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Wed Oct 9 10:23 am  #5341

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry here at the moment  Not sure how long that will last.

Feeling lots better but still not right.   Seems like I'm alright doing nothing.

There seem to be lots of reports of reactions to all the jabs this year for some reason. I wasn't sure if mine was a reaction to the RSV but it gone on too long now 

xx Diane 

Thu Oct 10 8:12 am  #5342

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, we both had a lazy day yesterday but the side effects of the Covid jab were no where near as bad as previous jabs which is good.
Lots of surfers walking by, the waves must be good today I might go and have a walk along the beach to get some fresh air .
Diane hope you are feeling a lot better today and Muddles I hope you are ok not seen you on here for a few day .


Thu Oct 10 9:31 am  #5343

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here.

Can't stop thinking about those poor folks in the storm in Florida. I know it's downgraded thankfully but still bad.

I've got my Sainsbury's delivery coming today.

I'm feeling very much improved but still not wanting to do anything.

xx Diane 

Thu Oct 10 2:11 pm  #5344

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon everyone, sorry for my absence. Had a bit of an accident on Saturday which didn't manifest any symptoms til Sunday. I think I overdid it in the garden as I cut the big lawn, pruned 3 apple trees, managed to get the apples down with a broom and a lot of shaking of boughs, and put all the stuff back in the porch which I'd had to take out to coat the floor with the liquid membrane paint.  Anyway when I tried to get up I couldnt put my left leg to the ground or weight bear it was agony.  Took me almost 3 hours to get to the kitchen and ended up phoning Jackie and asking her if she'd take me to hospital. 

Ended up at the doctors instead and saw the physio there. Was agony getting out to Jackie's car and travelling on the bumpy roads, couldnt walk to get into the docs so they had to get a wheelchair out. Had a good examination with the physio and she didn't think it was a spontaneous hip fracture (thank God) and thought it must be the performis muscle I'd damaged somehow. Thats the muscle that goes across between your hips and over the 2 sciatic nerves. The pain was something like sciatica but only in one place and not down the leg. Anyway she gave me a crutch and sent me home and said she'd book an X-ray to check for fractures. By the time I got home I was managing to do a little weight bearing and it's gradually improved since then. I got a phone call this morning to go to Bodmin for the X-ray on Saturday evening. So I've had to have complete rest and no exercises until it's confirmed what it was/is. The pain was excruciating, thank God it's getting better. It was taking me half an hour just to get me knickers on in the mornings after a quick top and tail wash stood on one leg like a flamingo lol 

Yesterday I rang about my appointment with the consultant at the glaucoma clinic which is now 2.50yrs overdue. pffft Was offered a cancellation today but obviously can't go to that and it was at Truro. I asked if I could have it done at Bodmin when they have their clinic and they said no because I have a St Austell post code, they had sent me to St Austell for it previously but that medical centre has now stopped doing it. So they put me on the list and said they couldnt say when I'd get an appointment. I also asked why I couldnt go on the Bodmin list and eventually they put me on their list too and said it would be a longer wait for Bodmin and I'd be looking at November 2026.   Yesterday afternoon someone from Bodmin rang me and gave me an appointment on 19th November 2025!  Today I got a letter from the eye clinic appointments telling me I'd got an appointment today (the one I couldn't get to) so they obviously didn't cancel that one and I just hope the one for 19th at Bodmin is still ok. The disorganisation is terrible. 

Hope you're feeling a bit better soon after the covid jab Diane. I'm not bothering to get mine. Waste of time. The people I know that have had covid are all vaccinated and the unvaccinated haven't caught it yet.  I might get the flu one but not sure yet. I do normally have the flu one. 

I have several friends in Florida and quite a lot of them were unable to evacuate and they've lost power and can't contact anyone outside Florida for some reason on their mobiles. I'm not quite sure how their mobile networks work but someone said on X they have radio phones for the emergency services but the emergency services aren't going out to calls as it's too dangerous. I did see on X a video of a highway patrolman stopping his car to race across a field and rescue a dog that someone had abandoned and tied it to a post then evacuated the area. The poor dog was almost up to its neck in water. But the patrol man managed to get it and it's now in an animal rescue centre being cared for. I can't understand anyone who would do that to their pet, or even an animal that wasn't a pet. Pure evil. 

I didn't find the builders address Starry, so I've got the window/door manufacturers booked to come out when they're in this area next to take the door out and refit it and check the windows are put in correctly then fit a trickle vent in the big window. I'll ask Peter to put the guttering up on the side where there isn't any. Then I'll just draw a line under it all and accept it as it is. At least it's water tight now thank goodness and the floor I painted with the rubber membrane paint is watertight and no damp will be coming through there. 


If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
     Thread Starter

Fri Oct 11 10:00 am  #5345

Re: Good Morning

Good  morning, I hope you are not in so much pain today, I think  you are doing the right thing re the porch, no point getting the builder out even if you did find his address , he probably wouldn't be very helpful better of getting the manufactures out, hopefully you  won't have to wait too long for them .

We are going to the theatre tonight , I love the theatre , we used to go to a lot of shows in London but the trains are so unreliable it is too much hassle , Chichester  Festival  has some good shows , they come here first then go to London  and it is cheaper but it is not quite the same as going to London having a nice meal and then going to a show and catching the last train home, always a risk we might miss the last train but it became part of the fun and we only missed it once and ended up staying in a lovely hotel over looking the Thames so that was a bonus.


Fri Oct 11 10:23 am  #5346

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone

Its bright but chilly here.

I'm feeling better and better each day but I've just woken up so not firing on all cylinders yet.  

Hope you are feeling better Hazel. 

xx Diane 

Sat Oct 12 11:32 am  #5347

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, my son and DIL and the boys came round and Freddie and his daddy came , Pippa  is in a lot of pain so she stayed at home with her stepson, why are little boys so noisy !  they play so nicely together but the noise!!
I was going to cut the grass today but they have worn me out so I am going to read some gardening magazines my son has finished with .


Sat Oct 12 7:38 pm  #5348

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Paul and Lola came over today.  Maya seems to have gone down with what Pau and I had.  I managed to get dressed and we walked down to the park and back again.  It's been a hard day today as it was hubby's birthday, so it was good to have Paul around for a hug or two.  

xx Diane 

Sun Oct 13 12:38 pm  #5349

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here

I'm having a quiet day.

xx Diane 

Sun Oct 13 12:39 pm  #5350

Re: Good Morning

It hardly seems worth keeping this forum open now. 

xx Diane 

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