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Wed Jul 17 2:54 pm  #5141

Re: Good Morning

It is lovely here today it really feels like summer. Tomorrow we are having the kitchen floor levelled , it is going to take them two days and then they will lay the new flooring on Monday and Tuesday next week and put a new floor in one of the bathrooms,  it will be a bit difficult to do any proper cooking so I think a few takeaways  will be the answer. 
Quite by accident we discovered that a solicitor my mother and I used about 20 years ago was struck of about 10 years ago , Paul and I spent most of yesterday trying to find out what has happened to the paperwork the solicitor had of ours and why was I never informed about this neither was my mother. We tried everyone we could think of and have now been advised to see another solicitor to re do things like power of attorney and some other things my mother had done !  talk about fun and games! So we are doing that next week and Pippa and I have also got a really important appointment with the cardiologist  also next week which is a bit nerve wracking.



Wed Jul 17 3:42 pm  #5142

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone. Another hot sunny day here, so been out cutting back the tall perennials that have finished blooming which half filled the big brown wheelie and then decided to prune one of  the apple tree that's gone into triffid mode 

I've one a prize from Travelodge. One night in any hotel anywhere in the uk up to the value of £100. It's a bit useless to me as I don't think I'd use it to be honest all on my own, I can leave Lily at home overnight but I'd have to take Dora with me. So I thought I might sell it for £50 to go towards my new porch as I need some extra money for that.  I have to book somewhere before this Friday for any date between now and end of September.  I don't suppose anyone will be interested and it will go to waste unused. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Jul 18 7:38 am  #5143

Re: Good Morning

Good morning , Muddles I hope you sell your prize there must be someone who could make use of it.

The flooring people should be here soon , I will be glad when it is finished, we go through the kitchen to go into the front garden and the back garden so we are stuck in the lounge , at least we have the spare bedrooms and their bathrooms to use .  

It is already very warm here it is supposed to be getting very hot tomorrow we have had a heat warning !   I have got Freddie's school uniform here ready for me to sew  name tags into everything , he looked so sweet when he tried it on the other day.



Thu Jul 18 9:47 am  #5144

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a bright warm day here.

I'll be off food shopping later. I lingered in bed listening to the end of my audio book.

xx Diane 

Thu Jul 18 10:33 am  #5145

Re: Good Morning

starry wrote:

Quite by accident we discovered that a solicitor my mother and I used about 20 years ago was struck of about 10 years ago , Paul and I spent most of yesterday trying to find out what has happened to the paperwork the solicitor had of ours and why was I never informed about this neither was my mother. We tried everyone we could think of and have now been advised to see another solicitor to re do things like power of attorney and some other things my mother had done !  talk about fun and games! So we are doing that next week 

The same thing happened to me Starry. When my Gran died I was the only person she left everything to and I was also the Executor.  However, my mum and Gran both died around the same week, mum was in Cornwall with me and Gran was in Kent. I'd not seen my gran for about 6 months before her death as I was caring for my mum who had cancer, apart from when I was notified she was in hospital after suffering a really bad stoke, so I had to dash up there but she died the day after I arrived, although I did see her, she was in a sort of coma so I hoped she knew I was there. 

I had to go to her solicitor who she'd had for donkeys years since I was a child, if not before to let him know as he had a copy of her will, and it turns out my father's cousin, Mabel, had befriended my Gran during that 6 months I couldnt get up to see her and got another solicitor to change her will leaving everything to her (Mabel).  I told him I wanted to contest it but he said it was highly unlikely I'd win the case as my Gran was dead and I'd have to prove she was not of sound mind, so I didn't take it further. I went around to empty Gran's flat and it was empty and the warden came along and asked who I was, she was a new warden as the previous one and retired. I told her I was my Grans only granddaughter from Cornwall and she said no I wasn't as the granddaughter had been and emptied the flat and had been visiting my gran every day for the last 5 months. I told her that was not her granddaughter. So I went back to my Grans old solicitor and he made a few enquiries and the solicitor that had got my gran to sign a new will told him she was capable mentally of making decisions and there was nothing underhand going on. 

However, 4yrs later my Godmother came to Cornwall to see me and told me that 'new' solicitor had been struck off for several offences involving falsifying documents and things like getting old people to change their wills in favour of a different relative for assumed cash payment. But I didn't take it any further as the money would all have been spent by then and I was going through a very violent divorce from my ex psychopath husband. I should have though as my gran had about £250,000 in her big bank account as she called it and another £10,000 or more in the little bank account.  It still riles me to know that solicitor changed my life for the worse and fiddled me out of my inheritance but there was nothing I could do and circumstances in my private life at the time prevented me from being strong enough mentally to go after him. He's dead now. 

