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Sun Sep 1 10:11 pm  #5251

Re: Good Morning

Evening/Morning everyone. 

Just off to bed and realised I'd not posted in here hoops.
Starry the summer room is all finished, I painted the bungalow wall now it's in the new summer room as it looked a bit tired looking. I've got the vinyl to lay tomorrow, it's a sort of distressed oak in shades of grey, and I have 2 grey Venetian blinds for the windows. I was after rollers but could only get the 59" one online and didn't fancy that as it would probably get damaged in the post so went to a local shop and got one and a 2ft one for the little window. I'll put those up Tuesday. Bob the builder did show me where he'd put a couple of extra cross timbers near the top edges of the windows ready for blind fixings so hopefully I'll get the fixings into those and not miss them altogether lol I'm a bit apprehensive about drilling the plastic. 

Once the blinds are up thats all the jobs for the porch done. 
Next jobs are move some plants from around the big pond as the edging has sunk for some reason, put more compost in to build it up and then take the huge water lily out and split off a small piece to go back in and put the rest on Freckle, empty the pond and clean it out then refill it and put the fish back in. Got to get a new pond pump as the current one gas up the ghost about 6months ago. I think it just needs a new impeller but it's such a faff to strip the pump down and change that it's easier to just get a new pump. Unless I can get someone to do it for me. 

And finally the last job is to make a 6ft x 5ft timber frame to go around the little pond so I can fill it with soil between the frame and the pond and plant it up as I can't get the log roll to look any good as there's nothing to fix it it and the pond just looks stupid without it sticking out of the ground about 10". 

Once all those jobs are done it's just basic weeding and tidying up the rest of the garden and the front garden and cutting the lawns.

Just done my food shop for Tuesday, trying a 6 to 7pm delivery as the St Austell manageress reckons thats the best time because they have restocked by then. Let's hope she's right. I expect I'll go back to the 9-10am slot if this one doesnt work out. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Mon Sep 2 8:15 am  #5252

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dull, murky and damp here today.

I should be off to bowls this afternoon. 

You'll be pleased to get your garden back to normal Hazel 

xx Diane 

Mon Sep 2 2:19 pm  #5253

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, well form a damp start it's turned out really warm and dry. I laid the vinyl today, and it almost killed me. I hate getting old, you think you can do the same as you used to then find out you can't. It's done so now only the blinds to fit, but won't be doing them today as I'm worn out after that! 

Yes Diane it'll be nice to get the garden back into some sort of order. After I had that BCC removed from my shoulder I couldnt dig or do much at all for almost 2yrs so everything got out of hand. My shoulder's still not 100% and the doc said the other day it will never be as good as it was before the surgery as they had to remove so much muscle. If that useless Clays Practice had sent me to get it checked out 8yrs earlier it wouldn't have been such a big operation. 

I went with Chloe to the ST Columb animal hospital yesterday with her 15yr old little dog. If it were mine I'd have it euthanised but Chloe won't hear of it. Chloe drove her car as she wasn't sure how to get there now the bypass has been built so I sat in the passenger seat with the ancient pet on my lap.  As usual for that vet's they talked her into have an ultrasound and blood tests and she ended up paying another £400 plus. It's all about the money there. I'm glad I left and went to the new practice as it's a fraction of the cost but I miss my old vet Helen as she was lovely. 

Anyway on the way back to mine Chloe was all over the road, as she was on the way to the vets. There were queues of cars behind us and right behind us was one of those huge coaches who kept tooting his horn as she was weaving about in the road and only doing about 25-30mph. It was embarrassing but it was scary! She reckons she's a good driver but she shouldn't be on the road. I was glad to get back in one piece.  Today she has an appointment at the fracture clinic and Jackie is taking her, she'll be glad when Chloe's been seen and she can drop her back home again as she is driving everyone loopy lately. I swear she's getting dementia, or got it. 

I hope you all managed to get some fresh air today and iit wasn't too bad for you weatherwise. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Mon Sep 2 4:42 pm  #5254

Re: Good Morning

We have had a very wet day so apart from going to see my mother I have been at home.   I went through the wardrobe in one of the spare rooms, I put our winter clothes in there until they are needed, I decided to have a look to see if anything needed to go to the charity shop as I have other stuff to take , I had a nice surprise I had forgotten I had bought myself several new sweaters and some smart trousers and jeans in a sale at the end April, it is a shop I like but it is so expensive but  in the sale everything was half price so I went a bit mad and have almost got  completely a new winter wardrobe , I am going to see if there any sales coming up for next summers wardrobe!

