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Tue Oct 1 10:55 am  #5321

Re: Good Morning

Good morning a nice sunny warm day here !  I cant keep up with this weather winter one minute summer the next! 
Taking my mother for her pre op  before the surgery on her bladder  in 10 days , this time I have asked for her to be kept in , at 95 she is too old to come home the same day , we had a really bad couple of days last time and neither of us want to go through that again , so she has told them she will sit in the waiting room  if necessary but she is not going home ! So hopefully as we both have said something they will find her a bed.
One of my friends is knitting the same sweater I am knitting , we were talking yesterday and I was saying how hard it is matching the stripes in the sleeves  with the main body, I have started the same sleeve three times and it turns out so has my friend , we did some googling and it turns out the pattern is wrong so we have emailed the company "cole"  and they are sending the correct  pattern to us , the ladt said they have had 100's of complaints .  It made us laugh as we both thought we were losing the plot so it was a relief to find it was not us after all.


Tue Oct 1 10:26 pm  #5322

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. 
Been a not bad day today, windy but dry. Bob the builder came at 8.45am to fit the gutter (didn't charge me), and sorted out the door at last plus put silicone down the 2 front ends where the front joins the sides as the draught was coming in them. Now it's lovely and warm and sound proof inside.

I have the dentist tomorrow at 2pm for a deep clean. Not looking forward to that and hope they give me injections cos otherwise I'll be dangling off the ceiling. lol

The doctor at my surgery told me earlier this year about the vaccinations being combined this Autumn. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Wed Oct 2 8:40 am  #5323

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry at the moment but dark clouds are looming.

I'm giving Knit and Natter a miss today as my bed was too warm and comfy to get out of.  Yesterday had a trip to Plymouth with a couple of Knit and Natter girls and we had a good day out.

xx Diane 

Wed Oct 2 12:03 pm  #5324

Re: Good Morning

I have just cut the grass before the weather changes , it looks lovely , it is very green and it was very thick  to cut so I am glad I manage to do it before it got any thicker. 
My  mothers pre op was all good, we were in and out in 30 mins  she had an ECG and bloods done plus all the other pre op things they do , there was no hanging about which was good.



Wed Oct 2 10:00 pm  #5325

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Been a half decent day today, not too windy, no rain and reasonably mild. I had my dental checkup at 2pm and didn't need anything doing not even a clean. So I'm a happy bunny. Found out my dentist is the only dedicated NHS one in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. They don't do private just NHS. There was a chap waiting to be seen and had driven all the way from Nth Somerset. Blimey.

Got problems with a bird of prey again, it looks too small to be a Sparrow Hawk I think it's probably a Hobby or Kestrel. It's injured one of my pigeons, and the poor things been in the garden over a week now with a couple of flight feathers on it's left wing dangling, one fell out the other day leaving these two. I saw it on the back fence again today waiting to swoop down on the injured pigeon, the pigeon had spotted it and was very wary and like a statute waiting for the inevitable but I scared the bird away and after half an hour the pigeon began eating again. It couldn't fly when it first arrived int eh garden but at least it can get up high enough to roost now, bless it. I do love me pigeons, they're proper characters. 

I painted the paving stones in the porch with one coat of Drybase liquid DPM at teatime, it's now dry thank goodness, but I've had to take Dora out the front to toilet as we can't walk on the floor until it was totally dry. It's brilliant white in colour. You do two or three coats, criss crossing the previous coats and it builds up a rubber skin over the slabs making them totally waterproof and the damp from underneath can't get through it, this stuff also blocks radon gas and other nasties. I'll give it another coat tomorrow evening or if it's sunny tomorrow maybe mid day then another teatime so it builds up a nice thickish skin. When 'I'm happy with it I'll lay a normal black plastic membrane down before the vinyl so it should make the floor a lot warmer and no nasty damp can get through it. 

Hope you all had a good day today and will sleep well tonight, I think I will, I feel worn out tonight lol 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Thu Oct 3 7:56 am  #5326

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, Muddles you must be so pleased with your porch and relieved that it is actually finished .
We have decking outside the kitchen French doors, I am the one who oils them twice a year , it is worth the effort the last decking lasted over 20 years. On the  other side of the garden is a large patio which we never use , Pauls shed is in the corner of it and we used to have a large Gazebo to sit under in the summer, but for the last five years it is always too hot so we use the decking where we have a wind down canopy. I really want to remove all the patio slabs and grass it and put a couple of trees there, Pauls wants a larger shed but I am still waiting for him to decide what size etc, I am very tempted to move a few slabs a week , my eldest daughter will use them for the  school she teaches in ,they are making a corner for the children to use when they are unhappy , the school is a charity so they can't buy any slabs so this would be a win win situation.


Thu Oct 3 8:05 am  #5327

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry and bright here.

