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Wed Sep 18 7:49 am  #5291

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another lovely day here.

I'm off to Knit and Natter.

I've got to rebook my RSV appointment. I cancelled it as I'd double booked and can't rebook it online.

xx Diane 

Wed Sep 18 8:42 am  #5292

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, quite a strong breeze here this morning, nothing much planned apart from going to see my mother.  I feel like doing something different but I don't know what!


Thu Sep 19 8:13 am  #5293

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its another lovely day out there although the local forecasters say there could be some light showers.

Just a Sainsburys delivery today later on.

xx Diane 

Thu Sep 19 12:29 pm  #5294

Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon, it is very windy here but the wind is really warm , my washing dried  so quickly it is  already ironed and put away.  
I might cut the grass soon and sweep up some leaves , the garden is still full of colour it looks lovely but I having a feeling this lovely weather will turn into rain by the weekend then I will wish I had done more cutting back ready for the winter , I have done a bit but there is loads more to do .


Fri Sep 20 8:23 am  #5295

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's dry and sunny at the moment. Not sure how much longer that will last.

I'm off to Crafternoon.  We are doing Needle Punching today. That will be interesting. Hope its still dry when I walk up 

xx Diane 

Fri Sep 20 11:41 am  #5296

Re: Good Morning

Good morning it is still very windy here but it is a warm wind so  nice to be outside.  The village is much quieter now , the queues  are not as long which is nice.
When I was on the beach this morning I was on my own !  it was lovely the sea was very sparkly and considering how windy it is it was very calm.


Fri Sep 20 6:46 pm  #5297

Re: Good Morning

Evening all. Well the storm didn't happen, now it's supposed to be sometime over the w/end, they keeping moving the goalposts on that one! pffft. I didn't water my canna lilies and banana plants yesterday because it said it was going to be torrential rain, so today they looked very sorry for themselves.  I've given them all a good soaking this evening poor things. 

I nipped into Homebase this morning and got some Thompsons Water Seal and coated the paving slabs that one wall of the new sun room is stood on as Bob the Builder seems to thing the rain is soaking into the slabs then travelling through them into the porch. It's just a damp stain inside the door so I suppose he could be right. However he totally ignored my text I sent him Tuesday after saying he was coming over sometime this week with some Thompsons for the slabs and to look at the door. I couldn't wait because after tomorrow we've got wet weather for the next 2 weeks at least.  And I also managed to do the door problem myself by adjusting all the screws and things one at a time and making sure I knew where they were originally until I hit the jackpot and found which 2 actually pull the door into the frame. So if he turns up next week, IF, then I'll tell him I did it because they were both problems that needed to be done before the wet weather set in. 

Once they get their money that's it, isn't it. I suppose I upset him when I sent a text Tuesday to tell him I'd spoken to the window company to ask their advice about the door. But if he'd replied to my text I wouldn't have had to. 

We'll see now after the next few day's of torrential rain if the water seal and the adjustment on the door have done the trick.

Honestly you can't get anyone to do anything 100% first time these days. It all seemed to have gone tits up when Covid appeared in 2019/20 doesn't it. l

Wish it was quieter down here Starry. We've still got too many emits (tourists) wandering around and barging their way through shops and everywhere else. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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Sat Sep 21 7:08 am  #5298

Re: Good Morning

Good morning,   we had some rain in the night and there is a lot more heading this way, at the moment it is lovely.  
Muddles we call our tourist's Grockles  and a few other names that I wont mention !  Most of the time they are fine but the only road to our house is the road that goes to the beach and the tourists think it is fine to walk up the middle of the road , there is a perfectly good pavement  but they never use it ! I beeped the horn the other day as there was a group of people and three little tots on their bikes behind them wobbling all over the place one of the women turned round and flicked a V sign! as she did it one of the children then rode into a lady who lives in the village and cut her leg, it all kicked of  until one of the group realised they were in direct view of a security camera , then they all walked of and I eventually got home, I bet if I was to go on the beach after they left they will have left all their rubbish .
Tomorrow we are going to Wiltshire to see Pauls daughter, it will be nice to have a day out.


Sat Sep 21 8:00 am  #5299

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

Its dry here but looking very misty towards the west.

We've got a picnic planned for today, so how that will work out I'm not sure.

Yesterday I was tracking the lightening travelling from the east to the west. As it travelled it went northwards and missed us completely.  I walked too and from Crafternoon and stayed dry .. in fact I never saw any rain yesterday.  Needle Punching was very hard on the hands.  I'll try to complete the bee but so far not very impressed.

xx Diane 

Sat Sep 21 2:49 pm  #5300

Re: Good Morning

Afternoon all, been a lovely day apart from one or two spells when it went as black as pitch. I went out and cleaned and packed up my 2 peacocks from the front lawns and just as I'd put them in the Keter box it started to rain, great timing! It pelted down for about 20 mins then it stopped and it's been dry ever since. We're supposed to get a really heavy downpour and thunder in the night tonight but whether we will is another matter. 

I had a blitz indoors today, cleaned all the floors, hoovered all the floors first then cleaned the ones with vinyl, shook all the rugs outside and gave them a good going over with the hoover on both sides. No-one ever comes when I've done the cleaning, it's usually when the place is a tip and I've not cleaned for a couple of weeks. lol 

Touch wood the Johnsons water seal has stopped the water seeping through the concrete slab and under the porch door. On further investigation I think it could be stopped altogether if there was a gutter right around the roof rather than just on the front, as it's a flat roof so although some of it does run into the front gutter the rest of it runs down the sides and then it just stays in the slabs on the door side. Why he didn't put gutter all round I don't know. And not sure why he did a flat roof either. These builders seem to do what they want rather than what I want. pffft.

He's still not answered my text message I sent him on Wednesday asking him to pop over with the Johnsons and take a look at the door again.  Good job I had a fiddle after watching YouTube videos and done a half decent job myself. There's still a tiny gap but its better than it was. 

Moan over! lol

My friend Chloe doesn't seem too bad with her covid, she's been out to Tesco's and taken her dogs for a walk , she's 80 in March. She is still very ratty and short tempered and arguing with everyone. She upset the hospital appointments clerk who told her she was not to be bullied and that she was going to contact the police about Chloe having a go at her. hoops.  At this rate Chloe will end up having a heart attack or stroke, and no friends. We're all sick of her. And now she's got covid she's even worse, ringing us all more than ever. 

Hope the weather's better for your trip to Wiltshire tomorrow Starry. 

Diane, Needle Punching is ruddy hard work, I wouldn't have thought it was suitable for older ladies who may have a tough of arthritis. Hopefully they won't do it again after everyone's finished their project. 

If walking was good for you postmen would be immortal
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