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Tue Aug 20 2:19 pm  #5221

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon , I have shopped online with Tesco for over 16 years , I very rarely get substitutions and on the whole  everything is in stock , over the years the drivers have almost become friends , I have the 9 to 10 slot and pay once a year fee for unlimited deliveries etc it definitely saves money and in the summer I have on occasions had two deliveries in a week when we have decided to have a BBQ or unexpected guests have said they will calling in over the weekend. I get priority slots over the Christmas period which has always been a godsend  so I am a very happy customer .


Tue Aug 20 3:13 pm  #5222

Re: Good Morning

I've got a mid week pass with ASDA, its any number of deliveries between Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's saved me a lot of money too. I think it was £35 for the year and also get priority for bank holiday and christmas/easter slots and usually at christmas I can book 3 weeks in advance for delivery christmas week. It's a Godsend really. The problem down here is tourists. In the summer it's horrendous to get anything in the shops, they're like swarms of locust and now they've twigged on it's easier to get home deliveries to their caravans and holiday homes, One driver told me last year he had to deliver to camper vans several times in the summer. Not sure how that works.  In the winter deliveries are better with no substitutes cos the tourists have almost all gone home except for a few die hards.  

I've had Iceland and didn't find them too bad but you can't really do a weeks shop from them cos they don't stock everything.


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Aug 20 6:19 pm  #5223

Re: Good Morning

My hairdresser cancelled at the very last minute and I couldn’t rearrange so I cut my hair myself

xx Diane 

Tue Aug 20 7:15 pm  #5224

Re: Good Morning

Diane you are brave!  I have cut my fringe a few times but that is as far as I would go!


Wed Aug 21 7:51 am  #5225

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Dry and sunny here.

I'm off to Knit and Natter then Chair Yoga later.

Not so brave Starry. I used to cut hubby's hair then did mine when we were locked down and unable to go anywhere. It was always touch and go whether I kept on doing it or went back to a hairdresser as it always looked fine to me 

xx Diane 

Wed Aug 21 6:51 pm  #5226

Re: Good Morning

Good evening, I have been at Pippa's for the last couple of days  she had a bit of a blip and needed morphine so can't be on her own, she  is back on her feet again and feeling fine, I was looking at her today and you would never guess she has anything wrong with her at all.

We decided it was time to sort out her file with all her medical letters and scans , it took a while but everything is now filed and it will be much easier to find  whatever we might need. 

Muddles did you get your pond emptied?

This evening the wind has picked up and it looks like it might rain very soon ,  I have tied up a few of the taller Roses  and moved a few pots and just hope the wind does not trash the garden.


Thu Aug 22 7:55 am  #5227

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its wet and chilly here today.

The fire alarm is chirping away, so the back up battery needs changing. Goodness knows when that will happen. I'm off food shopping then I have a follow up physio appointment later.

xx Diane 

Fri Aug 23 8:08 am  #5228

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry at the  moment after a very windy night. I'd like to try to get out and tidy up the front - but crocheting might call instead. I will do the washing though 

xx Diane 

Fri Aug 23 9:26 am  #5229

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Starry I emptied it with a bucket and the fish went into the big plastic box I'd bought in ASDA. So when the chap turned up with his swimming pool pump he was surprised I'd done it. He's finished to path and had dug a hole for the pond in the gravel area but then had to dash off as his wife rang and was almost hysterical on the phone, they're legal guardians for their 11yr old mentally ill grandson and he'd had an episode and badly hurt her and their daughter. so he dropped everything and ran.  He didn't come back yesterday but kept in touch and is coming today to finish off. There's one panel to erect (I'm up cycling the big trellis panels that were on the original lean to and using them as an ornamental fence around the gravel area) and then has some decking planks to put under the panels to finish it off and it's all done. I have to get the log roll for around the fish pond tho as it's cheaper on Amazon believe or not.

And Bob the builder's coming Monday to take down the old porch and start putting up the new uPVC summer room (as the surveyor calls it). 

I'll try and get some links to work to show you the area the gardener did yesterday, he worked like a slave and did a terrific lot in the time he was here. He dug up my big rose bushes for me and replanted them once the new flower bed was done.

Diane after my last experience with the village hair dresser I'm going to go back to cutting my own I think. At least it turns out how you want it instead of how they want it and saves a fortune. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Sat Aug 24 8:46 am  #5230

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

After a very wet night it's dry at the moment. For how long is anyone's guess.

I'm waiting to hear what is or not happening today with Maya and Lola and whether Jefferson arrives today or tomorrow.  I've got a collection at Argos that I Hope Paul can collect on the way whenever and can divert.  At least when Jefferson arrives I know I'm in apart from walks (and Knit and Natter, hopefully) until he leaves

Hope the porch/summer room goes ahead beautifully Hazel. Your garden is looking very smart and mature. 

xx Diane 

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