Muddles how scary , some people will never believe they are a danger on the road.


Tue Sep 3 8:16 am  #5255

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its a cloudy dull day here.

I should stir myself to walk dow to Age UK meeting ... 

xx Diane 

Tue Sep 3 3:07 pm  #5256

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon everyone, well after a drab grey start with overnight rain it turned out a stonker, really hot. I was going to mow the big lawn as it's a bit long for Bubba (the baby robot mower) and the big robot is still out of action. I went to bed last night at 9pm as I was completely shattered and fell asleep within seconds and slept through til 7.30am.

There was a tiny leak in the new porch on the base one side, and I'd texted Bob to let him know and he came out lunchtime and saw he'd missed a little tiny bit of silicone on the base where it joins the door threshold. Not any bigger than a 5p piece but big enough to let water in. That side of the porch is level with the slabs, whereas the other sides over hang them by about 3" but it wasn't possible to do that on this particular side. I thought there might be problems. Anyway it's all filled in now and he's gone right round the base to check he hasn't missed anywhere else. Phew! He was impressed with my vinyl laying skills LOL Offered me a job! erm... don't think I'll take him up on it. 

Today I've not done much. Fixed the large solar panel to the new trellis fence around the little pond so the fountain is now working to aerate the water for the fish. Then decided to do some laundry, so the first load is in the drier as I'm too lazy to open the rotary and hang it out and the second lot is in the washing machine. I do have my upright airer out in the sun and put a couple of tops and a pair of summer trousers on it. Now the porch is done and a lot bigger than the last one there is room to stand it out there, which I may do when I bring it in later. 

Well I took the St Austell ASDA Manager's advice and ordered my weekly delivery for 6-7pm tonight. Just had the receipt email and there's still 5 subs. So 4 of those are going back with the driver. I think it's worse having a later delivery than an early one. The dates will be longer but the amount of items out of stock or unavailable for some other reason is still poor.  You'd think the supermarkets would order more products in over the summer months to compensate. We have 3.5million more people in Cornwall from May to end of September   yet the supermarkets still run out of stock. Madness and bad planning. 

It's gone all dark and foreboding looking outside now eek. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Tue Sep 3 3:08 pm  #5257

Re: Good Morning

I had a friend round for a coffee , we met when we were 10  and have been good friends ever since  so it is always lovely to have a catch up with her,   the postman bought the Nematodes I need for the crane flies in the lawn in the back garden , we had a lot of rain in the night so it was perfect  conditions to water them into the grass , that took quite a long time but it is a good job done as I can see a lot daddy long legs at night and there a couple of patches of dead grass where the roots have been eaten.
My eldest daughter has changed her job still with the same School but is teaching 16 to 18 year olds with all sorts of problems , I think it will be very challenging,  my granddaughter has changed her job and is working in a local Vineyard doing all sorts of different things and loving it  so a lot of changes in the family, Pippa is reducing her working hours as she is too tired to do the hours she was doing, we are waiting to go back to the clinic and see if there is anything else they can  do or if it is  just going to be sit and wait for the heart procedure when they think the time is right .



Wed Sep 4 8:15 am  #5258

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here.

The lady who gives me a lift to Knit and Natter is feeling poorly and I'm feeling too lazy to stir myself to walk up

xx Diane 

Wed Sep 4 8:12 pm  #5259

Re: Good Morning

Evening all

I mowed the large back lawn this afternoon before the weather set in, just finished it when it started to spit with rain, but thankfully it wasn't too heavy and I was able to put the mower away clean. Now I don't care what the weather throws at me I don't need to do anything outdoors lol 

Let's hope none of us have any flooding or damage after tonight, it's looking a bit grim on the forecast. 

Starry let me know how the nematodes deal with the crane fly larvae. Thankfully I have dozens of starlings that go across the lawn like a herd of wildebeest digging them out and eating them. I rarely see crane flies. A lot of friends are saying there's some huge spiders coming indoors now though. Touch wood I've not had any come in .... yet. Less chance of them coming in now with the spider proof summer room on the back thank goodness. 

Diane did you walk up to the KnN after all? 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Thu Sep 5 8:37 am  #5260

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's just started raining here. Feeling very gloomy and chilly.

I'm off food shopping soon.

​I didn't go in the end Hazel. 

xx Diane 

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