers. This new big one is fab. It's a Stiga same brand as the little one. I've had to order 2 new handle bolts and butterfly thingies for the small one as I've lost one somehow. It was just £8 inc postage for a pack of 2 so that's good. 

Diane You had a busy day Wednesday. Do you use air dry clay for the pinch pots? 

Carol so pleased to hear you're not in so much pain now the meds are sorted. Will you be able to get that front access sorted so you can use your mobility scooter this year? Now you feel better you could have a bimble around on that for a change of scenery. 

Fed up to the teeth with the election. I saw yesterday Starmer is going to give all the illegal and legal immigrants citizenship to clear the backlog waiting to be processed (with no background checks) and the ginger winger Angela Rayner has said they will distribute the illegals all over the country, and make every borough accept at least 1,700 each. They will also be eligible for housing and of course all the other benefits we've worked for. If people vote Labour now they deserve what they get and with Labour it's not a looking good. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Fri Jun 28 8:18 pm  #5096

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Had an early start. Was awake early and though I was expecting to stay home and start the crochet along I also needed to get some birthday stuff for Lola and needed to go shopping.. so thought as I was awake early I'd go to Plymouth today and shop ... on the train, first time by myself.   Went out to catch the early bus and that was well late so missed the train I was hoping to catch.  Waited around and caught the next one and walked to Hobbycraft .  Looking in the clearance section I scooped up loads of bargains.  Some foam clay kits ... one of which was priced at £35 down to £4 so I couldn't afford not to scoop them up.  Picked up lots of other bits too and then looking at the bill now, there was a further discount on everything.  So I got 10 items for £24 ... brilliant bargains. Wandered across to Screwfix and picked up a bottle of No Nonsense Superglue for £2.08.  Maggie put me onto it. I hadn't seen bottles of superglue, just the titchy tubes which are rubbish.  So she said keep it in the fridge to keep it fresher for longer... so it's in the fridge.   Walked back into Plymouth hoping to pick up a couple more things for Lola but absolutely shattered and a very heavy bag too.  So caught the bus to the station to catch the train - passing the double decker No 11 at the stop and wondering whether  I  should head home on the bus. Wish I had because it was mayhem at the station.  Cancellations all over the place. Trains stuck on platforms with no drivers, also stuck somewhere. Something was going on but I couldn't fathom out what. Signal failures seemed to be the most popular.   The train coming home was packed and I didn't think I'd get a seat until a lady said there looks like an empty seat four rows down and you are older than me .... so I wiggled down and sure enough there was an empty seat which I sank into thankfully.   I don't think I could have stood all the way home.  I'd already struggled up the stairs to the platform and a young man helping men up I felt my age. Getting  to the station hearing peoples stories they were travelling down up country and it had taken them ages.  The Bus I saw in Plymouth went by the station but couldn't get in because its a double decker, so we had to wait for the next one. A long long tiring day.   I had some painkillers and a bottle of wine when I got in.
Paul messaged me to say Lola won't be around tomorrow as she is collecting Maya from school and did  I want to go to a car boot ...10 ish.  Most definitely not.  I'm hoping to rest up. 

xx Diane 

Sat Jun 29 10:59 am  #5097

Re: Good Morning

Diana what a day!  

My youngest grandson is one today, we are all going to their house for a BBQ,  there is about 25 of us and it always a lot of fun, the only downside is Pippa is in a lot of pain she really wants to come so she is back on Oramorph but a lower dose so she is not so sleepy , hopefully it will take the edge of the pain if not she will have to take another dose and go home to sleep , I so nearly called an ambulance on Friday but she was determined to stay at home so Freddie would not get upset , so we took it hour by hour and in the end she did stay at home and  did manage to have quite a good nights sleep, fingers crossed she manages to enjoy today .


Sat Jun 29 10:41 pm  #5098

Re: Good Morning

Evening all 

Blimey Diane I'm exhausted just reading that! Hope you got your relaxing day today.
Starry I hope Pippa was able to enjoy today x 

I've been busy, mowed the lawn at the back again and then put the little robot to work, he struggles where the men massacred the lawn. I've used one bag of soil dressing and have ordered a second to try and level the worst bits out.  Then I cut the 2 little front lawns. I say lawns, there's not much grass, those 2 little lawns are nearly all weeds and daisies. They don't need mowing as often as grass would is the only good thing about them. The big new mower made short work of them. 

It's been a weird day weather wise here. Dry, overcast and hot. The sun kept trying to break through the clouds, which it did a few times, and was powerfully hot, but soon got smothered by clouds again. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Sun Jun 30 11:01 am  #5099

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's another lovely day here.  

I've done two lots of washing, one out on the rotary the other in the machine, done a bit of crochet along, changed the bed, and popped a dinner in the slow cooker. Now to relax for the rest of the day.

xx Diane 

Sun Jun 30 3:19 pm  #5100

Re: Good Morning

We had a lovely BBQ yesterday with the family, Pippa was ok , she just sat quietly.

We woke up early and I was in the garden at 8 o clock , I did two hours of weeding dead heading and cutting the grass then came in prepared something for us to eat later and  the  rest of the day  is going to be  catching up online with a few friends I have not spoken to for a while.  I just found out Pippa has gone to work so I am not best pleased with her as she is not well enough but as Paul says she is  nearly 35 and old enough to make her own mind up !  but I still wish she had not gone in today


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