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Sat Aug 3 8:07 pm  #5181

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone

It's been a lovely day here.  

I heard yesterday we were picnicking at the beach today and I woke up late and had a rush round to get the picnic organised.  Paul, Hannah and Lola came over. Maya didn't want to  They nipped to a car boot first and when they arrived to collect me, Lola wasn't feeling very well, with a headache but she still wanted to go to the beach. Hannah sorted her out with some painkillers and off we went. My Sky streaming box was delivered just before we left.  It was sort of cloudy when we left but very sunny at the beach.  I managed to get into the sea but it was very cold. I was glad to get out and get into the warm. We stopped off for fish and chips on the way home.  I've washed up and sat down and had a drink and now the bed is calling.

xx Diane 

Sat Aug 3 9:21 pm  #5182

Re: Good Morning

It has been a busy day , we had unexpected visitors, then the man to fit out bathroom floor and then Pippa her husband and Freddie!  I did manage to cut the grass in between all the comings and goings .

Tomorrow we have Pauls daughter and family coming for the day , I was going to cook a roast but decided on a Buffet in the end so I am not in the kitchen all the time. It would be nice if we could sit in the garden but I think we might be getting rain.



Sun Aug 4 10:25 am  #5183

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very dull and cloudy here.

I'm going to have breakfast, then crochet and chill for the rest of the day (afternoon!)

xx Diane 

Sun Aug 4 12:28 pm  #5184

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon everyone, bursts of brilliant and hot sunshine and then overcast and grey but hot and muggy whichever option happened. 

I stripped the bed yesterday and washed the bedding, turned the mattress (nearly killed me) I dried the big sheet and duvet, mattress cover etc on the line and then finished it off in the drier to remove any remaining creases so I don't have to iron it. Then did a lot of pruning. Bubba robot was out again cutting the grass. 

Today I woke up with a dodgy back so not done much physical work apart from wiping down the kitchen cupboard doors and the rest of the laundry, my clothes and. underwear and the towels. I was going to do the dog and cat's bedding today but will do it another day, it was only replaced with clean a week ago and they dont' go anywhere to get dirty so it's not urgent.

Had.a surprise yesterday I went to the BP garage to fill up as the car was down to 1/4 full and it's now a Texaco garage, and I wanted to use up my BP points toward the cost, so carrie don to the Cornwall Services and they're no longer BP either, they're now Shell.  The fuel at the Services is just over 10p a litre more expensive than the Texaco garage on the old A30 nearer me so I turned round and went back to the Texaco garage. I now have £50 of BP points I can't use on fuel cos there's no BP garage near me. pfffft. You can use them on items so I suppose I'll have to do that.  Wonder why BP pulled out of those 2 fuel stations.

Enjoy your day everyone! xxx

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sun Aug 4 3:18 pm  #5185

Re: Good Morning

Our visitors have just left so time to relax a bit before we have to empty the kitchen ready for the latex to go down tomorrow before the new flooring is fitted  on Thursday. The table sits 10 so is on the large size and will have to go into the lounge plus the chairs , everything else is fitted apart from the rubbish bin and door mat and they can go into the utility room, this has been going on since May so I will be so pleased to have a proper kitchen floor again .


Mon Aug 5 8:18 am  #5186

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its damp here but not sure if its mizzling now.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon. 

xx Diane 

Mon Aug 5 4:25 pm  #5187

Re: Good Morning

Evening all, (knees bend). I've been going through a bad patch since I was last in. I am feeling much better now. All going well tomorrow I shall be able to go out on my mobility scooter. Thanks to the kind but interfering person, the bolt on the back gates is out of my reach. so Nathan will hopefully open it for me. Freedom awaits. I can't wait. for another day!  It will be the first time I been out on my own since lockdown,


Last edited by Annie (Mon Aug 5 7:29 pm)


Tue Aug 6 8:55 am  #5188

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone another sunny day here but a little bit cooler thank goodness.

Had a surprise yesterday, an text from Domestic and General saying my freezer couldn't be repaired so they were offering me a new one. It only needs a power on bulb. pffft.    The engineer put one in on the alarm but didn't have a power bulb on him, same type of bulb different colour. So he's written off my freezer.  The replacement is coming tomorrow by AO. I've not had to pay anything. Its not the same brand as they no longer make my one, Candy, which is a shame as it's only 4yrs old and silent running which is why I chose it as its in my open plan lounge/kitchen/dining area. It is also an A+ energy rating. The only thing I didn't like about it was it's black with a white seal around the lid.  Anyway the new one is a fridge master, black with a black seal around the lid. I'll advertise my existing one on Facebook for a few quid and it'll go toward the new porch lol 

Carol  so pleased you're feeling better now and it's great to hear you're going to get out now, can your man move the bolt down lower so you can operate it on. your own next time? Be careful out it's not really safe these days with all the roaming migrants. Will you take the beast with you?

Starry what a relief to get that floor finished. Diane how was bowls? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Aug 6 9:16 am  #5189

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a lovely day here after the storm last night.  A clap of thunder woke me up and I heard a couple more grumbles.  Our local weather forecasters went storm chasing and live so I watched them for a bit. They came on live because there was lots of activity and as soon as they went live, it all stopped   Then I went back to sleep and just woken up.  So I'm too late to get out to Age get-together so I'll wash the towels and bedding.  Put off the normal wash time as Jefferson is arriving this week ... so it will be clean for a couple of days for me then I'll change it and clean when he's left again.  Not sure when that will be ... it all sounds a bit open.  BT have been trying to phone me all day yesterday - the time for talking has finished. But they did manage to send me a text to say I owe them 39p which I thought was hilarious. I'm leaving one day before my contract ends and my contract ends half way through the month and I've already paid for the month in advance so I could have expected half a month refund!!!

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 6 9:05 pm  #5190

Re: Good Morning

Good evening, I had to call an ambulance for Pippa , her heart rate was 190 beats a minute and getting faster , she had taken all her extra Beta blockers but an hour later there was no change. The ambulance was with us in 15 minutes  , they did an ECG and things  were starting to slow down, they sat with us for 30 minutes and we all agreed she could stay at home so they left and she slowly got back to a much lower  heart rate. Freddie with my help made her a lovely card as it is her 35th birthday tomorrow.  I had ordered a birthday cake to come with my food shop tomorrow but Freddie wanted to choose her one, I am sure Pippa will so pleased with her Paw Patrol cake and also a Caterpillar one for  the evening when her step children will be there !!  

Muddles isn't a waste when they write of appliances when there is no need! we had the same thing with a washing machine , it could have easily been repaired but it was just easier for the engineer to order us a new one, we got the spare part ourselves and Paul fixed it and we gave it  to my eldest daughter and 5 years on she is still using it! the replacement we got  is not as nice as the one they wrote of!


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