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Fri Jul 12 8:20 am  #5131

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but the local forecasters have posted a dire satellite image.

I've got a back, neck and head massage today, so hoping it stays dry for the walk there.

xx Diane 

Fri Jul 12 11:38 am  #5132

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon all. It's a dull and dismal day here. I've no plans so I will have a GWTF day. Hope you all have a good day.


Fri Jul 12 12:02 pm  #5133

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, Pippa and I  decided to take Freddie swimming , we usually stay in the water for  about an hour but when we got out today we realised we had been swimming for nearly two hours!

Muddles I had a clear out the other day , both the spare rooms had clothes in them plus our bedroom , I got rid of loads and now have no clothes in the spares rooms only in our bedroom very satisfying.

Diane I used to go to a girl in the village for massages she was very good but the lease on her  property went up so much she moved away so  since then I have not found anyone who does massages without having to drive there.



Sat Jul 13 8:56 pm  #5134

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, bit quiet in here today.

Well we didn't get the dire weather or gales and torrential rain, it's been a beautiful sunny day and quite hot. I cleared out the porch and threw out a lot of stuff, then sorted out the bedroom and used a set of 4 deep plastic drawers I'd had in the porch to put all my new winter jumpers in. I washed it thoroughly and let it dry in the sun which didn't take long. 

My batty squirrel turned up about 6pm. His or her usual time. Still battling to get the peanuts out of the bird feeder and getting nowhere fast, so I took a handful of Hazelnuts out in a small dish for him and he sat on the grass chomping on those and looked so sweet. Then for some reason galloped off into the undergrowth. Maybe he'd eaten too much.

TV's been terrible what with football, tennis and now the Tour de France and some other sporty events. Why they won't have sport on a couple of dedicated channels and leave things where they are I dont know, it's so annoying. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Sun Jul 14 9:46 am  #5135

Re: Good Morning

Morning all, severe weather forecast for later today, I may go and cut the 2 little front lawns this morning but not made my mind up yet. I've done a load of washing which is now in the drier and the black jeggings are in the machine for a second wash as they're still covered in hair. I dread washing them so don't wear them often and each time I forget I should never put them in with normal washing, not because of the dye but because they seem to pick up all the fluff from the other things in with them aarrrghhhhh. I'll have to go over them with the lint brush when they're dry. 

What about Trump then? Either the security team were useless or it was a set up. I'd go with the latter to be honest. The Globalists are trying hard to get rid of Trump and Biden was overheard saying on the phone just 5 days ago he thought it was time Trump took the bullet.  He may be easy to manipulate because he's got dementia but I think Karma stepped in there and when he said that to someone in the Whitehouse it's shown people how corrupt the Democrats are as well as being full on woke and globalists. 

And now Starmer has signed the pact with the EU so we now have to accept the boat migrants and can't send them back plus we  have to accept several thousand from Europe too to stop them being flooded. What was the point of Brexit? What is the point of doing anything or voting towards anything because people like Starmer just change it all when they get into power. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Sun Jul 14 11:23 am  #5136

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here at the moment, but rain  is supposed to be here soon.

I've got a chill out day today.

Had a busy day yesterday. Picnic and beach again. Lola had a new surfboard for her birthday so wanted to try it out. I didn't get into the sea. Had fish and chips before dropping Lola off. Maya didn't come as she had a headache. Then a quick one in the pub before coming home. I unpacked the picnic bag and left the washing up until today.

xx Diane 

Sun Jul 14 11:27 am  #5137

Re: Good Morning

Good morning , muddles the world  has gone mad !  Biden and Trump are unbelievable it s like watching a bad sitcom only it is actual life!
Today started of sunny and hot but  it is clouding over now , I did  some dead heading and watered the Tomatoes and  some of the tubs and that was that.
I have just made a salad  dressing which has a lot of chilli in it , I make it a lot and it is lovely but by mistake I doubled the amount of Chilli , it will be interesting to see what Paul thinks , I am not going to warn him!
We will be watching the football tonight , it would be lovely if we won it would make a lot of people very happy .


Mon Jul 15 8:49 am  #5138

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its wet here.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon

xx Diane 

Tue Jul 16 7:53 am  #5139

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but cloudy and grey.

I'm thinking of wandering down to Age UK if it stays dry. 

xx Diane 

Tue Jul 16 10:06 am  #5140

Re: Good Morning

Good morning all.  My incarceration continues, so not much is happening. The highlight of my day is the washing up! ( Note to self, get your knitting or your sewing out). Have a good day all and take care.


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