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Sat Sep 14 7:47 pm  #5281

Re: Good Morning

Evening all, been a glorious sunny day here today. 

No spiders indoors here, I have one of those clear bowl on a stick type spider catchers with a long handle and a sliding trap door on the bottom but not seen any spiders in here yet thank God. It said online that the spiders would be really huge this year due to the mild winter last year. I hate them. I couldnt sleep in a room if there were a spider in there I'd have to find it first then get rid of it. I do use those electronic plug in things that is supposed to keep insects at bay and so far they do work on most spiders and since covering the kitchen extractor inside the kitchen and the bathroom ceiling one with cling film and sellotape I've not had any unwanted creepy crawlies come through those either.  Saying that I'm probably tempting fate now lol

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal

Sun Sep 15 8:11 am  #5282

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its cloudy but dry.

A quiet Sunday

xx Diane 

Sun Sep 15 1:00 pm  #5283

Re: Good Morning

It is hot and sunny here! I have been pottering around in the garden and cooking a leg of lamb for our Sunday lunch , my mother is joining us.
The weather for this week looks lovely so I plan to make the most of it before winter sets in


Mon Sep 16 8:15 am  #5284

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dampish here, very cloudy and gloomy. So much for a lovely settled September.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

Your posts about your roast lamb always make me drool Starry. 

xx Diane 

Mon Sep 16 4:58 pm  #5285

Re: Good Morning

Good evening, we have had another beautiful day, Pippa and  I spent the morning in the garden it was too hot so after a while we had to indoors, Diane what a shame you are not getting the glorious weather.



Mon Sep 16 7:09 pm  #5286

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Been a glorious day weatherwise here. Bob the Builder turned up this morning, he's sorted out the door adjustment so the porch is airtight, you can feel the vacuum when you close the door lol  And he said when he was on holiday he kept thinking about the guttering and the rain not going down the down pipe and thinking there's no way that can happen. Then he said he felt really embarrassed because he'd forgotten to cut the hole in the actual gutter where the down pipe joins it so of course the water wouldn't go down the pipe lol What a plonker! So he's made the hole now and tested it out and everything's working as it should.   

I have just cancelled my asda delivery for tomorrow, when I went to checkout on line there were so many things not available or out of stock I just cancelled the whole order and decided to go to St Austell and get it myself. I won't both going to my nearest which is in Bodmin, because its a small store and doesn't carry the stock the St Austell one does. I'm not keen on the St Austell store as it's mega huge but you can get everything in there. I'll have to take loads of bags with me. pffft and I'm not keen on mixing with so many people as I've still never had covid so hopefully I won't catch it there. 

Diane sorry to hear you had damp and grey weather, I'm only 8 miles up the road and it's been a belter here, really hot. My friend Chloe who lives in St Austell had the same weather as here too. Cornish weather is peculiar. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Tue Sep 17 8:43 am  #5287

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a lovely day here. I've decided not to go out but go out in the garden and start the autumn tidy up instead.

Updating to iOS18 today too

Yesterday was a really strange day. Horrible and gloomy first thing. We are having a new rubbish collection system and the bins arrived yesterday. Two of my neighbours are away and I rushed out to get theirs tucked away safely and mine in before I got soaked as it looked like it was going to chuck it down. Then when I left  for bowls it was beautiful, just like a summers day.

xx Diane 

Tue Sep 17 4:27 pm  #5288

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon , another sunny day but a chilly wind, I did a bit of gardening  then decided to wash the windows  as they were so salty they are gleaming now.
Freddie is enjoying school which is good. Diane has your youngest granddaughter started her new school this term, I think I remember you saying she would have a lot of travelling each day?


Tue Sep 17 4:33 pm  #5289

Re: Good Morning

Lola started last September Starry.  She’s in her second year now. My eldest granddaughter who went to a boarding school has now changed and is at the same school as Lola. That should make it easier for mummy who was rushing all over the place collecting and delivering to different schools. Why off earth she did that we never understood

xx Diane 

Tue Sep 17 5:18 pm  #5290

Re: Good Morning

Wow Diane how time whizzes by, nice that both the girls are together .


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