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Fri Jul 19 11:19 am  #5151

Re: Good Morning

Phew it is very hot, I have   come indoors to cool of for a while. The flooring people use a building company who are always happy to sort out problems with flooring and it just happens to be the company my son in law works for so he  is coming round this afternoon and his boss told him to tell  us he will sort the money out later but it will be mates rates which is good news.

I was in the kitchen and the French doors were both open and I just caught sight of a Gull about to walk in , I have a fear of birds so not a good start anyway luckily a couple of very low helicopters flew over and the Gull shot of  and flew away, we have a large canopy over the decking and I thought he was going to crash into it but  he just missed it!   When the children were little we had a kitten and the first time he was allowed out in the garden a gull swooped down and picked him up ,the children were screaming so loudly the gull opened its beak and the kitten fell into my Hydrangea bush and apart for a V shape piece of his ear missing he was fine , it was ages before I was happy about him being in the garden again, he actually lived  for about 12 years and was always getting himself in to trouble  including getting stuck up our chimney and another day climbing into a builders van , falling asleep and ending up miles from home, luckily he had a collar with our number on it and my ex husband had to go and collect him.


Sat Jul 20 9:40 am  #5152

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its wet and very muggy here.

I haven't heard from Paul so am guessing there is no visit today. 

That's good news about your floor Starry (as good as it could get anyway) 

xx Diane 

Sun Jul 21 10:16 am  #5153

Re: Good Morning

Morning all, another hot one. My friend from Nth Somerset is coming down today, she left about 10am so will be here after lunch. She's such a slow driver and doesn't like the motorway so will be coming along the Atlantic Highway all along the coast. That's much more risky than the motorway with all the bends and hills and people overtaking on blind bends. Still if it's what she feels safer on eh. 

Been out and swept up all the leaves again, it's like Autumn all year round lately, the trees don't know if they're coming or going. 

We're going up the Victoria Inn for dinner tonight, so that'll be nice, so I've just got some sandwiches to prepare and a cream tea this afternoon with coffee or Earl Grey. The EG for me, I think she prefers coffee. 

Then tomorrow I have to go to the Travelodge early so we can have breakfast together in the Victoria Inn (it's attached to the Travelodge and connected by a passage so quite handy. Then she's off back to Somerset. She's bringing her little dog with her, I say little, he's bigger than Dora. A golden Pomeranian. The last time I saw him he was a pup. He's a cross with a Pug, so although he's mostly Pom to look at his face is pug like but not as flat. Not a pretty animal, and he is undershot so his bottom teeth stick out. Still she loves him lol 

I'm hoping the rain stays away and waiting for the grass to dry up so I can put the little robot mower out as the grass has grown a lot since he was out last. I don't want to get the big mower out, not that it's any hassle but because I'm lazy. 

Great news about the flooring Starry that should save quite a bit of dosh.

A relaxing day for you at home Diane? 

Hope you're having a good day Carol and it's not too muggy for you. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Mon Jul 22 8:40 am  #5154

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but very cloudy.

I have bowls later then a Hobbycraft Online Workshop Art Class tonight.

xx Diane 

Mon Jul 22 4:09 pm  #5155

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon all. It was dull first thing now, it's sunny with a strong wind. I've pottered gently and am now watching Netflix for the first time. I'm spoilt for choice, Vikings Valhalla sounded good so I'm watching that. It's not grabbing me so far. Hopefully, it will improve.
 I had a delivery of some plants sorry to say they were smashed and broken, so I've complained.


Tue Jul 23 11:24 am  #5156

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its cloudy here but its dry.

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 24 2:00 pm  #5157

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, tis a damp overcast day here but really mugg, but has started raining now. pffft.

I've ordered another one of those plastic storage shed thingies, to put everything from the porch into so it's all clear for Bob the Builder. He's ordered the door and window today, that will take about 4 weeks to make so should be ready about the time Sanctuary get round to giving the go ahead for the porch.  We're hoping to start work on that end of August. Can't wait to see it finished. But I have some hard work to do before it starts. Move my small pond which is in front of the old porch and the roses and other plants that are around the pond, so he can get around and work better. Which means trying to scrape some of the gravel on the patio a bit so the little pond can sit on there, then dig a new border around one side of the patio for the roses to go in.  Not looking forward to all that and might try and find someone who could do that for me. I seem to have lost most of my get up and go. 

My friend from Nth Somerset was here at the w/end and it was lovely to see her.  We seemed to natter non stop but it was great. Dora loved her little dog Bazz. They were chasing and playing in the garden most of the time. 

I'm now wishing I hadn't chosen Hayle Travelodge for that night stay as it's not really an ideal location for someone in a wheelchair, has no faciilities for breakfast apart from a box of rubbish you take away with you, and it's difficult to get to the beach. Wish I'd chosen Sourton Cross on Dartmoor now. I might ask if I can change it as it's not until September. 

Dora's new service dog harness has arrived and she looks so cute in it. She doesnt seem to mind wearing it either which is a relief. 

I dont have Netflix Carol, I went for Amazon Prime instead as the videos are all included in that, Disney Plus and I had Apple TV with the new iPhone. The thing that put me off Netflix was the Harkles have lots of things on there and I can't stand either of those 2 grifters. (Harry and Meghan).
Hope the work is going smoothly Starry with the floor. 
Diane you're not off anywhere today? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Wed Jul 24 4:55 pm  #5158

Re: Good Morning

Pippa and I had a very interesting appointment with a cardio nurse, Pippa is now on a waiting list for a procedure on her heart, the waiting time is a year so she put her on this and said in a year we will see how things are going but better to be on the list. The procedure is to burn some pathways in her heart which  take the blood in all the wrong directions and put too much pressure on her heart , it has a lot to do with electrical processes in the heart, the extreme tiredness is caused by this and will be ongoing, she is going to take all medication at bedtime and hopefully they will not make her even more tired. The nurse was so nice she drew pictures and went through everything , we were there for 90minutes and came out feeling a lot happier, we also found out that she was born with this , we knew about the leaky valves but this new problem has  only just started to cause a problem, so for the next it is regular appointments and she did say there may be more occasions  when she will have to be admitted  simply as a precaution and to have intravenous medication to slow her heart down

Muddles what a lot of work ahead of you , it will be lovely to have the porch all done before the winter , hopefully the weather will be kind to you and let you get on with everything hopefully your get up and go will return!

Last edited by starry (Wed Jul 24 6:56 pm)


Thu Jul 25 8:28 am  #5159

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its wet wet wet here.

I've got food shopping, then a follow up physio appointment, then Jefferson arrives for a few days

Glad to hear you had such an in depth appointment Starry. Hopefully they can keep Pippa balanced and healthy until that procedure

xx Diane 

Thu Jul 25 10:40 am  #5160

Re: Good Morning

It feels like winter has arrived it is wet windy and chilly, yesterday was very hot and sunny what a difference.

Not much on except for doing our power of attorneys apart from that there is nothing to do so I will do some cooking a freeze a few meals.


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