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Fri Jul 26 8:03 am  #5161

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry and sunny here at the moment.  

We'll be able to get out for a walk through the day.

Always sleep better when Jefferson is here. 

I had an offer from Wiltshire Farm Foods and had a delivery this morning. Will be interesting to see what they taste like.

xx Diane 

Fri Jul 26 2:38 pm  #5162

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone! It's baking hot here and sunny. My Keter storage box came today and the delivery man took it right thru the bungalow to the back for me on his trolley. That was so helpful of him. I unpacked it and it took me 2 hours to assemble it lol  The battery was flat on the electric drill so couldn't use that to screw it together and had to do it all by hand. It's all done now except for 4 screws that I can't get in as there's no hole punched for them pfffft.  I'll ask either Bob the Builder to make the holes for me or Peter next door.  The porch is almost empty now ready to come down except my tubs of bird food and a few other little bits and bobs.  So now just got the little pond to move and put somewhere else and dig up all the roses and lavenders and bulbs and put in a new bed somewhere. I'm wondering if I can afford to get someone else to do that but trouble is they don't know a plant from a weed not to mention the labour they charge. 

I called round to see Peter yesterday as Id not seen him for a while and been worried about him as he's been so depressed lately I just wanted to check he hadn't done himself in. But he was ok, apart from a urine infection.  

Starry that sounds a very delicate procedure on Pippa's heart and a year to wait! I suppose that's not bad considering how long the lists are nowadays but still a long time. 

Diane you probably sleep better with Jefferson there as you feel safe and it's something else 'alive' in the house. Thats how I feel with my 2 furries. If I didn't have them I don't think I'd sleep so well (not that I sleep that well as it is), and wouldn't settle down on my own. 

Carol how are you getting on with Netflix have you watched any of the Harkles stuff yet? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sat Jul 27 9:59 am  #5163

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry here but there is a shower around. I'm going to get dressed and take Jefferson for a walk.

I was going to get out into the garden and do some gardening but spent the day crocheting instead - and I bet I do the same today !

xx Diane 

Sun Jul 28 8:19 am  #5164

Re: Good Morning

Good morning it was a hot and sunny yesterday and it is the same today. I woke up early and did some weeding for an hour , it was lovely not too hot and the earth is still wet so the weeds came up easily , I had already cut the grass and strimmed the edges so everywhere looks lovely.

We have nothing else on today so we can relax in the garden and  enjoy this weather. 

I am trying to find something to do in the winter, I have done enough cross  stitch and knitting  over the last  few years and I fancy a change but nothing to complicated. A friend of mine is a dress maker and she is just starting to make three bridesmaid dresses the brides dress and the page boys waist coats, she asked if I would like to help , years ago I made a wedding dress which took about 6 months , never again it is too much of a responsibility  so I said I would sort the page boys out which is something I have done a few times and the waist coats are quick and easy, the wedding is next April so there is plenty of time ,I will start after Christmas because I expect the boys will grow a lot between now and the wedding.


Sun Jul 28 9:47 am  #5165

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a lovely day here.

When I get dressed, we'll be off for our constitutional.

I really need to get out into the garden but it's raising the energy. 

xx Diane 

Sun Jul 28 8:39 pm  #5166

Re: Good Morning

Evening all, it's been a hot and dry day here today, I've not done anything much today, yesterday I put the Keter storage box together which nearly killed me. I'll get cracking this week moving some plants in pots from the patio, goodness knows where I"ll put them instead, but I need to scrape a hole in the gravel and then drain and move the small fibreglass fish pond. I say small, it's 5ft x 3ft. I have to net the fish in it first and put them in a bucket of water. Then I need to dig a new flower border to put the roses and other plants that are planted round it at the moment. pffft... whether I can muster the enthusiasm goodness knows. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Mon Jul 29 10:03 am  #5167

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone. 

Its a lovely day here.

Jefferson has been collected already. I didn't know if Monday back meant collection Tuesday or Monday - but he's been collected.  I'm off to clean the house and wash every scrap of bedding, towels, clothes .. so no rest for me.   He has already been booked in for August.

xx Diane 

Mon Jul 29 10:50 am  #5168

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone. Boiling hot today. So windows and doors now closed to keep the cool air inside and the hot air out. Robot's out today to do the lawn, it may be a bit too hot later on for him (electrics can overheat) so thought I'd send him out for a few hours before midday while it's just hot and not horrendously hot. 
I have to go to the vet today to collect Lily's pain killer (Metacam) so will wait til later on nearer tea time. I'll take Dora with me as she loves going out in the car. 
I'll be watching tv this afternoon (don't normally turn it on til after 6pm) to see what Rachel Reeves is going to announce. She's saying she knew nothing about the 20 billion black hole, lying of course because it was common knowledge before the election but she's trying to play everyone and make out the Tories kept it a secret so we won't feel so bad when she raises taxes and cuts a lot of services.  
I see GP's are now going on strike, putting patients lives at risk. Surely that's against the hypocritic oath they took when they qualified as doctors? Nothing seems to be mentioned about that. I feel so sorry for the GP's having to manage on over £100k to £150,000 a year. NOT

Diane you'll miss Jefferson, a dog is such good company even if they're just laying in their bed asleep. I'd miss Dora if I didn't have her. It's nice just to have something else alive in the house somehow. 

Enjoy your day everyone! x

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Jul 30 7:46 am  #5169

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another lovely day here.

My last wash is on and can go out. I'm just wondering whether to wander down to Age Concern today or not 

xx Diane 

Tue Jul 30 9:51 am  #5170

Re: Good Morning

Another very hot day, the main road from Chichester to the beach  is  about 7 miles but it  is taking 90 minutes  , there is only one way in and out of the village  so a nightmare for the locals but we need the tourists to keep the village going! Tomorrow we have got to take my mother to  a hospital appointment so we are going to have to allow  two hours for a 20 minute journey!



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