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Fri Jul 5 4:18 pm  #5111

Re: Good Morning

It has rained all day non stop , it feels like October not July. I saw Pippa and Freddie at my mothers for a couple of hours  , this afternoon I have been looking for a necklace that Pippa mentioned a while back, she will be 35 in a few weeks and I want to get it so Freddie can give it to her, he drew a lovely picture of Pippa and him, and the necklace company will engrave the picture on to the necklace pendant, it was the first time he had ever drawn anything that looks like a person although he did not draw any arms , I just hope I can find the company who do it.


Fri Jul 5 9:32 pm  #5112

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. What a horrible day, it's rained almost all day and torrential rain this evening.

Diane my bite is almost better now thanks, but the finger isn't right. I still can't straighten it and it's really painful still. 

What a terrible shock to wake up to an almost red Cornwall. Cornwall's never been a Labour county and to see 4 of it's 6 areas now Labour and the other 2 gone to Lib Dems. pffft.  50 thousand Cornish voted for ReformUK and thank God they got 5 seats over the rest of the country.  This election just shows how unfair the first past the post system is. If it had been proportional representation which is the fairest system, then Labour and Reform would probably be in a coalition government now.  Reform got 4 million votes and only 5 seats, Lib Dems got 3 million votes and got 69 seats. Total rubbish system. 

I was surprised only 53% of the population actually bothered to go out and vote. Voting should be compulsory as it is in Australia. 

Oh well, let's see if Labour can do something or even last the next 5yrs. lol 

Sir Ed Davey is ranting about the best result for the Lib Dems for over a century. They haven't even been going 100years. It was the Liberal Democrats was founded in 1988, so 36 years. It was the Liberals before that and some of them broke away and joined up with the Social Democrats to for the Lib Dems.  Do these people think we don't remember?

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sat Jul 6 8:08 am  #5113

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but we've had constant showers.

Its Lola's belated birthday celebrations today so they will be coming over and we'll be going out somewhere with a picnic

xx Diane 

Sat Jul 6 9:37 am  #5114

Re: Good Morning

Another wet day, Diane I hope your granddaughter has a lovely birthday and the rain stays away.

Chichester for the first time in a 100  years is no longer Conservative but is now Lib Dem , as far as I am concerned they are all as bad as each other .
We are going out mid morning to have a  glass or two of Pimm's  with my mother , she makes a really lovely Pimm's but we have got fed up waiting for a hot sunny day to enjoy it and have decided  we will enjoy it regardless of the lack of sun.
We will watch the England match later as there is not much else to do.


Sat Jul 6 8:08 pm  #5115

Re: Good Morning

Evening ladies. It's been a really odd day here, we didn't get the threatened thunder and lightening it was blue skies and sun all day but a bitter cold wind. Then late afternoon it started raining and is now drizzling and the wind's died down a bit. 

I've not done much today at all. Had a few phone calls which went on longer than I'd like. I'm not keen on football so this evening I've been watching a programme about Patagonia wildlife and now one about the beginnings and history of Venice, with Francesco da.Mosto presenting. His family have lived in Venice since it was first built. It's been really interesting and I probably wouldn't have chosen to watch it if there'd been anything else on, but I'm glad I did. I like his programmes about Venice, he's a bit of a silver fox, thick head of silver hair and quite good looking with that sexy Italian accent. So it's not been all bad tonight LOL 

Not going out tomorrow as we went out Wednesday I think, can't remember which now. I can't really afford to too often. I did go over to see Chloe Friday and took a couple of books I'd ordered from Amazon for Jackie and Suzanne.

Next week I've got 2 parcels due from Temu. More jumpers for the coming winter. If you're careful what you buy you can get some real bargains. The jumpers I've bought earlier have been really lovely. I wait til they're on a flash sale and then buy them. I've got enough now though. The most expensive was just over £5, but most have been around £4. The quality was good too. I try and stick to the same sellers as I know their stuff is as good as Damart and Ambrose Wilson. I think they're probably the same manufacturers to be honest. 

It's cold this evening so had to shut the window vents up as there was quite a draught. I dont think we're going to have a proper summer this year, it's July already and only another couple of months left before Autumn arrives. pffft.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sun Jul 7 7:55 am  #5116

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but the next lot of rain is heading in very soon.

I've got a quiet day.  I'll finish off tidying up my air dry clay Green Man then he can continue to dry.  Rain has already started now.

We had a good day yesterday. Lola wanted to go to the beach and it really wasn't the day for the beach. Very windy and continual showers forecast. But when we got there the sun was out and we were protected from the wind.   So we enjoyed our picnic then were eventually driven off to the car by a shower of rain.  Maya and I sat in the car while Paul and Lola went swimming. They weren't in very long before they came back and Lola said it was cold, so I was glad I hadn't tried.

xx Diane 

Sun Jul 7 2:04 pm  #5117

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, a wet and windy day, my mother came over for lunch and has just gone home. I am wishing this month away , Pippa has two very important hospital appointments in the next couple of weeks, I usually go with her which is fine but I am getting quite worried about these appointments , normally I don't really give her appointments too much thought , I go with her as she can't remember everything that has happened to her in her life and so I fill in anything she can't remember but the upcoming appointments have taken on a more serious feeling and I think she is feeling like me, quite nervous.


Sun Jul 7 7:34 pm  #5118

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon everyone, well we had no thunderstorms, although we did get torrential rain overnight. today has been bright blue skies with white fluffy clouds, sunshine and a gentle breeze. 
I've done absolutely nothing all day. It's been great lol

Starry it's totally understandable you and Pippa will have this feeling about the upcoming appointments, it's been most of Pippa's life these health problems and you must both be so exhausted with it all. All you can both do is take each day as it comes isn't it. 

Diane your Green Man sounds great, will you be putting him on your garden fence or wall?  


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Mon Jul 8 8:38 am  #5119

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's damp outside and very cloudy.  

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

xx Diane 

Mon Jul 8 5:20 pm  #5120

Re: Good Morning

I’ve cracked and put the heating on for half an hour 🤪

xx Diane 

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