Well today is another really hot sunny one. I've got the AC on as it's so hot indoors. The repair man is coming today from the insurance to fit 2 new bulbs in my little chest freezer, the alarm and the power bulbs dont work. I dont think they ever did so rang Candy up to find out how much to get an engineer out as its something I couldnt do myself and they said about £180 with the call out fee. So instead of that I took out insurance with D&G for £4.50 a month, I've had the insurance now 3 months so put in a claim. So the repair has only cost me £13.50 the cost of 3 months insurance lol I'll cancel the policy in another month now. 

Then later this morning I have the surveyor coming from Sanctuary between 11.30 and 1pm to have a look where the porch is going. Well he's coming because I did ask permission for a conservatory but seeing as that would cost me thousands and thousands its now going to be a wooden porch. So I didn't cancel the appointment I'll just explain when he gets here. I'm hoping he'll give me the go ahead as the last guy that came out to estimate the cost from St Austell gave me a good price for a fully insulated porch with DG door and window.  I've also decided to put the money to it that the cowboy refunded me plus some of my savings, or get a loan for all of it over 3yrs and keep all the other money in my savings account. I'll probably go for the latter as my car is paid for in 6 months so I'll only have to watch pennies until then and it won't leave me really hard up before then. 

If I die within the term of the loan I won't care cos I'll be dead but hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the new porch for a good few years yet lol 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Jul 18 11:48 am  #5146

Re: Good Morning

What a shame Muddles if we can't trust solicitors who can we trust.

We have  had a nightmare morning, the men came to level the old part of the kitchen floor and discovered the joists are rotten and very damp, the house is so old  we half expected they would find something  that would need sorting out but this is a big job so it will be costly.  We are now working for a carpenter , because they are fixed nothing else can be done.   

We  have a meeting  next week to redo the LSA  , we are using someone we know and as my mother is 95 he wants us to get it all sorted asap . 


Thu Jul 18 1:28 pm  #5147

Re: Good Morning

What a shock Starry, but as you say thats the thing with old properties. One job starts and it inevitably reveals something else doesn't it. I hope you can get it fixed as reasonably as possible. Things are so expensive these days. 

Well the surveyor has been and said there's no problem with the proposed porch and it won't need foundations as it's basically a timber framed lean to and the only weight will be the dg door and window. So that was good, the builder has to send him the diagram with measurements and materials etc then he said he'll put the approval stamp on them and pass them to the housing association legal team who say yes or no, but said there's no reason why they should dismiss the application. He said he's away next week on holiday but will deal with it asap he gets back the following week and chase it up but he probably won't hear back from the legal team til the end of August. So I've phoned the builder to pass on the request and he's coming out to see me next week and we will book a preliminary slot for the beginning of September for work to start.  Things take so long pffft.

Just waiting on the freezer guy to turn up and put my new bulbs in the freezer. pffft.

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Jul 18 7:11 pm  #5148

Re: Good Morning

That's really bad news for you Starry.  Sounds expensive and a long job too

xx Diane 

Fri Jul 19 8:07 am  #5149

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a lovely day here.

Some washing to do before I go out to Crafternoon.

xx Diane 

Fri Jul 19 8:29 am  #5150

Re: Good Morning

Good morning all. Likewise, its extremely hot here already, you can feel the sun burning you. I dashed round and fed the birds and checked their water bowls, then watered the containers as some of the flowers were looking a bit wilted, did the containers out front too and now sat indoors with the AC on to cool down. 

Heard on the radio that most of the internet is collapsing, the part thats dependant on Microsoft, banks, hospitals, airlines, councils, etc etc. I've often wondered why they always choose Microsoft over Apple because Apple is far superior and much more difficult to hack into.  Perhaps this will teach them a lesson and they'll diversify and look into Apple systems. They're probably too tight to pay the money if truth be known. But you get what you pay for as they say.

Finally got the email from Dora's insurance and they've paid out what I was hoping they would, by BACS but due to the internet outage it's not showing in my bank yet pffft. Typical. I want to move it out of my current account into a high interest account asap as it's going toward the new porch.

Enjoy your day everyone! 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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