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Mon Jul 8 9:26 pm  #5121

Re: Good Morning

Diane snap! I put mine on about 8pm it was blooming cold! Always feel colder in the damp weather.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Tue Jul 9 9:04 am  #5122

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone. 

It's dry here at the moment - but not for long. The gardener is now waiting for a dry day  to cut the grass.

I've got the hairdresser at the house today. She's gone mobile.  I was waiting for a cancellation, but she's actually coming.  Then I'm going to finish the crochet along section for this week  Its a rectangular blanket and it starts with a rectangle, then two squares that add either side of the rectangle then we join them and start going in rounds.   Next doors are having new kitchen fitted. They started Friday and luckily their noisiest day coincided with me houseworking and making my own noise. 

xx Diane 

Tue Jul 9 3:06 pm  #5123

Re: Good Morning

It has rained all day , my girls and I took took Harry and Freddie to a gym club yesterday , they loved it they used  bars and beams and climbing walls  plus various other pieces of equipment  they were both exhausted and fell asleep in the car going home .
Today was sorting out some paper work for my mother which took much longer than I thought it would but at least it is all done now. 
I can see our heating going on tonight , I am cold already but  am just going to do some ironing so that should warm me up.


Wed Jul 10 7:48 am  #5124

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its actually dry here at the moment

I'm off to Knit and Natter, then Chair Yoga then WI tonight. Not sure I'll manage them all today. We'll see

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 10 9:10 am  #5125

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, I have hung some washing out as it is not raining but the wind is so strong I half expect it to blow away!
Not a lot on today , my shopping has been and is all put away , I will go and see my mother in a minute then see what the day brings.


Wed Jul 10 6:23 pm  #5126

Re: Good Morning

Well this is odd, I wrote a post this morning and come back now and it's not here. Weird. 
Oh well never mind.
It's been a lovely sunny day today with a bit of a breeze, great to have a dry day for once. 

Been trying to find a good carpenter to come and look at the porch and give a quote on replacing it as the 3 companies I had quotes from for the court, on has gone bust and the other 2 are booked up til end of the year, and I wanted the porch up before winter if possible.

Sounds like you have the wind we had yesterday Starry. Diane, did you make all 3 things today, 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Jul 11 8:16 am  #5127

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone. 

It's another dry bright day here. Not warm, but dry which seems to be a bonus now.

I'm skipping weigh in and as I'm having an online food delivery, won't need to go shopping either.  Next doors are having their kitchen refitted, so there is a lot of noise there. Up the road, the 'new' estate are having their block paving road replaced ready for the road handover and I've got a lorry which delivered a digger thing and is still parked there waiting for it to climb back on ... so noise there too. Might have to turn up the music a bit louder today and join in with the kerfuffle.

What a weird day it turned out to be yesterday.  I wasn't sure I could do all I planned to.  I'm finding that the exercises the physio has given me is hurting my hip even more and now both sides are really sore. Then on Monday the lady I was playing opposite had had a stumble recently and hurt her back, so I was helping pick her bowls up as well as mine and the pain has been even more severe since.  Then last nights WI was a walking Treasure Hunt so I knew there would be some walking involved and it looked like I would have had to walk back from Chair Yoga and wasn't sure I could manage it, so I skipped Chair Yoga and came home from Knit and Natter with the people who take me, to save my legs.  Then on the journey home they said they wanted to nip to Trago and asked if I wanted to go with them.... so I said yes please and we had a quick walk round there and I picked up some more goodies. Then came home and I hadn't heard about my lift to WI. Sam who usually organises it for me, her mother has recently had a knee operation and was home recovering when it appears she had a serious stroke. So not hearing from Sam, I wondered if something had taken a turn for the worse and didn't want to bother her. So I stayed home. As I said ... a very weird day.   PS ... I have stopped doing the exercises and will wait until I see the physio to see what she has to say about it. I'm sure it shouldn't be hurting me so much, and I didn't feel I overdid the exercises. 

​Life is very odd at the moment. Plan A never works out --- so go through the letters until the next plan dovetails. 

xx Diane 

Thu Jul 11 8:26 am  #5128

Re: Good Morning

Good morning all. It's a lovely bright and sunny morning here. Once my kitchen duties are done the day is mine. I'll probably finish my book.  Jimmy is out in the garden worshipping the sun. No doubt he'll come in when he's hungry. Have a good day all.


Thu Jul 11 2:26 pm  #5129

Re: Good Morning

Today has been lovely very warm and sunny, I managed to do loads of gardening which was very satisfying , had a dust and hoover throughout  and changed the  bedding then I went to see my mother who had  lots of things  for me to do there , now I am sitting in the sun with a coffee . Paul was waiting for a parcel that needed signing for , I was here all morning and Paul got a text saying "unable to deliver no one at home" took about telling lies I was in the front garden so there is no way I would have missed them and I only went to my mother when Paul got home! 


Thu Jul 11 3:09 pm  #5130

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon all. 

Diane that was a weird day for you. I found when the physio came to me a few times the exercises she told me to do made me worse, so after 3 weeks I stopped doing them. It was for my balance, and she also gave me some to help the arthritis in my hips, it made them even worse. Makes you wonder if they actually know what they're doing. 

Starry I've been pretty lucky with couriers but I do get the odd one like the one you had, or rather didn't have, yesterday. They just can't be bothered. 

Carol, Jimmy would stay outdoors if the weather was good every day (and night) wouldn't he lol 

I've got XPets this Sunday so must try and suss out what to do for that, it's getting a problem now to think of new things, thank God it's only once a month. 

I've been phoning round carpenters about the porch and at last one is supposedly coming Monday to take a look and listen to what I want doing. I was going to go for a lean to conservatory but can't get anyone to put it up for me. There's some real bargains now but a lot of them have the door too close to the house so wouldn't work here as I have an air source heat pump each side so wouldn't be able to open the door. So another wooden one it will have to be. Hopefully if it's built properly this time it should be weatherproof.

The guy who put the plywood on the roof of this one is tied up til mid December then it'll be too wet to do anything, but he's finding someone's phone number for me who may be able to do it but not heard back from him yet. He's probably forgotten to ask. 

I'm still having a clear out, most of the clothes I have taken to the charity depository and now I'm on to the bedding, duvet covers, duvets, pillows, sheets, towels, etc. Plus I've got a lot of dresses and tops to sell which have never been worn so not giving those away. When I can be arsed to photograph them and list them on Ebay. I did download Vinted but dont know how to use it LOL 

I'll be so glad when the football has finished and the tennis, the tv channels are all over the place and you have to hunt around for regular programmes because they're all moved to make room for the ruddy football. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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