Off food shopping and that's me for the day 

xx Diane 

Fri Oct 4 8:20 am  #5328

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another bright chilly day here.

I'm off for my RSV jab this afternoon so planning a lazy day apart from cutting my hair.  I couldn't be bothered to even attempt another appointment with the hairdresser ... thought I'd give it another go myself and see what I think.

Even though it's been years since I changed from shopping on a Friday to a Thursday I still have the mindset that it's Friday. Weird.  So yesterday I was watching something on catchup before I realised too late that it was Eastenders because its Thursday.  

xx Diane 

Fri Oct 4 8:54 am  #5329

Re: Good Morning

Good morning its chilly start but sunny.  

I have a hygienist appointment this morning and a knee x ray this afternoon. Tomorrow  I am having my Flu jab , Muddles I asked  our surgery why they wont do the flu and Covid together and its because the surgery does the flu and one of the village chemists does the Covid  and that works well so they are not going to change it!  There are a few cases of covid in the village not a good start to the winter.


Fri Oct 4 11:10 am  #5330

Re: Good Morning

Morning everyone, a bright dry day here so far, but its all about to change evidently, tomorrow.

Starry in a way that's good the jabs are being done in 2 locations, because people can choose which, if any, they don't want. 

Diane I often get the day's mixed up for my groceries now I don't have it delivered anymore and I missed one episode of the NightSleeper series because of it, I couldn't be bothered to watch it on Catchup when I remembered. It didn't seem to make much difference. lol 

Well so much for the relief of having the porch finished. It looks like I have been ripped off yet again and I am so upset and angry! Briefly the porch has not been constructed properly and is just a timber frame with upvc shiplap on the outside and tongue and groove on the inside with a little bit of fibreglass loft insulation stuffed in between. There's no ventilation and the windows were NOT ordered specially for my porch/summer room. They were either some he had already in stock or he's bought second hand and they have no trickle vents on so they're at least pre June 2023.  The door is the same, no trickle vent. The door still doesn't fit properly and now doesn't meet the outside seal as well as the inside seal. The only good thing about it is it looks nice. And the best bit about it is the floor which I have painted in 5 coats of Drybase Liquid Applied damp proof membrane which is fantastic! It's white and forms a thick rubber waterproof seal from rising damp, radon gas and God knows what else. The tin cost me £50. But was well worth it. 

I have the Housing Assoc surveyor coming to inspect it and sign it off soon and I don't think he will be very happy as it doesn't meet the current building regulations regarding ventilation and when he finds out about how it is constructed and the windows/door he definitely won't sign it off.  I am fuming. I asked the builder to come back to fit the guttering on both sides as the water was pouring down the sides and not going to the front gutter, because theres not enough fall on the roof, and he came and fitted gutter on the door side but not on the other side. He fiddled with the door and now it's even worse than it was before. Yesterday morning the inside (room side) of the windows and door were running in condensation and I had to mop it up, the walls were also covered in condensation. This was after he'd filled in all the gaps where the front wall meets the side walls and water and draught was coming in. So now it's airtight on the inside pffft. He didn't touch the outside.

I am trying to find his address so I can send him an official letter pre Court after the Surveyor has been and left me his report,  asking him what he intends doing about it and if it's not satisfactory then I will take him to court. 

Peter my neighbour came round to look at it yesterday as I'd asked him to because I was so stressed out and don't know what to do about it. He said the way it's been built and using door and windows that were not acceptable with health and safety and building regulations he doubts that the whole lot cost more than £1,000 in materials. Peter said as he didn't seal the front and side panels where they meet the wind and rain will still get in and rot the timber frame and ruin the insulation and it will be full of black mould before long. And he said to charge me £4,250 was down right criminal. I just sat and cried and cried yesterday and when I got up this morning had an upset tum and was violently sick. 

I can't find his address, I only have his phone number (mobile), email address and bank details. So I can't take him to court until I find out where he lives as he kept telling me he lived in different places, from Charlestown, Pentewan and Polgooth. All around St Austell. I've checked online and found his Facebook page but he doesnt post on there and no details about anything I could use to trace him. The porch looks lovely, but sadly it's not fit for purpose and I've been ripped off financially. I don't know how I can find out where he lives to be honest. I feel a total idiot for being taken in again by a builder and it seems unless you use a big company you are open to this kind of thing happening over and over again. 

Oh and when I paid him by bank transfer the Bank stopped the payment and I had to phone them, they said did I realise I was paying a personal account for building work, it's not a business account. I didn't realise and so they said if anything goes wrong with the building work then they wouldn't be able to help me or get my money back. But when I paid I didn't realise there was so much wrong with the ruddy porch. I need a private detective to find his address. pfff. I'd taken a £3k loan out toward the payment of this porch, plus the money I got back from the first cowboy builder.  

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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