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Sun Sep 22 8:28 pm  #5301

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.  

Paul and Hannah were planning to take me to Totnes for a wander round today. I'd been browsing keyboards - got a hanker to have a fiddle with one and been looking on marketplace. Just missed what looked like a good deal and while they were in the sea yesterday I was browsing again and found another one at Saltash (on the way to Totnes) and after messaging arranged to collect it this morning.  So I put the alarm on as it was supposed to be an early start, missed breakfast and was ready waiting --- and waiting.   They came eventually and off we went. One minute it's raining, next minute dryer, next minute lashing down and unable to see through the rain and spray.  It changed from second to second. Amazing weather.  Got to Saltash and collected the keyboard then Paul had also got a collection from Gunnislake ... another detour round. Collected that and went in the back way to Totnes, missing the tolls.  Luckily it was dry walking round Totnes ... not much open but we had a wander.   Drove back mainly dry but lashing down when it rained.  Some odd weather.  Had a meal at a pub and home again.

Needle punching is hard work Hazel.  I will finish (hopefully) the bee and that will be it !!!!

xx Diane 

Mon Sep 23 6:47 am  #5302

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, we had a long day yesterday a lot of driving but my step daughter cooked a fantastic roast beef lunch the best I have had in years.
We are taking my mother for to hospital soon for a check up on her bladder cancer which is always a bit nerve wracking for her she gets extremally nervous which makes everything worse.
Wet day here but yesterday although they forecast heavy rain we did not get any.


Mon Sep 23 8:15 am  #5303

Re: Good Morning

Hello everyone.

Its dry here but cloudy.

I'll be off to bowls this afternoon.

This morning I wanted to do some more end darning in the blanket, but the keyboard will be calling. I realised I hadn't got the music stand and when I contacted the seller her son hadn't handed it to me so she is going to post it.  I used to play a piano when I was at school and actually won a scholarship to a music academy but then met Al and lost interest. I haven't played since then and I'm wondering whether there is any information left in the memory bank at all.  Looking at the keyboard, I'm thinking not!!!

​That's amazing that you didn't get any rain yesterday Starry 

xx Diane 

Tue Sep 24 8:00 am  #5304

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

I can't make out if its damping outside or not but it looks like it will be soon.

Not sure whether to go down to Age UK or not this morning 

xx Diane 

Tue Sep 24 11:25 am  #5305

Re: Good Morning

Good morning ,the morning has gone so quickly, Pippa came round for a coffee first thing and before we knew it it is was midday! 
My mothers app. yesterday  was not good she has now got cancer in one of her kidneys so we are going to have to make a few decisions as to how we go forward.
Diane have you played anything on your keyboard yet, I think you will find it all comes flooding back and you will surprise yourself.


Wed Sep 25 7:36 am  #5306

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's a damp morning here.  

I'm off to Knit and Natter this morning then WI Craft Club tonight

Not yet Starry.  Not much seems to have flooded back yet. Practising scales and chords  Trying to get both hands to work simultaneously and independently 

xx Diane 

Wed Sep 25 7:50 am  #5307

Re: Good Morning

Good morning, it is  raining here, we might go into Chichester , there are a few things things I need to get , they have a market on Wednesdays  and there is a stall with lots of garden ornaments etc, I want to get my daughter a Dandelion , it is  made from metal and looks amazing it is very dainty , I saw it in the summer and thought it was a bit pricey , but having looked for one somewhere else I think it is actually quite a good price so I hope he still has them on the stall. Dandelions are her favourite flower , she has a flower bed under her oak tree and the colour is amazing.


Thu Sep 26 9:05 am  #5308

Re: Good Morning

Good morning everyone.

It's sunny at the moment but more, possibly heavy rain is forecast.  It lashed it down through the night. 

I've just got a little food shopping to do and that is me done for the day.

It was great fun at WI Craft last night. We tied a knot in a plastic bag, turned t inside out, blew it up a bit and dabbed it through paints and dabbed it on paper.  Very effective.

xx Diane 

Thu Sep 26 6:13 pm  #5309

Re: Good Morning

Diane  the plastic bag painting sounds like fun. We have had gale force winds  and torrential rain most of the day,  several pots got blown over and the trees are really losing their leaves now. 
Not  much  on  over the next few days , I have started doing some embroidery , it is years since I have done any so thought it would make a change , I think I will be doing some over the next few days  .


Fri Sep 27 12:07 pm  #5310

Re: Good Morning

Good morning , it is still very wet and windy here.
We have just got back from  a  Macmillan  coffee morning , Paul had the biggest slice of chocolate cake I have ever seen , it was nice to catch up with people who live in the road but we don't see very often.

We have just put the heating on it felt cold when we got home !


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