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Sun Oct 13 8:27 pm  #5351

Re: Good Morning

Diane I did wonder the same.
Nothing on today , just cooked a Sunday roast and that was it ! my mother has to be in the hospital by 7 tomorrow morning, she is having an operation on her bladder to remove some cancer, she had this done in January but it needs doing again, this time I have asked for her to be kept in overnight as she came home the same day last time and was not well and I don't want to go through that again , at 95 I think she should automatically be kept in. 
Muddles hope your leg is on the mend .


Mon Oct 14 8:57 am  #5352

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Damp here today.

I'm off to bowls this afternoon.

Hope your mother's op goes well today.  You were wise to insist on her being kept in Starry. Too much for her to cope with on her own and too much worry for you

xx Diane 

Yesterday 7:32 am  #5353

Re: Good Morning

Good morning,  My mothers op went  well but I have a feeling the cancer had spread a lot more then they had thought, the surgeon wants to speak to me today so I will find out what is going on. My niece and my daughter went to see her last night and she was in good spirits .
It looks like it is a bout to pour with rain .


Yesterday 10:32 am  #5354

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone

Its a damp old day here.

I decided to skip going out and snuggled down for some more zzzzzs

Oh dear Starry. Hope all goes well when you go to find out

xx Diane 

Yesterday 11:00 am  #5355

Re: Good Morning

Mornng both. 

My hip is. much better now and waiting on the results of the X-ray this week. I went to the Garden Centre at Par yesterday with Chloe, Jackie and Suzanne and poor old Suzanne had a stroke while we were there. Not a really bad one, but she was out of it  and so we rang her daughter who arrived about half an hour later then we had to tell the daughter, Clare, to phone 111 or 999 which she eventually did. She seems pretty gormless to be honest. She spent the next hour and a half holding her mother's hand and talking to the woman on the other end of the phone who we assume was the emergency operator. Eventually we all said she should just take her mother to the hospital as she could be waiting hours for an ambulance and a stroke has to be dealt with asap not several hours later. So she asked the woman on the phone if she should and presumably she said yes. Then we had to get a wheelchair from the entrance and get Suzanne in to that then push her out to the daughter's car. Bundle her in and off they went to Truro. It was definitely a stroke. 

When Jackie rang Clare in the evening to find out how Suzanne was she told her Suzanne had had several tests and they found she'd got a urine infection and put her on antibiotics for that but they weren't sure if she'd had a stroke or not. She may well have had a urine infection but she definitely had had a stroke as the left side of her face had dropped and she was just stuffing food in to her mouth but not chewing or swallowing it and then choking, we had to remove her plate as the daughter just sat there holding her hand. She didn't even tell the emergency operator that her mothers face had dropped or any of the other stroke symptoms she was displaying. 

Anyway cut a long story short she's still in hospital. Jackie has to go there today for injections in her knees so she will go to see Suzanne if she can and we'll find out more. 

I'm a bit concerned because it was a similar scenario with my neighbour Bernice, diagnosed with a urine infection and then dementia and she was dead in just over a year after being kept in hospital all that time as she was too much of a liability to go home as Peter couldn't look after her. 

It's milder and drier today here, but I feel a bit cold so put the air con on heat mode to warm up. It's cheaper than the main central heating to have on for a few hours as it only costs about 8p an hour. 

Starry I hope your mother is feeling better after her operation and I think you're right about there being more cancer than they are letting on. x 

Diane hope you enjoyed your extra zzzzzz's 

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Yesterday 12:16 pm  #5356

Re: Good Morning

Paul and I picked my mother up,   her kidney is full of cancer and her bladder is not good, she has had this for six years and is now 95 so for her age she has done well, the treatment she has had over the 6 years has been amazing . The surgeon wants me to go and see him with mum in the next couple of weeks , I will have a conversation with my mother after we have seen him and find out when the time comes if she wants to  be in her own home or in a hospital or hospice, I spent the morning with her and she seems  to be the most relaxed I have seen her in months , as she said when you get to 95 you  know you are not going to keep going for much longer.


Yesterday 9:16 pm  #5357

Re: Good Morning

Starry, I'm sorry to hear this, even though it was expected and considering the wonderful age your mum has reached it is still a shock isn't it. She's done so well to fight this for 6 years, considering her age. Bless her.
It will be a difficult choice for her, where to spend her final days, I expect she'd want to be in her own home, but she will need 24/7 care and living on her own it will be extremely difficult for that to happen, even though you are just across the road, you can't be there all day/night for her. The hospices are wonderful places and there is always someone there, people are never alone. How far is your nearest Hospice? I expect if she decided on a Hospice that depends on if they have a space. I know the hospices here are sadly full and people are having to go either into hospital or stay at home and the hospitals are all chock-a-block nowadays aren't they. I'm not so sure hospital would be a good choice to be honest. They can't give the same level of care as a hospice can. 

What an awful time for you all. 

My friend Jackie phoned me tonight, she didn't get time to see Suzanne, so phoned her later this afternoon instead. She said Suzanne doesnt realise she's in hospital and kept saying she was at home and there were 12 people around the table all expecting her to feed them. She wouldn't have it that she was actually in hospital. This all reminds me of poor Bernice my late neighbour. Jackie said Clare (Suzanne's daughter)  told her on the phone that the consultant they saw said the urine infection has accelerated dementia which Suzanne had already very slightly before this happened. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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