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Fri Oct 4 4:08 pm  #5331

Re: Good Morning

That’s a pity Hazel. You were so pleased as it was going up

 I’m back from my jab. She explained it very well. But she said the surgery won’t do flu or covid before 7 days have elapsed and she said check with pharmacy so I joined the long queue and some big blokes (looked like druggies) started a fight and I was right behind them. Got trampled on and squashed before they were thrown out. Good job they weren’t taking my blood pressure. Took a while to stop shaking.  The pharmacy said pop in on next Friday and they’d fit me in

Last edited by Diane (Fri Oct 4 4:10 pm)

xx Diane 

Fri Oct 4 7:43 pm  #5332

Re: Good Morning

Diane how frightening!
Muddles what a nightmare , what a lot of horrible people about , I hope you manage  to find out where he lives.


Sat Oct 5 8:38 am  #5333

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another bright chilly morning.

Paul, Maya and Lola are coming over and we are going out somewhere with a picnic.  There is a weather warning for later on today so hopefully it will stay reasonably nice for us to get out and them back home again before it arrives.

xx Diane 

Sat Oct 5 11:28 am  #5334

Re: Good Morning

I had my flu jab , got there a few minutes early but I did not have to wait but was in and out in 6 minutes!
It is beautiful here today , as soon as I got home I went straight into the garden and have done a lot of cutting back and tidying up so I am very pleased.
Pippa has had no hot water or heating all week , their boiler packed up so they have ben coming here for showers, luckily my eldest daughters partner is a plumber and boiler engineer, he was on a course all week as he is now a supervisor , he came home last night and is going to sort the boiler out today , very useful  having him in the family   .


Sun Oct 6 10:19 am  #5335

Re: Good Morning

Today is grey wet and windy so different from yesterday.    I have had no side effects after my flu jab but a friend of mine is feeling awful since she had hers.
Muddles have you got anywhere trying to find the builders address?
Diane hope you over the shock after getting caught up in the fight.


Sun Oct 6 7:09 pm  #5336

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

I've been in bed most of the day.  Last night  I felt very shivery and tired. Watched Strictly wrapped up but think I slept through most of it. This morning I still felt headachy ad achey and stayed in bed dozing.  Got up eventually and had some tea and toast, and some paracetamol, and feel more normal now.  Paul has had a bug over the last week and heard others having similar things, so wasn't sure if it was that or a reaction to the RSV jab. Probably never know.

xx Diane 

Mon Oct 7 1:06 pm  #5337

Re: Good Morning

Still feeling ropey today  Another quiet day 

xx Diane 

Mon Oct 7 5:07 pm  #5338

Re: Good Morning

I hope you feel better tomorrow Diane.  I had to take my mother to the dentist this afternoon then she decided she wanted to have a look around the village  so  by the time we got home the afternoon had gone.
Muddles how are things  going with the porch , has the Housing inspector come out yet?  


Tue Oct 8 10:37 am  #5339

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its very wet here.

I'm feeling better thanks but still taking it easy and spending a lot of time in bed snuggled up

xx Diane 

Wed Oct 9 8:30 am  #5340

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, we had our Covid  jabs , Paul is not feeling 100%  but so far I am fine.  
It was a very wet and windy night , I kept thinking of the hurricane in the  USA and how terrifying it must be.
Diane hope you are completely better and are up and about.
Muddles I hope you are ok  and can get your porch sorted  .


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