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Mon Jul 1 7:06 am  #5101

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, I have got my two little grandsons coming this morning so I need to make everywhere safe.  Pippa  was fine at work last night much to my relief  but I think it has made her think twice about working this week.  
It feels chilly here this morning summer has vanished , a good start to July.


Mon Jul 1 8:23 am  #5102

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its cloudy here and its been raining.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

Hope you can persuade Pippa to take care and rest up a bit more Starry 

xx Diane 

Mon Jul 1 10:01 pm  #5103

Re: Good Morning

Evening all, very late on here today.

I was bitten Saturday by one of those European Giant Black Horseflies. They're about an inch long and sometimes longer. I went to Bodmin MIU  and after 2hrs waiting ended up driving to St Austell MIU as Bodmin couldn't cope with all the people. When I got to St Austell they said Bodmin is allocated more nurses (6) and St Austell only has 2 yet St Austell seem to deal with their patients much faster. So next time I need to go to an MIU I'll go straight to St Austell. 

I was given 500mg antibiotics and have to take them 6hours apart, so I have to set my alarm for 5am to take the first one every day. They said these new invaders bites always end up infected and they also carry a lot of diseases we don't get in the UK so said the antibiotics may not work (they're also immune to antibiotics) and if it doesnt improve I have to go back to see them. It looks like it's getting slightly better but it's not that noticeable yet. I also have to wear a sling 24/7. So last night was a nightmare trying to sleep sitting up with a sling on my arm. pffft.

Been busy clearing more clothes out today and have another 2 bags for the charity shop. I washed some things that had been in the drawer and wardrobe too long and needed freshening up and hung them out on the line after it's been a lovely day here with no rain and a nice breeze so the washing didn't take long to dry.

Hope Pippa was ok at work Starry, what a worry. 
Did you manage to get to bowls this afternoon Diane? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Jul 2 7:11 pm  #5104

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Had a rush this morning. As I'd got the day free, I'd almost decided to go to the Age UK morning and see what goes on there.  Woke up around my normal time and thought I might as well go.  So lots of nattering, bingo (which I haven't played for ages, and they called out one number and I'd already marked it - so failed miserably on that!!!) then a game of Play Your Cards Right - echoes of Bruce! Then pasty for lunch.   Got back home and crocheted the afternoon away watching films as I'd run out recordings.

I wouldn't know a European Giant Horsefly if I saw one Hazel.  Hope you are continuing to fight the infection. I'd squeeze the pills into my waking day fudging the distance apart 

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 3 7:30 am  #5105

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its cloudy here.

I'm off to Knit and Natter then Chair Yoga. This evening I have a Hobbycraft online clay class.  The materials are posted out and a Zoom class to join. Should be interesting. I've also joined a painting class too later in the month. 

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 3 7:41 am  #5106

Re: Good Morning

=16.25pxI forgot to say yesterday at Age UK. Iceland sent over eggs near their sell by date. 6 July so I came home with six free range eggs. Then stopping outside to say thank you to the lady she gave me another 12. I eat loads of eggs so that’s great. What a surprise

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 3 3:21 pm  #5107

Re: Good Morning

It has been miserable here , heavy showers and strong winds it  feels like Autumn has arrived!   Went out for a coffee with some friends and Pippa appeared which was a nice surprise. 
Hope  your antibiotics have stopped any infection Muddles, I have never heard of the horsefly you mentioned sounds horrid.
Diane we get through a lot of eggs in various different ways  , I love omelettes one of my favourite quick meals.
I am sick and tired of the TV  , the election is on just about every channel and Wimbledon is on all the other channels, I have been to Wimbledon a few times and used to really enjoy it but over the last few years I have  gone right of tennis and would rather watch the football.

I can see rain drops on the window so I had better get my washing in!


Thu Jul 4 7:58 am  #5108

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry but cloudy here 

I will give weigh in a miss and go food shopping.  Then it will be back to do a bit more clay work. 

xx Diane 

Thu Jul 4 8:57 am  #5109

Re: Good Morning

Morning all, bit blustery today but at least it's dry and sunny. I'll be off to cast my vote a bit later on. 

I heard a thrush shrieking in the tree in the back garden and a couple of other birds flapping around and causing a commotion, so went outside and found a missile thrush caught in the netting I'd put over my strawberries this morning, so after trying to release it unsuccessfully went indoors for a pair of scissors and cut the net in several places while holding the bird in my other hand. One bit of netting was around it's neck and several bits around one foot, managed to remove it all and sat it on the lawn where it just sat there with it's head down but when I went near it thinking perhaps I should put it in a box indoors for a while it scuttled off into the thick bamboo in the border. At least it will be safe in there from predators. Thankfully it's leg and foot wasn't damaged so I think once it's rested it'll be ok. After I'd released the thrush the others all stopped making a racket, they'd raised the alarm and fetched help so carried on with their daily tasks. lol 

I collected my new glasses yesterday from Boots and very happy with them, not used the readers yet, I'm still not convinced I need them although they'll be handy for reading labels on jars and packets. The distance ones are very light and comfy and I'm really happy with them, they're a shape I've not had before. 

After that I met Suzanne and Jackie and we went into a little bistro just along from Boots and had lunch. We all had the late late breakfast (I can eat all that on my low carb diet so that was good), and we all had a mocha. I saw it on the menu and after I'd ordered it the other two decided they'd like to try it as they'd never had it before. So I ended up telling them when I had my first one and where (Brighton in the 60's) and that they were all the rage back then but you hardly see them these days. I checked when I got home and Tassimo sell Mocha flavour so will order some direct from them. 

Then we went into Smiths as Jackie wanted to order the Carb/Cal counting book I'd recommended and they didn't have it, in fact they didn't have hardly any books. So Suzanne and her gave me the money and I've ordered them on Amazon and they'll be here today, so we will meet up at Chloe's Friday and I will take them with me. 

Chloe had an appointment with a consultant yesterday about her leg and had several XRays. The consultant was horrible and told her the leg isn't healing and won't heal as she's too old. Then he disappeared in the next room and she had to shout through the open door to ask him questions. Then he disappeared totally and the nurse came in to apologise. Evidently he's made an appointment for her to have a CT scan on the leg. She still has no idea what's going on with it, how long she'll have to wear the brace or if it is a permanent thing and what the exact problem is. It's terrible. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Jul 5 7:35 am  #5110

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

A wet day here today.

I'm changing bed/towels, washing, housework, baking Lola's birthday cake and flapjacks for tomorrow, and wrapping her presents. 

Well tactical voting worked and got them out (they so deserve it) but what a rotten choice we had.

How is your infected bite Hazel 

xx Diane 

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