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Tue Sep 10 11:19 am  #5271

Re: Good Morning

Good morning,  it is very windy here today but I managed to sort the front garden out , I have cut the Roses back as the wind will just snap them, the Eucalyptus has had a trim and anything dead in the tubs has been removed. Freddie and Pippa turned up , he starts school tomorrow  ! after  they have dropped him of Pippa and her husband  and the other mums and dads have all been invited for a coffee and some cake so they can have a chat or a cry  !


Wed Sep 11 7:42 am  #5272

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but dark clouds are lurking

I'm off to Knit and Natter

xx Diane 

Wed Sep 11 7:50 am  #5273

Re: Good Morning

Good morning  it is a lovely sunny but cold morning. Freddie is  getting excited about starting school today on the other hand Pippa is trying not to show how sad she feels . 
I think I will try and cut the grass in the back garden and cut back  a few of the rambling Roses as they look a mess after the strong winds we have had. 


Wed Sep 11 9:16 pm  #5274

Re: Good Morning

Good evening everyone! It's been very windy and showery here today but I managed to get a little bit of gardening done, then had to go to Bodmin to get bird see and peanuts and then to Summercourt in the opposite direction to collect my old cats Metacam for her arthritis. 

Filled the car up as the price of petrol will be going up soon when the Labour commies remove the cap on tax on fuel. Not sure when that's coming into force but don't want to pay anymore than I have to so filled up today. I see they're also going to take away bus passes too. This is going to be a tough 5years. But they won't get in for a second term as everyone's disgusted with the way they've treated pensioners. 

It's been quite cold today the heating kicked in, but I saw on the forecast that next week will be mostly sunny and dry, thank goodness. I want to prune my roses and wonder whether to do them tomorrow if it's dry weatherI don't normally do them this early but some of them have been moved into the new flower bed when the new path was laid at the back of the bungalow and it was a bit early to move them really but I had no choice.  I did stick a cutting in a large pot that has a miniature lilac tree in it, and noticed today that it's sprouted a lot of new leaves from 2 new buds. That took root quickly. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Sep 12 8:07 am  #5275

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry here but feeling very nippy.  Getting closer to the heating going on.

I'm food shopping and that's it. I finished my crochet along blanket yesterday. Just need to finish darning ends in.

xx Diane 

Thu Sep 12 10:16 am  #5276

Re: Good Morning

It is a lovely sunny bit cool day, I have just finished painting a new door we have put in the lounge , it will need a second coat so I hope I can do that later this afternoon.
My back garden looks very messy  I keep saying I am going to sort it out then something stops me, hopefully this weekend I can get it sorted .
Diane is your blanket a present for someone or are you keeping it for yourself? 
Muddles I have always cut my Roses back at this time of the year before we get  the  strong winds coming of the sea , it stops them getting blown out of the ground !


Fri Sep 13 1:16 pm  #5277

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, well it's warmer than yesterday that's about all you can say. It's milder and sunny blue sky one minute and black the next and as a polar bear's bum lol 

Cleared out my food cupboard today, my God there was stuff in there in tins and jars that could go in a museum, I usually don't bother with BBE dates with tins and jars but today it all went in the bin. The dustmen can take it next Friday. Today it was recycling and I hadn't decided to clear the cupboard by the time they arrived, then thought I'd take it all to the tip in black bags but it's very heavy so thought s*d it and put it in boxes then in black bags and into the household waste wheelie. 

Not sure what to do about my pond area. The wooden frame is around the outside leaving a gap between for planting up, but the top of the timber is about 4" above the top of the pond so there'd be a lip all around the edge and I think it might look a bit odd. So looks like I'm going to have to empty the pond again, after catching the fish, lift the pond out and put some gravel back under it to raise it up about 3" or 4" so the lip of the pond is the same level as the top of the timber frame.   One of my friends said the extra bit of height to the frame would probably protect the plants that I'm going to put in them which is true but it will also stop you seeing half of the plants.  I thought abut making a sort of rockery to build the soil up round the edge but as the ponds lower it would look strange.  So the ponds gotta come up and then be raised up a bit I think. It's only got to be done once. 

