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Wed Jul 31 2:18 pm  #5171

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone. It's too hot for me today. I opened the car windows at 8am and it was 22C out there then. pfffft. When I went out in the back garden to water the containers as the plants were looking a bit floppy. Fed the birds and put Sids nuts in the dish on the tree for him, although not seen him for a day or two, maybe he holes up when it's hot. I hope he'll be ok in this heat bless him. He's quite an old squirrel.

Dora's new summer harness and lead arrived today together with 2 little saddlebags that fit on it and also on her other harness. So she's all set now. I took some videos and pics of her in both but can't put them on here which is a pain. 

I've had to A/C on all day, it only costs 4pence an hour and I've got the Dyson going int the bedroom blowing cool air on Lily as she feels the heat with all her Long fur.

Hope everyone's ok in the heat.  Stay safe! 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Wed Jul 31 2:49 pm  #5172

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone

Another lovely day here although when I left this morning it could have gone either way so I took a light raincoat in case I had to walk back in the rain.   I've been to Knit and Natter and then Chair Yoga. 

xx Diane 

Wed Jul 31 2:56 pm  #5173

Re: Good Morning

Another very hot day, my mother had an eye clinic appointment at the hospital  luckily the traffic was much better so we got there early as we had allowed extra time.

The grass really needs cutting but it is too hot so I plan to cut it early tomorrow morning , we have Pauls daughter and family coming at the weekend so I want it to look nice .

Our bathroom floor is being put down tomorrow which will nice and the kitchen floor is now ready to be latexed next week and the floor will be laid the week after .



Wed Jul 31 4:44 pm  #5174

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon all, it's another hot day to endure or love depending on how you feel. The only good thing is I can dry my washing for free outside. The washing machine is on the third load. now. It will be going on strike soon!  Jimmy is out in the garden soaking up the heat, he loves it and can't get enough. I don't like the heat and stay inside. in my north-facing lou room. it's the coolest. Although it's 28 degrees atm.

Last edited by Annie (Wed Jul 31 4:54 pm)


Thu Aug 1 8:39 am  #5175

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

I'm off food shopping later.

xx Diane 

Thu Aug 1 10:40 am  #5176

Re: Good Morning

The hottest day so far, I got up early and was cutting the grass at 9 o clock and even then it was hot  . Paul has gone off to the skip so he will be gone a while, the car was full to the top with all the old kitchen floor rotten rafters etc, I really wish he had left it for a  cooler day but he wanted to get it done.

My cousin is coming to see  my mother , they live in St Albans which is where I lived until I
was16 , it is a bit of drive and she is no spring chicken so I hope she arrives safely , she is a very fast driver I would never get in the car if she was driving!

Hope everyone manages to keep cool .


Thu Aug 1 8:35 pm  #5177

Re: Good Morning

Evening everyone,  It didn't seem as hot today but it was still baking hot and much too hot for me. I was out at 8am sweeping up the cherry tree leaves (it thinks it's Autumn and lost most of its leaves now), then pruned back the little willow tree and hydrangeas as they were drooping over the lawn edge and the little robot won't venture underneath them so that bit of the lawn gets left.  So today he's been out bumbling around the edge and cutting the longer grass down. 

The gardener that replied on Bark and was supposed to contact me about coming round to see what I needed doing didn't contact me. No surprise there. People just don't seem to want to work these days. 

This evening I went out and cleared the grass that had encroached on the gulley from the lawn to the path, that was hard work, it felt like the grill that sits on the top which was covered in grass was welded to the blooming slabs. Not the ideal job to do in this heat, but it's garden waste day tomorrow and I wanted to get that job done so the matted grass could go in the bin. I was worn out when I'd finished. 

Hope your cousin had a safe journey from St Albans Starry. My brother was born in St Albans. 

Carol hope you managed to stay reasonably cool today. 

Diane, did you get up to town for  your food shopping ok ?

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Aug 2 6:38 am  #5178

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, my girls DIL my mother and the three little grandsons are coming here for the morning and then they are all going on the beach at lunchtime when the tide is just right for the boys to have lots of sand to play with.

This morning is already very hot and it is not even 8am, there is no breeze which makes it worse , we have a large canopy over the decking  which I have just unwound ( very good exercise for the arms!)  so we will  have some shade , no doubt the boys will just charge about as usual.


Fri Aug 2 7:35 am  #5179

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another lovely day here.

We are off on a jolly to Wadebridge with the Knit and Natter group.

xx Diane 

Fri Aug 2 1:22 pm  #5180

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, it was very muggy this morning but seems to be cooling down now. Was overcast to begin with then the sun came out, then the sun went in again lol They give rain for later so I haven't watered the containers today.

My friend Chloe made a surprise visit, her son is down for a few weeks to take her to the shops, hospital visits and social visits. I had no idea they were coming, she did ring this morning but I missed her call and she didn't leave a message. It was quite a shock to see them on the doorstep. Thank goodness I'd washed my hair so I didn't look quite as 'wild' as usual.  They stayed for a couple of hours then went again, it was nice to have a natter. I was going to go over this after noon so won't bother now. Dora's pleased she loves Chloe and so made a fuss of her and she hates me leaving her behind when I go out so she's happy I'm not going anywhere now. 

Not sure what I'll be doing today, I was going to strip the bed and put the bedding in the machine but glad I didn't now. I'll maybe do it tomorrow instead. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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