The only other option is to dig out more gravel where the frame rests, taking the whole frame down 4" but that's really hard work.  I just really don't know which is the best option so anyone with any suggestions feel free to post them cos I'm at a loss here how to solve this problem. 

Bob the Builder's back from holiday this weekend coming so hopefully he'll be round sometime next week to do the hinges on the new DG door so it fits against the frame seal tight on the lock side. I hope he knows how to do it. I've found a video on YouTube but will wait til he gives a hint that he either doesnt know how to adjust them or doesn't know how to adjust the door not realising it's the hinges needing adjustment. I sometimes wish I didn't know as much about DIY as I do because it causes a lot of stress when you have to leave a job to someone else to do. 

I wish now I'd contacted the place he got the door from to come out and adjust it but when I suggested that before he went on holiday he was dead against it for some reason. ?????? odd. 

Hope everyone's having a good day today. Looks like Summer's over and Autumn's here to stay. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Fri Sep 13 8:09 pm  #5278

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Just off to bed.

It was a very cold start to the day. I popped a blanket over the duvet last night and considering changing to my winter duvet.  Even popped the heating on for half an hour yesterday and this morning. Then I bled the radiators that needed it - so all set up for winter.

I had two cheques to pay in so needed a trip to Plymouth either today or tomorrow.Decided eventually today it was. Didn't wake up that early so skipped breakfast had a pear with my tea and checked the buses out to find the live app showing no bus. Considered waiting and catching the later bus and then the train in ... got dressed and decided to make for the invisible le bus. If it didn't appear I could walk to another stop and catch the bus to the station and catch the train.  Both buses with the same number going different routes - proper Cornish!!! Anyhow ... got to the bus and the bus appeared showing that it was the bus going only to the station and I thought ok I'll catch the train then (not even thinking if it was that bus it should have been on the other road)  Said to the driver and he said its the Plymouth bus ... so OK I'm going to Plymouth.  (The ticket machine wasn't working properly so everyone had a free ride and that's why it wasn't showing on the app as the driver couldn't get signed in)   Do my jobs and a wander round the shops.  Went into Grape Tree for some dates to find a good  offer for soft apricots - so 1 kg of them it was --- went to pay and they had an offer on a different sort or dates, so another 1 kg of those.   I always seem to come back with a very heavy bag.  Walk back  thinking about getting something to eat and drink and a trip to the loo first .... walking into the store ... one door wasn't working ... one lift wasn't working ... so while I was waiting I checked the time to find I'd got 20 minutes to the next bus or two hours to the next bus. Forgot the loo and went and got the bus. Luckily the double decker, so a lovely view home. Musing that I wonder whether it will go to the school in the holidays - to realise eventually that the schools have now gone back!! 

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 14 7:47 am  #5279

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry but feeling chilly still.

I've got a day of housework and washing.

Has anyone started having spiders in. I've had three giants so far.  The third one was in the kitchen and took three attempts to catch it.  Third time lucky. Another one was in the kitchen and I chucked it out the door and wondered if it found its way in again, so the next one in the kitchen was taken to the bottom of the garden. I've got my clear plastic mug and envelope ready for the next one.

Strictly tonight I think 

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 14 1:21 pm  #5280

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, Diane we had a  large spider in the kitchen last night , I was going to catch it and put it in the garden but forgot until this morning when Freddie and Harry found it and it is now their pet , he is living in a special spider house made out of an old shoe box and I have been given strict instructions on how to feed it!  I will wait until Monday in case the boys come round to check on it , then I will release it in the garden .
It is a beautiful day here , very sunny , I have just stained the decking ready for the winter and will do a couple of the benches in the week.


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